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Larry S. Pierce Version: 16-Oct-2010 all rights reserved
There are many references to Pierce/Pearce/Peirce/Pearse/Piercey in the early records of Rappahannock, Essex, Spotsylvania, Caroline, Orange and Culpeper Counties. In many cases, the participants did not leave wills or other explicit mention of family relationships. In an attempt to sort out the relationships of these early Pierces and to potentially connect them to the William Pierce (~1705-1760; Group A in the Pierce DNA Project) who married Elizabeth Rucker in what would become Orange Co., VA, these records have been compiled. Annotations to persons appearing in the records have been added (within brackets [] and in italics) containing genealogy (usually parents and spouse) and connections with each other and to Pierces, if known. It is known that families associated and intermarried generation after generation. Therefore, if two Pierces have association with each other or if they associate with the same person, group of persons or group of surnames over time, then it is a good indication that those two Pierces are related. Conversely, if their spheres of associations do not intersect, then it is a good indication that they are not related.
This is the cast of Pierces (* denotes that the person has been placed into one of the register reports included at the end of the data):
Copeland Pierce (Caroline 1774)
*Francis Pierce of Essex Co. and Elizabeth & Mary (Old Rappahannock Aug 1684 - Essex Jul 1712 – 19 Sep 1723)
George Pearce (Old Rappahannock 1661/2)
*Jeremiah Pierce No. 1 of Caroline Co. and Elizabeth (Spotsylvania Mar 1732/3 – Nov 1735; Caroline Mar 1732 – Aug 1782)
*Jeremiah Pierce No. 2 & Lettice (Culpeper Mar 1755 – Aug 1765; went to KY 1770’s)
*John Pierce No. 1 and wife Hester (Walker) of Richmond Co., son of Col. Wm Pierce of Westmoreland (Richmond 1693-1698)
*John Pierce No. 2 and wife Sarah (Essex Jul 1704) and their orphan son John [referred to as John, son of John and in need of 4 years of schooling, e.g. 10-14. The lack of records from 1704-1736 indicates that this orphan John probably died young or left Essex Co. so as to not leave any records, and is not the John Pierce who lived in Caroline in the 1760s & ff.]
*John Pierce No. 3 (Spotsylvania Sep 1736 [summoned to testify; he could have lived in Caroline, as in 1738 when he is specified as living in Caroline]; Caroline Mar 1737/8 -Jun 1755 (estate mentioned))
*John Pierce No. 4 (Caroline Feb 1765; Culpeper Apr 1772– 1796)
*Joseph Pierce (Caroline Aug 1783 – Jun 1784 two suits)
*Sarah Pierce, widow of John Pierce of Hanover Co. He died c.1767 (Caroline Nov 1767 – Jul 1773)
Vincent Pierce (Spotsylvania 1725-8)
*Col. William Peirce of Westmoreland and Sarah Underwood (Westmoreland 1661 - 1702); his son John
*Will Peirce, called Junr in a document including Col. Wm. Peirce of Westmoreland, so in all probability is his son (Old Rappahannock 1680-1683)
*William Pierce No. 1 of Orange Co. and Elizabeth Rucker (Spotsylvania May 1731 – May 1734; Caroline Nov 1733 only and then paid to travel 10 miles, Orange Aug 1735 – Mar 1737 gap until Apr 1754 Mar then 1760 estate)
*William Pierce No. 2 of Culpeper Co. and Mary Stanton (Culpeper Apr 1757 - May 1771; by 1773 was cutting hemp in Montgomery Co, VA; settled in Wythe Co., VA)
*William Pierce No. 3 and Ann Tunstall (Culpeper Mar 1772 – May 1777)
William Pierce No. 4, the orphan of George Pierce (Caroline Apr 1749)
8 Nov 1661 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1656-1664, p. 165: This Bill Bindeth me Dennis Swellifant [Dennis Sullivant had several grants on the north side of the Rappahannock (which would become Lancaster Co.)] my heirs & assignes to pay unto Robert Viccaridge [sometimes elsewhere referred to as Capt. Robert Viccaridge merchant of Bristoll (i.e., Bristol, England); James Boughan has a similar binding to Viccaridge on p. 166] his heirs of assignes the just sum of Four hundred & fifty one pound of good sount and merchantable Tobacco and cask upon all demands at my now seated Plantacon in Rappahanock County Witness my hand this 8th of Novr. 1661. Test: Tho. Liddell [There is a Thomas Ludwell in Henrico and Westmoreland Cos], George Pearce. [These two 1661 entries are probably signed by the George Pierce (Group F in the Pierce DNA Project) who was born in Bristol, England abt 1640, bought and inhabited land in Lancaster Co. in the 1660s, later moved to Isle of Wight, and was the progenitor of generations of Pierces in that county. Note that there is nothing connecting him to Col. Wm. Peirce of Westmoreland Co., a contemporary, who apparently moved from Isle of Wight Co. out to Westmoreland with the Underwoods. They appear to be migrating in opposite directions.]
23 Feb 1661/2 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1656-1664, p. 165: This Bill Bindeth me George Hastock [This is actually George Haslock, who patented land mainly in current Richmond Co., on the north side of the Rappahannock] my heirs or assignes to pay unto John Peterson of Bristoll Merchant the Junr the sum of one hundred eighty two pounds of good tobacco and caske upon the tenth day of October next ensuing date hereof As Witness my hand this 23 of February 61/62 more due upon this Bill 29 lb. Test: John Hull, George Pearce.
1663 Virginia Land Grants Book 5, p29, Rappahannock Co., 4054 ac Wm Pierce.
1 --- 1664 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1656-1664, pp 295-6: Whereas I William Pearie of Nomini in the County of Westmoreland Gent is possessed of a tract of land cont. Four thousand fifty & four acres situate in the County of Rappa. & Parish of Farnham; begining on the Eastermost side of Rappa. Maine Creek at a marked red Oak [missing] a bent of the sd Creek where the Tripple divideing [missing] breadth NE over a branch caled the Herring Creek [missing] marked red Oak, thence E [missing] standing near the head of George Bryers Creek [missing] the devident of land the Survey for which [missing] in the name of William Mosely [Elizabeth Moseley, daughter of William (~1600-~1657), married William Underwood, the brother of Col. Wm Pierce’s wife Sarah. Her brother William (b.~1624) is probably the William Mosely referred to here.] [missing] in the Secretarys Office the 25th of March [missing] the first of June 1663 but there being a [missing] Subscribing [missing] or for my use & declaiming agt. It George [missing] procured a joint Pattent for the aforesd land [missing] above written I William Pearie [missing] William for me my heirs Exrs. Administrator [missing] aforesd is invallid & void in Law & the [missing] & legall agt me my heirs Exrs. [missing] Right or title thereunto from [missing] the Just title of the sd George Briyer [missing] by these presents oblige my self [missing] -yer & Richd Lawrence or either of them [missing] the first day of Augt. Next Relinquish my [missing] Survey therefor and which drawing my Right [missing] out of the Secretarys Office & likewise deliver [missing] Certificate under the Clerk of the Secretarys [missing] before the first day of Aug. next & further I William Pearie [missing] of the Just & legall title of George Bryor & Richard L [missing] my self my heirs & assignes never at any time hereafter [missing] the sd land & likewise to save defend & keep harmless the sd George Bryor & Richd. Lawrence their heirs or assignes from any persons whatsoever [missing] or Interest to the sd Land under me or by any Virtue in [missing] whatsoever & further I William Pearie do hereby oblige my self my heirs & assignes to make any further Instrumt. Or devise Laws whatsoever establishing of ye Land aforesaid to the sd George Bryor & Richard Lawrence or either of them & for the renouncing of that title which I the sd William Pearie my heirs or assignes now have or may have unto the land aforesd by virtue of the sd Pattent as they the sd George Bryor & Richard Lawrence or either of them morever the true meaning of this Instrumt. In breif is this that I the sd William Pearie do hereby intent the totall distinction of the title my heirs and assignes to this land & not to maintaine the right of George Bryor & Richard Lawrence except agt. Me my heirs & assignes my hand this first day of [missing, but previous entry is “Recognit in Cur Rappa primo die Junii 1664”] in year 1664. William Pearce. Test: Robert Goodyear, George Davis. [Throughout this transcription, the “c” in Pearce is read by the transcriber (Ruth Sparacio) as an “i”, but the signature is Pearce, and this is the same property that Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland Co. patented above.]
1663-1664 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1656-1664, p.307-8: Know all men by these presents that I Vallentine Peyton Attorney of Stephen Warman do by Virtue of the [missing] William Whitane my true & lawfull Attorney to act in [missing] abovesd Letter of Attorney & what my sd Atto. Shall [missing] full & ample manner as if I my self were personally present. Val Peyton. Witness: Will Peirce. Recordatt 31. [Since this is a witnessing of Valentine Peyton, who lived in Nominy par., Westmoreland Co., this Will Peirce is Col. William Peirce of Nominy par, Westmoreland Co..]
28 Oct 1668 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1677-1682, p. 178: Major Wm. Peirce and Sarah of Westmoreland Co. sell to George Bruce [~1640-1715/6, married Martha Hensfield] 150 ac between the Potomac and the Rappahannock. [The year of this ded is transcribed as 1668, regardless of the volume it is in and that deeds adjacent to it are 1678. This is land on the north side of the Rappahannock;this is Col. Wm. Pierce and Sarah (Underwood) of Westmoreland.]
3 Jul 1672 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1672-1676, p 30-31: Know all men that I Amory Butler [4th husband of Elizabeth (Underwood) Taylor-Slaughter-Catlett-Butler, the sister of Sarah Underwood, wife of Col. Wm Pierce] of Rappa. Clerk doe acknowledge myself to stand indebted unto Mr. William Peirce [i.e. Col. Wm] and Mr. Edward Rouzey [who married Mary Peirce, daughter of Col. Wm] their heirs or assignes in the full and just sum of One thousand pounds of Lawfull Current money of England the which payment well and truly to be made I do bind me my heirs firmly by these presents Int Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 13th day of May in the year and fourth yeare of the Reighe of our Sovereign Charles the Second &c and in year of our Lord 1672. The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Amory Butler his heirs or assignes do truly observe and keepe all and singular the covenants and agreements wch on his part ought to be kept comprized in one Instrument of Writing according to the true meaning of the same that then this obligation to be void or else to remaine and bee in full force. Witness my hand and seale the day and year abovesaid as also a clause at the bottom of the instrument bearing date wth these presents for the acknowledgement of the same wth the other after Marriage. Amory Butler. In presence of us Thomas Lucas Senior, Thomas Lucas Junior. Recognit in Cur Com Rappa Tertio de July, 1672. [Amory Butler was the 4th husband of the above Elizabeth (Underwood) Taylor, Slaughter, Catlett, so this William Peirce is again Col. Wm of Westmoreland.]
6 Jun 1673 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1665-1677, p.136-143: Will of Elizabeth Butler of Sittingbourne parish [just west of Farnham par. – both parishes straddle the Rappa. At this time]. Elizabeth was the daughter of Col. John Underwood of Westmoreland. The will bequethes to “my sister Peirce a mourning Ring of twenty shillings price in England”, and also two cows that were her mothers. [Elizabeth’s (Underwood) Butler’s sister, Sarah Underwood, married Col. William Peirce of Westmoreland.]
6 Nov 1678 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1677-1682, p. 195: Indenture. Charles Tomasson [note: the wife of James Boughan (1637-1696) had the given name of Thomasin.] indentures himself to Thomas Panell [Thomas Pannell made his will May 11, 1676, and probated August 1677, divided his estate between his wife, Katharine, and his children, William, Mary and Isabella and a child unborn. When William bacame of age he sold part of his property. Also, a later sale of Pannell land showed it to be adjacent to John Pierce: 1730 - (King George DBA-1:29-34) Thomas Thatcher of King George to William Wheeler of Westmoreland... deeds of lease and release... 3400 lbs. tobacco... grant tract part in King George and part in Westmoreland & part in Stafford County containing 110 acres... part of 220 acres left to said Thatcher’s wife by her Deced father William Pannell & bounded ... corner tree to Henry Berry & Robert Peck; near Hailes Path; line of George King; John Pearce; Beaver Dam of Jordans bridge; line of Thomas Porter, first granted to one Thomas Harvey by Deeds bearing date of 20 Jul 1697 & by serveral conveyances which other deeds will appear became William Pannells which said tract left by will to be Equally Divided between his two Daughters Katherine and Mary .. the whole containing 220 acres. S/Katherine [X] Thatcher, Thomas Thatcher; Wits: Chas. Sealle, Benj. Strother, Francis Lacon; ..1st May 1730 Katherine solely & secretly examined relinquished her dower.] for four years for four barrells of Indian corn, two cows and 400 ac on Mattepony Swamp, originally granted to Augustine Warner [1611-1674; lived in Gloucester Co., VA, married Mary Townley]. Thomas Pannell signs 30 Nov 1672; wit: Henry Thackery [Henry Thacker lived in Middlesex Co., married a Conway], Tho. Patty [Thomas Petty and family appears to have lived on the south side of the Rappahannock, having entries in Essex, Orange and Culpeper after 1692, when Rappahannock was split]. Charles Thomasson signs 7 Aug 1676 that he received the corn from Katherine Pannell; wit: Richd Combe. Charles Tomasson assignes all his right and title of the indenture onto Thomas Swinburne 16 Oct 1677; Teste Thomas Peirce, Walt. Naugin. Recorded 6 Nov 1678. [The Matteponi River, the head of which is where Matteponi Swamp probably lies is a tributary of the York R., and so is well south of the Rappahannock, and the two witnesses are south as well. Thomas Pannell was granted 26 Sep 1668 646 acres on the south side of Rappahannock River and four miles inland (Grant Record Book 1671-1676, page 66). He bought more land on the south side of the river in Nov 1668. Thomas Pannell and John Prosser were granted 2400 acres in St. Ann's Par, 4 Nov 1673 - Royal Grant Book, vol.3, page 89, Richmond Co., VA (further south) for transportation of 49 persons. On 12 Apr 1673 Thomas Pannell purchased land from John and Margaret Prosser on the north side of the river in Sittenbourne Parish. At one point, the Pannell family owned over 5200 acres in Virginia This is the only reference to a Thomas Peirce at this time period, so he is a mystery. It could be hypothesized that such a witnessing as a first record means that Thomas Peirce had just become of age, and that the lack of further record means that he died shortly thereafter. If so, he would be about the right age to be a sibling of Francis and William Pierce of Old Rappahannock. A Thomas Pierce received a patent in Warwick Co. in 1673/4, but Warwick is between the James and York rivers, so is rather far south for that to be the same Thomas who witnessed up in the Rappahannock valley.]
1 Dec 1680 Old Rappahannock Deeds, p. 295-6: Wm. Pears of Westmoreland was intrusted by Coll. More Fantleroy [2nd husband of Mary Underwood, sister of Col Wm’s wife Sarah] to enter a survey and take out a patent in his name for 4054 ac, which was patented in 1663, now assignes the same to William Fantleroy [Col. Wm’s nephew], son. 3 Nov 1680. Willi. Peirce. Wit: Wm. Birdall, Wm. Hopkins. Next item: William Pearce appoints “my well beloved Friend, Capt. Thomas Gouldman” [Thomas Gouldman (~1640-1684) married Alice (said to be Awbrey, dau Henry, but she is usually given a birth year of 1642 and he 1637, so there is a discrepancy there); they had children: Edward, married Martha Waring (dau Thomas W and Rebecca Fox); Thomas, married Dorothy North (dau Augustine N and Dorothy); Robert; Francis, married Mary Meador (dau Thomas M and Sarah Hoskins); Mary; and Martha, married Wilson. Awbreys were among the genility (as was Col. Wm Peirce, but also married into the Meador and Moss families (and see later)] attorney to acknowledge the above deed. 3 Nov 1680. Willi. Peirce. Test: Wm Birdall, Will Peirce, Junr. [This again concerns the above 4054 ac patent of Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland that was in Rappahannock Co.]
3 Sep 1683 Old Rappahannock Deeds 1682-1686, p. 66-7: To all xpian people to whom these presents shall come, I, Stanley Gower [the elder, i.e. the one b. 1659, d. 1691-1700; he is the brother of the Francis Gower who married Sarah Peirce, dau Col Wm. He is sometimes reported to have married Margaret Peirce, dau Col Wm, and, indeed, the other marriages of Margaret (Robert Wickliffe abt 1692 and William Graham 1698-1701 leave some time for her to have been born in the mid 1660’s, marry Stanley Gower ~1680 and he die ~1691 without issue], of Farnham Parish in the County of Rappa. In Virginia, Planter, sendeth Greeting. Now know yee that I the sd Stanley Gower for a valuable consideration already received by Robert Bunbery [Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Co.s: 1718 Richard Day m. Mary, daughter of Robert Bunberry] of the said County, Cordwindr, with the free voluntary consent of Margaret Gower my now lawfull Wife, have given and do sell unto the said Robert Bunbery and unto his heires all that parcell of land being in the aforesaid County conteyning One hundred and forty acres of land being the residue of Fower hundred & twenty acres of land granted by Patent unto Mr. Francis Gower [Francis Gower is this Stanley’s brother, and married Sarah Peirce, daughter of Col. William Peirce of Westmoreland and Sarah Underwood.] of the Parish aforesaid Ano 1682, the bounds of the said One hundred and forty acres of land beginning at a corner white Oake standing neare the Creek called Hoskins Creek some twenty poles below Richard Gregorys Landing and from thence runing severall courses untill it meets with the land of the said Gregory [Richard Gregory is believed to have married a Katherine Armstrong (~1656-~1710) before 1678] and of ye Widdow Armstrong [prob. Wife of Robert Armstrong, transported to VA in 1654; married Elizabeth Young about 1656; married 2nd Dorothy Marriott ~1670; they lived on 4000 ac "on the southside in the freshes of Rappahannock River, about 12 miles above Nanzemum town on Eastward side of a navigable creek called Wyre Creek"; he died 1677-1680] & of Thomas Gaines [Cavaliers and Pioneers Patent Book No. 6; Pg 14: Thomas Gaines 1030 acs. Rappa. Co., 27 Feb. 1665/6, p. .18. S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the maine Pocoson of Piscataway Cr. above land of Hutson & Holt. opposite to land of James Vaughan, running over branches of Hoskins Cr. &c. Trans. of 21 pers] by the aforerecited Pattent relation being had may appeare. To have and to hold the said One hundred and forty acres of land unto the said Robert Bunbery and unto his heires for ever togeather with its members and all privilidges he the said Robert Bunberry his heires paying unto our Sovereigne Lord the King all such rents and services as may hereafter become due and I the said Stanley Gower with my aforesaid Wife, Margaret, doe grant that we have absolute authority to sell and dispose of the said land and that the title of the same hereby transferred over unto the said Robert Bunbery and obleidge ourselves to acknowledge this Instrumt. Of Writing as our act and deed in any Court that shall be held for the abovesd County of Rappa. When required. In Witness whereof I the said Stanley Gower & Margaret my Wife have putt our hands and seales this 3rd day of September 1683. Stanley Gower, Margaret Gower. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of us: Will Peirce, William Bridges. Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa 5 die 7bris et recordatr xx2 die. Test: Tho. New, Cl Cur p temp. Know all men by these prsents that I Margaret Gower doe appoint my loveing friend, Mr. Samuel Bayley [must be closely related to the John Bayley who married Anne Pierce, dau Col. William, whose other dau Sarah married Francis Gower, the brother-in-law of this Margaret Gower], to be my Attorney to acknowlege my right of Dower of this within mentioned Deed of Sale from me or my assignes as Witness my hand the 3rd of September 1683. Margaret Gower, her marke. Wit: Willi. Peirce, Wm. Bridges. Recordatr xx2 doe 7bris 1683. [Cavaliers and Pioneers Patent Book No. 7; Pg 229: Mr. Francis Gower, 420 acs., Rappa. Co., S. side Rappa. River; on SE side of Hoskins Cr., 20 Apr. 1682, p. 125. Beg. below Richard Gregorie's (Gregory) landing; adj. Mr. Thomas Games (or Gaines) below his house, by the Creek Marsh, &c. 140 acs. granted Mr. James Williamson 14 Nov. 1653; 280 acs. newly taken & due him for trans. of 6 pers: Alice Woolfe, Willriam Reyton, Mary Hudson, An Barklett, William James, John Codon. Also: 14 Feb. 1679/80 Old Rappahannock Deeds 6, p.107: Richard Gregory "of Farnham Parish in Rappahannock County, planter, deeded 250 acres located in Farnham Parish, Rappahannock Co., VA, to William Stone in Old Rappahannock Co., VA; on the south side of Hoskins Creek and adjacent to John Medor, John Gatewood, Thomas Wheeler and Mary Gregory. Francis Pierce of Essex Co. witnessed the will of John Meador in 1721, and received a payment from the estate 1723. The William Pierce who witnessed this deed was probably not Col. Wm of Westmoreland, but more likely his son, same as 1 Dec 1680, above.]
4 Aug 1684 Old Rappahannock Will Book 1682-1687, p.040-41: Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Mr. Robert Gullock [per Robert Gullock’s will, he is cousin of Edward Rowzee (1676-1726 Essex), whose mother was Mary Gullock. This Edward Rowzee married Mary Peirce, daughter of Col. Wm. Peirce and Sarah Underwood, and lived on the south side of the river. Note: of all the children ascribed to Col. Wm., a Francis is not among them, even though he would be about the right age to be a child of Col. Wm.] deceased taken by Mr. Robert Moss [Robert Moss (1631-1685) was the brother of John Moss, who married Mary Boughan, sister of John Boughan, whose daughter Mary married John Pickett (& see below). The Moss family lived on the south side of the river, in what would become Essex Co.], Mr. Robert Pley [Robert Pley, aged 42, witnessed the will of Edward Rowzee Sr. (married Mary Gullock) in 1676. Edward Rowzee Jr. married Mary Peirce, dau Col Wm. Robert Pley also witnessed the will of Thomas Whitlock Jr., the son from Mary Gullock’s 1st marriage to Thomas Whitlock Sr.] & Thomas Parker [Thomas Parker and Elizabeth his wife had a son Jeremiah who married a daughter of Robert Moss and was mentioned in Robert Moss’s will written 8 Aug 1685. Thomas Parker’s widow Elizabeth married Robert Pley bef 1697]. Credits: Cattle at Mrs. Gibson, Richd French, Mr. Clapham [Wm Clapham 1653-Jan 1699/1700 married (2nd) Mary Payne, daughter of Robert, and sister of the Robert taught by Tho. Parker, below], James Yates, 25pr shoes from Tho. Scups, list of items. Bills [Debits] from Edmund Cunstock [Gunstocker] alias Indian Ned [Indian Ned, a detribalized Nanzatico, lived on the north side of the Rappahannock (see Willis Family in the Northern Neck of Virginia)], James Tompkins, John Rolt, Tho. Parker in part for teaching Robt. Pays [prob. Robert Payne, who is mentioned in Gullock’s will. Robert Paynes father Robert died in 1675, patented acreage on both sides of the river near the town of Nanzatico. Thomas Parker was indeed a schoolmaster, as in: Essex Co. Deed Book No. 2, p.2. Deed. 14 Jan 1692/3. Simon Miller, planter, of Essex County, to Tho. Parke, schoolmaster, of Essex Co. "know ye that I the said Simon Miller for several good considerations me hereunto moving and likewise for the Love and affection that I the said Simon Miller bear unto Tho Parke of the County of Essex schoolmaster", as much land as he shall have use of during his (Parke's) life, in Richmond County, and at his death to return to Miller's estate. This land "in the County of Richmond on the North side of Rappahannock River on the back side of Mr Hugh French his Plantation on the further side of a Marsh of Water between the Line of Mr Antho: Savage and the Line of Robert Paine"], George Boyce, “one Bill of Fran. Peirce to be paid p Doctr. Hubbart” [Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties 1655-1900, Book O, p.1: The widow of John Barrow married Dr. Moses Hubbert. Moses Hubbert witnessed a deed from Wm Underwood to Saml Blumfield 3 Oct 1682 Old Rappahannock; also witnessed the will of John Willis in 1687. He lived in that part of Rappahannock that would become King George Co. (north side, across from Caroline Co.) next to Edward Gunstocker (and see above bill)], James Tomkins, Nicho. France, John Amose. Signed: Robert Moss [Robert’s brother, John, married Mary Boughan. Mary Boughan’s brother James’ wife Mary married 2nd Francis Pierce], Robert Pley, Tho. Parker. Sworn before: Hen. Awbrey. [First mention of Francis Pierce, and seems to tie him to Rowzees, Awbrey, Moses Hubbert and thus the Col Wm Peirce line.]
2 Sep 1688 Christ Church parish, Middlesex: “Edward Pierce & Katherine Humphryes of this pish was marryed” [John Humphryes was the clerk of the parish c.1666, when Henry Thacker was a vestryman (see 6 Nov 1678 Thomas Pierce item).]
28 Aug 1691 Old Rappahannock Court Deeds 1688-1692, p. 264-5: Know all men by these presents that I Johanna Hudson [~1638-~1698; dau of Edmund Lindsay; married Richard Hudson 3rd; apparently always of MD; 1st husband Owen Jones had land in Stafford Co., VA that he had purchased from James Lindsay] of Charles Citty County in the Province of Maryland for sum of Forty pounds Sterling to me in hand paid by Mr. Richard Booker of Glocester whereof I Johanna Hudson do acknowledge I do make over unto the sd Richard Booker his heirs this within mentioned Bill of Sale or Deed together with all my right and further I the sd Johanna Hudson doe warrant the sale of the within mentioned land from me my heirs forever. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 28th day of August One thousand six hundred and ninety one. Johanna her mark Hudson. Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of Mary Ducksberry, Cornls Buthell, David Cogwell [Coghill], Rowland Perion.
Know all men by these presents that I Jonathan [Johanna?]Hudson of Charles Citty County in the Province of Maryland do appoint my loving friend Mr. Wm Peirce of Rappa. County in Virginia to be my true and lawfull Attorney to acknowledge a Bill of Sale I have assigned over unto Richard Brook of Glocester County bearing a date with these presents Ratifying what my sd Attorney does in the premises as if I were personally myself present as Witness my hand and seale this 28th of August 1691. Jonathan [Johanna?] marke Hudson. Test: Row. Pirson, David Cogwell [sicL: Coghill, b. 1643 son of James]. [this is the first mention of a Mr. William Pierce of Rappahannock Co., not Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland, but rather a William Pierce who actually is of Rappahannock Co.; Col. Wm is always referred to as of Westmoreland. It is possible that he is identical to Will Pierce, son of Col. Wm (as in 1 Dec 1680), who witnessed in Rappahannock Co., but more likely that he is the William Pierce of Rappahannock who is the brother of Francis Pierce because of the Coghill/Rucker connection (see below).]
[27 Oct 1707 Essex Deeds 13, p51: Richard Booker of Abington Parish (Glouester Co.) to Frederick Coghill of St. Ann’s Parish … 56 acres, part of patent gtd his father James Coghill, for 1050 acs … branch of Cockell Shell Cr and in William Scott’s line … unto James Coghill’s 150 acres … wit James Coghill, Samuel Poe. Richard Booker nominate Thomas Short my atty to ack deed unto Fredricke Coghill. Wit: James Coghill, Samuel Poe. [Frederick Coghill married Sarah Goss, the daughter of Susannah Reynolds and Thomas Goss; but Susannah married 2nd Thomas Meador (abt 1673- 1717/8), son of John.]
[And on the same 56 acres: 28 Jan 1708 Essex Co. Deeds 13, p90-1: Frederick and Sarah Coghill to Peter and Elizabeth Rucker … lease for their lives 56 acres … branch of Cockelshell Cr in William Scott’s line … corner to sd Coghill’s 100 acres … line of James Coghill’s … part of 1050 acre patent to sd Coghill’s father. (signed) Frederick (F) Coghill, Sarah (X) Coghill. Wit Richard Cooke, Thomas (T) Jack. (sic) Robert Marshall atty for Sarah, relinq dower. [Essex D&W No. 13 p. 90-91] Jan 28, 1708 Frederick & Sarah Coghill ‘for the kind love and affection I owe to John, Peter and Thomas Rucker, sons of the within named Peter, land after the expiration of within lease to Peter & Elizabeth. (signed) Frederick (F) Coghill, Sarah (X) Coghill. [Elizabeth Rucker, daughter of sd Peter and Elizabeth, married William Pierce, son of Francis and presumed nephew of the above Wm.]].
1 Aug 1692 Christ Church parish register, Middlesex: “Charles the Sone of Edward & Katherine [nee Humphryes, see 2 Sep 1688] Pierce was borne 1st of Aug 1692”. [Edward Pierce seems to have had no land records in the Rappahannock valley – a mystery except for his several entries in the Christ Church register]
2 Aug 1693 Richmond Co., VA Records 1692-1704, p.85: Agreement. Morgan Williams [(<1650 - ~29 Jun 1698; Westmoreland Order Book 1, p. 164: Mary and William Stewart, the two younger children of James and Katherine Stewart were deeded property in 1679 by their stepfather, Morgan Williams] and Wm Steward having jointly purchased from Mr. John Peirce and Hester his wife 267 acres in Rappa. On westward side of Rappa. Creek “that wee are fully satisfied with our proporconable parts layed out and divided by Mr. Edwin Conway [Edwin’s sister, Eltonhead Corbin Conway, married Henry Thacker/Thatcher, and John Pierce had land adjacent to Thomas Thatcher, see 6 Nov 1678]”. The line drawn from a state in Jonah Wilson’s line on 2 Febry 1692/3. That part SW and W to Williams: that part SE to Steward. Signed Morgon Williams, Wm X Steward. Wit: David X James, Mary X James. Rec. 11 Aug 1693. [Rappahannock Creek is now known as Cat Point Creek, on the north side of the Rappahannock almost directly across from Tappahannock. The John Pierce who married Hester Walker is the son of Col. Wm Pierce of Westmoreland. 1 Jun 1698 Col. Wm qualified on John’s will.]
6 Jan 1697 Henrico Co., VA Marriages: Francis Pearce & Spouse: Katharine Cresby [Henrico Co. is two rivers south of the Rappahannock, so probably a different Francis Pierce than the one is Essex Co.]
1 Jun 1698 Richmond Co., VA Orders 1692-1708, p.74: Col. William Peirce qualified on the will of John Peirce, late of this county, gent. The petition of William Parnell and Frances, his wife, that William Mills, formerly of Rappahannock, had land which descended to Ann, his daughter, and wife unto John Burkett, now deceased, and Elizabeth, mother of the said Frances, now said Elizabeth's sole heir.
8 Oct 1698 Essex Deeds &c: last will and testament of Jonathan Grills. He gave unto his daughter Ann Grills a tract of land containing 120 acres. In case his wife Ann Grills died, Jonathan willed that all his land lying on Pisscuttawaya Creeke [This may have been land originally patented by Jonathan Pigg: Old Rappahannock County, Virginia 1682-1686: “Know all men by these presents that I John Pigge of New Kent County doe assigne over all my right of this pattent to William Young his heires forever from me my heires and warrant the same from me my heires or any persons that shall lay clayme thereto from us only a jundred acres sold to Jonathan Grills excepted and doe obleidge my slef to acknowledge the sam in Rappa Court upon demand and to the same I sett my hand and seale this first day of August 1684. John PIGGE. Signed in presents of us:Mary Hodges, Laurence Tayler. The contents of this Pattent acknoweldged by Jno Pigg to Wm Young except one hundred acres.”] be equally divided between his daughter Ann and his wife’s two sons, Francis and Wm. Peircy [Francis Pierce see 4 Aug 1684 eg; Wm Pierce see 28 Aug 1691]. The will was recorded on August 10, 1699 by the executrix, the widow Ann Grills, who by now had become Ann Brasier, wife of John Brasier. [Sept 1695 Jonathan Fisher buys land next to Jonathan Grill; Francis Pierce sells land to Benjamin Fisher (son of Jonathan) 10 Jul 1712.]
13 Nov 1699 Essex Co. Deeds &c 10: William Journey agst. John & Ann Brasier, a suit over their execution of the Grills will, p.25 case continued, and p.33 (1700) the case being dismissed for want of prosecution. [The relationship of William Journey to Jonathan Grills is unknown. William Journey’s will (Essex 1705, pp134-135) mentions wife Ann, sons Wm and Daniel, dau Elizabeth, who is to live with her grandmother Elizabeth Falkner. Exors: Ann Falkner and Francis Merriwether.]
7 Apr 1702 Westmoreland Co. Wills 1654-1800: Col. Wm. Pierce of Cople, gent.; 20 Feb 1701 probated 7 Apr 1702. To Pierce & Stanly Gower 300 acres of land; grandson Samuel Bayley son of John land; grandson Wm. Pierce [son of John and Hester] at 20 years of age; daughter Elizabeth Bridges, Margaret Graham and Mary Rowsey; Thomas Marson and Rachel his wife 1,000 lbs, tobacco [Marson at this point is guardian of William Pierce son of John; he is removed ~1705]; exrs: Thomas Marson and grandson Wm. Pierce; my son John Pierce the deceased father of grandson Wm.; my wife Sarah one negro and her thirds
23 Jul 1703 Christ Church par., Middlesex Co.: Judith bapt. dau. Jeremyah Peirce. [Oddly enough, the parish register of St. Peter in New Kent Co. also has an entry: “Judith daughter of Jeremyah Peirce baptis. 24 July, 1703”. Jeremiah Pierce would be in the Francis and William Pierce generation and very close to Essex Co., where they lived. Francis named a son Jeremiah, but if Francis and William had a brother, he would have been mentioned 8 Oct 1698. He is therefore unrelated or a cousin.]
1704 The Quit Rents of VA: Henrico Co.: Francis Peirce, John Peice [without the r]; William Peirce. [Again, Henrico Co extended up both sides of the James River, but is two river valleys away, on the other side of the York R. - too far from the Rappahannock valley to be the same Pierces as in Essex Co. although the names are quite coincidental. Some more on Henrico: John Baker of Henrico Co. was a neighbor to Seth Ward, Richard Ward, Henry Miller, Joseph Bourne, Robert Craddock, Luke Boyes, Nathaniel Tatum, Captain John Davis, William Farrar, and Thomas Parker (same as 4 Aug 1684?). Farrar had patented his land in the gleabe of Varinae on June 11, 1637 and claimed head rights for 40 persons including Jonathan Baker and William Baker. John Baker sold in 1636, 150 acres of land to William Pierce and Francis Pierce in Henrico County bounding a creek known as "Roundabout". The Roundabout is on Turkey Island Creek near Baker's property in Varinae. Captain William Pierce (father of Col. Wm of Westmoreland) had been the commander of Jamestown and lived at Bakers Point on Mulberry Island where a William Baker was indentured to him in 1624.]
11 Jul 1704 Essex Co. Deeds &c 12 p. 26: Deed of Gift, Sarah Goswell of South Farnham par., widow, gives "my loving son John Peirce son of John Peirce my late Dec'ed husband" 50 acres "lying on the back side of Mr. Thomas Gaines [Cavaliers and Pioneers Patent Book No. 6; p.14: Thomas Gaines. 1030 acs. Rappa. Co., 27 Feb. 1665/6, p.18. S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the maine Pocoson of Piscataway Cr. above land of Hutson & Holt. opposite to land of James Vaughan, running over branches of Hoskins Cr. &c. Trans. of 21 pers: William Blaze. Kath. Royner, Margtt. Royner, Roht. Flewelling, Francis Evans, Alice Potter. Wm. Milborne, Elinor Parker. Wm. Quid. Roht. Flory. Alexr. Berry. Mary Weekes. George Poole, Rich. Evans. Ann Leson. Elianor Fishmay. James Williamson, Thomas Lynard, Thomas Hackett, Roht. Hogg, Jno. Lucas.] upon hoskings Creek [Hoskins Creek] in So. F. par. "which said Land was Given to me by the Last Will and Testament of Henry Goswell my late Dec'ed Husband". John Peirce failing in heirs the land to go to John Kersey of Middlesex Co. and his heirs forever. Signed Sarah (x) Goswell; Wit: Fran. Moore [a Francis Moore married Ann Harbin 1705 Essex Co.], Hannah Chers [or Chese, as on p.28 same ref], John Burt. [Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Cos 1655-1900: 1704 Goswell, Henry married Sarah, relict of John Pierce (this book references the above deed as a source). Besides Thomas Gaines, the landowners in the Hoskins Creek area are: William Johnson, John Gregory, and Thomas Edmondson (b.~1645 and married Anne Gregory, dau. John); his daughter Sarah Edmondson married James Boughan (~1682-1722) who sued Francis Pierce and others in Dec 1712. That John Pierce is in the Hoskins Creek area which is where the Meadors lived and where Col. Wm Pierce had his 4054 ac grant. This is not the John who was the son of Col. Wm, though, since that John’s wife was Hester Walker, not Sarah. Can’t seem to find said will of Henry Goswell (which could be Coghill or anything in between).]
11 Jul 1704 Essex Co. Deeds &c 12 p. 28: Bond. 10,000 lb tobc. John Kersey of Christ Church par. Middlesex Co., planter [Christ Church Parish Register, Middlesex Co., VA: John Kersey married 2 Jun 1692 Elizabeth Priestnall], Henry Woodnot of So. Farnham par., planter and France Moore of So. Farnham par, merchant, stand indebted to John Webb of So. Farnham par, for the use of John Peirce, son of John Peirce, late of So. F. par, that if John Kersey gives John Peirce 4 yrs schooling, a mare 2 yrs old, and 3500 lb tobc when he (J.P.) is 21, then this obligation to be void. Signed John (x) Kersey, Henry (x) Woodnot, Francis Moore, Wit: Hannah Chese, Wm Rorie, John Burt. [The orphan John Pierce would seem to be 10-16 yrs of age at this time (from the desire of schooling), i.e., born 1688-1694. The next mention of a John Pierce in the valley is 1736 - a large gap in the records indicating that this later John is a different John Pierce, namely John of Spotsylvania and Caroline Co. the supposed son of Francis. Wm Rorie (~1680-1767) is thought by the internet to have married the widow Hannah Spires, nee Chese abt 1704, but this is a supposition probably based on this very bond witnessing event, and does not explain why she isn’t referred to here as Hannah Spires. Note also that this decd John Pierce with the son John is not John Pierce son of Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland; a John whose only son is a William. In conclusion, this line, as connected to the names herein, does not intersect names with either the Francis Pierce of Essex line or the Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland line. Because of the Middlesex location of some of the players, this line may be connected to the other unconnected line of Edward Pierce found in the Christ Church Parish Register.]
23 Jul 1704 Christ Church parish register, Middlesex Co.: “Mary Pearce y' Daughter of John & Elizabeth Pearce was Baptized y' 23 day of July 1704”. [Mary is the daughter of yet another John (this one married to an Elizabeth), probably a brother of Edward of Middlesex Co.]
27 Feb 1705/6 Westmoreland Co., VA Orders 1705-1721; pg 8: Order for removall from [Thomas] Marson. William Peirce, a Minor Son [and only offspring] of John Peirce, late of Richmond County, Gentleman, deced., and Grandson of William Peirce [see 7 Apr 1702 for will], late of this County, Gentleman, deced., moveing this Court for liberty to chuse a Guardian and makeing choice of a person who lived out of this county, and who also in this Court's oppinion was himself a Minor it was not thought fitt to admitt the same, And for that it also appeared by the Last Will and Testament of his deceased Grand Father aforesaid that hee was principall Legatee in the same and that hee and one Mr. Thomas Marson were appointed Executors of the sd. Will, and that the said William dureing his minority should bee brought upp and educated by the sd. Marson. It was thought fitt the sd. William to continue with him, &c., But upon further Heareing in the matter it appeareing the sd. Marson to bee much deficient in the trust reposed in him by the said Testator in relacon to his the said William's maintenance and educacon the Court have thought fitt to remove him and doe hereby order that William Peirce bee forthwith removed and placed under the care and tuition of Nathaniel Pope, Junr. who hath intermarried with one of the Daughters of the aforesd. William Peirce, deced., and accept to him the said William which said Nathaniel hath now in Court undertaken and assumed upon himself for the maintenance and educacon of the said Orphant suitable to his quality and Estate, And to doe his endeavour tht hee bee instructed in all good literature and it is also further ordered that Mr. Thomas Marson bee annually accountable to and pay the said Pope all such necessary and reasonable charge, disbursment and discounts as hee the said Nathaniel shall moderatly expend and disburse in and about the sd. William's maintenance and educacon as above, And that the sd. Marson bee reimbursed the same on the makeing upp of his Account with the Testator's Estate. [Thomas Marson was mentioned in Col. Wm Peirce’s will, as was his grandson Wm Peirce, who was the ward of Marson. Incidently, Marson’s daughter, Frances, was later convicted of fornication, a charge which was rare in the colony, so she must have been indiscreet.]
24 Feb 1706/7 Essex, Debt. Francis Parse agst. Joseph Burgess owed him 40 shillings and had left the county. [Col. William Burgess, thought to have been born in Wales in 1622, had large family including a Joseph (b.~1670), brought a number of persons into the VA colony, probably along the Potomac (north of the Rappahannock), then led a group of them with his family to Anne Arundel Co., MD, which would fit the having left the county description.]
24 Feb 1706/7 Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683-1728, Folder 2/1707: On 24[?] February 1706/7, James Boughan delivered a judgement in court in the case of Francis Parker against Joseph Burgiss. The original in his hand and with his signature is extant. [Transcribed incorrectly as Parker, this is clearly the continuation of Francis Pierce vs. Joseph Burgess. 8 June 1699 James Boughan, gentleman, was appointed a justice of the peace by order of King William III. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, page 1. He also served in the House of Burgesses. This Boughan was Maj. James (1651-1711/12), and in 1712, Francis Pierce would marry his widow Mary.]
22 Feb 1709/10: Westomoreland Co., VA Orders 1709-1712; pg 12: Peirce &c agst Marson &c. Exo issued v comus Au~ 15th 1710 Judgment is granted William Peirce, Son of John Peirce [son of Col. Wm of Westmoreland] , Gent., deced., against Mr. Thomas Marson for the sum ofthirty six thousand five hundred fifty two pounds of tobacco being ballance ofAccounts between said William and said Thomas, as said William being legally Heir to William Peirce, Gent. deced. or which might be demanded or recovered from said Marson as Executor to William Peirce, deced., and it is ordered Thomas Marson doe pay the same to William Peirce together with all and singular what of the Estate ofJohn Peirce is come to his hands by vertue of his Executorshipp or by any other meanes whatsoever be that ofwhat nature or kind soever which of right belongs or which as Heir or legally to his Father the said William might lawfully demand or recover together with costs als execution, and William Peirce, Daniell McCarty.
10 Jul 1712 Essex Co. Deeds &c p.71. Deed: ffrancis Pearce, planter, of South Farnham Par. Essex Co. [Francis lived South Farnham Parish, the part of Essex that would remain Essex rather than the part that would become Spotsylvania or Caroline], sells to Benjamin Fisher [Benjamin Fisher’s wife is Elizabeth Boughan, dau. Maj. James Boughan], planter, of same par and co., for L30, 70 acres, part of a patent of 440 acres granted John Pigg, dated 22 Dec 1682, in So. F. Par., bounded by Jonathan Fisher's line, Piscataway Creek, line running to mouth of William Covington's Mill Creek, etc. Signed Francis Pearse his mark. Wit: David Wilson, William (x) Price, John Boughan [1684-1720, son of Maj. James Boughan and therefore brother-in-law of Benjamin Fisher; married Susannah Lee]. Elizabeth Pearce, wife to Francis, appeared and relinquished dower rights. Rec. 10 Jul 1712. [This appears to be part of the land that descended to Francis and William from their mother widow of Jon. Grills (see note at 6 Oct 1698), since there is no deed extant of Francis purchasing it. In 1695, Jonathan Fisher (Benjamin’s father) bought 250ac on Piscataway Creek adjacent to Samuel Parry, Thomas Cooper, Jonathan Grill and Richard Taylor. Benjamin apparently is adding to his holdings on Piscataway Creek.][Note two important features that connect this intimately with the next item (lawsuit brought by James Boughan: 1) this deed is executed within one day of the will of Maj. James Boughan (the grandfather of the suer), and 2) between July and Dec 1712, Elizabeth Pierce dies and Francis marries Mary.]
Dec. 1712 Essex Deed &c 1708-14, p.489): Petition. James Boughan [James Boughan “the youngest”, namely the grandson of Maj. James, who got the majority of the estate] vs John Pickett and Mary, his wife, Henry Boughan, Francis Pierce and Mary [note that since Jul 1712 when Francis Pierce and Elizabeth his wife sold land, Elizabeth has died and Francis has married Mary], his wife, and Wm. Cox; petition dismissed (see also pages 511-512). [This lawsuit was precipitated bythe decease of Maj. James Boughan in July of that year:
Essex Co., VA 14 Jan 1711; Recorded 11 Jul 1712: WILL OF MAJOR JAMES BOUGHN(1711-1712), as recalled by Robert Coleman by deposition:
"Robert Coleman of the parish of So Farnham in
the county of Essex. Gent, age about fifty six years, deposeth and saith that on
the fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord xxx 1711 x x this Deponent
was sent for by Major James Boughan late dec’d in his life time to come to him
the said Boughan x x the said Boughan did then desire this Deponent to make his
x x will x x x First I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Francis Stark,
the wife of John Stark x x Land x in King William County containing two hundred
acres purchased by me of "William Kirby x x x and my bay Mare x x I give unto my
grandson Thomas Stark the colt that now belongs to my Bay Mare. x x I give unto
my loving daughter Elizabeth ffisher one gold ring of Twenty shi1lings. I give
unto Sus-anna Jones one cow and calf and one gold ring of twenty shillings. I
give and bequeath unto my loving son John Boughan one gold ring of twenty
shillings price. I let unto my brother Henry Boughan 1/3 part of my water mill
during his Natural life x x and I give my brother Henry all my wearing clothes.
I give and bequeath unto my beloved grand-son James Boughan the son of my son
James Boughan all my land and plantation whereon I now live together with my
water mill and all that tract of land I bought of the Holts together with my old
plantation and Land and a small Island of Land and Marsh Lying before my doore.”
he failing in heirs then to grandson John Boughan the son of my son James
Boughan and he failing in heirs to Brother Henry Boughan and he fail-ing in
heirs next of blood. Balance of Estate to son James Boughan, he to be sole Exor.
dated 14 January 1711 "And this Deponent further saith that after he made the
will x x the said Major James Boughan did sign and seal publish and declare the
said will so made by this Deponent to be his last will and Testament in the
presence of Susanna Jones, and that the said Major James Boughan then did bid
the said Chamberlain Atkins and this Deponent to take notice that he the said
Major James Boughan was not mad nor drunk but was in his right senses x x.”
signed Robert Coleman.
Proved in Essex Court July 11 1712
[The plaintiff was the grandson of Maj. James(1651-1711) & Mary Unknown. Mary Pickett was apparently the only heir of John Boughan (1653-1697), the brother of Maj. James and Mary Moss (daughter of John Moss and Mary Boughan (a sister of Maj. James). Henry Boughan (1658-1738) was another brother of Maj. James. William Cox had married a daughter of John Moss and Mary Boughan (sister of Maj. James). All the other defendants were part of the Maj. James Boughan family. So what does this mean for Mary Pierce? We know that Mary was the recent bride of Francis (since July 1712). The only thing that makes sense of the lawsuit is that Francis Pierce married Mary, the recently widowed Mrs. Maj. James Broughan. She is the heir of Maj. James who brings Francis Pierce into the lawsuit.
Incidently, Wm Cox and Frances (Wood) his 2nd wife had land adjacent to John Pickett and Mary (Essex Deed Book 30 (1761), p24 Feb. 20, 1765, John Pickett and Mary, his wife, of Caroline County, convey by deed of gift, to Mace Pickett, son of the said John and Mary Pickett, all that tract of land the said John and Mary Pickett hold in Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, containing 125 acres , and adjoining lands of William Cox and Henry Cox, and on Piscataway Creek. Witnesses: Edward Vauter, William Pickett, ir [jr?], Mace (M his mark) Pickett, junr.]
[Coleman family and Pierces: Herewith are listed the interactions of Colemans with Pierces in the southern shore of the Rappahannock valley.
11 July 1712 Essex: Robert Coleman (~1655 Rappahannock – 1713 Essex; married Ann Spilsby) above recreated the will of Major James Boughan after some heirs claimed there was no will and had been appointed administrators; among those sued over this act were Francis and Mary Pierce of Essex Co.
17 Feb 1735/6 Orange: Thomas Coleman (1678 King & Queen – 1748 King & Queen; son of the above Robert and Ann; married Mary Lort) was security for William Pierce (son of Francis of Essex) of Orange Co.
13 Jul 1744 Caroline: Robert Coleman (1680 Rappahannock – 1748 Caroline; son of the above Robert and brother of the above Thomas; married Mary (Clayton)) was foreman for a jury on which Jeremiah (son of Francis) Pierce served.
9 Aug 1770 Caroline: Francis Coleman (1735 Caroline – 1771 Caroline) ordered to appraise the estate of John Harris, along with Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline, Thomas Gutridge and James Johnston (the brother-in-law of Francis). Francis was the son of Samuel (1704 Stafford– 1748 Caroline) and Elizabeth (Wyatt); married Hannah Johnston. In turn, Samuel Coleman was the son of the above Robert (1680 Rappahannock – 1748 Caroline) and Mary (Clayton)).
11 Aug 1770 Caroline: William Buckner, William Buckner Jr., the above Francis Coleman, the above Jeremiah Pearce of Caroline & James Johnston or any three of them to appraise the Estate of Robert Robertson.
14 Jun 1772 Caroline: Richard Johnston (brother of the above James Johnston) exor of the above Francis Coleman decd against the above Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline.
15 May 1773 Caroline: Lindsay (~1748) Coleman against the above Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline. Lindsay was the son of Robert Coleman (1721 Spotsylmania – 1795 Orange) and Elizabeth Lindsay (b.1724 Caroline; daughter of James Lindsay and Sarah Daniel). In turn, this Robert Coleman was the son of the above Robert Coleman and Mary (Clayton), and brother of the above Samuel.
11 Jul 1782 Caroline: James Coleman against the above Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline and Edmund Pierce. This James is probably the James (there are several) who was James (~1746 Orange – 1796 Orange; married Elizabeth Coleman, daughter of Thomas (~1717) and Sarah (Farish). Thomas was the son of the above Robert and Mary Clayton) who was the brother of the above Lindsay.
As can be seen, certain closely related Coleman families associated with, in turn, Francis Pierce of Essex, William Pierce of Orange, Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline, and, lastly, Jeremiah and Edmund (in his one appearance in the Caroline records) Pierce.
10 Jan 1715 Christ Chuch parish register, Middlesex Co.: “Catherine daughter of Edward & Rebecca Peirce born Jany ye 10. bapt Mar 18 1715”.
30 May 1718 Christ Church par, Middlesex: “Rebecca Pearce dyed May 30. & was buried June ye 1, 1718”.
2 Aug 1719 Christ Church par, Middlesex: Pearce Edward dyed August ye 2. & was buried Augst ye 3, 1719” [One might think the first and last names were reversed, except that there is another death with them the correct way. The last name is Edward or Edwards unless the minister got it backwards.]
17 Oct 1721 Essex Wills 1722-30, pp 384-385: Francis Pierce witnessed the will of John Meador.
Will of John Meador [John had two large families by two wives (1st Elizabeth White and 2nd Mary Awbrey). The legatees are from both families.] of Essex County, being sick and weak in body, dated 17 Oct. 1721. To my son Thomas Meador one shilling. To my dather Reachell Jordan [dau Eliz (White)] one shilling. To my dather Eliza Armstrong [dau Eliz (White); married John Armstrong] one shilling. To my dather Dinah Tribille [dau Mary (Awbrey); married George Tribble] one shilling. My five sons shall keep their one [own] guns. To my dather Mary Meador [dau Mary (Awbrey)] one gold ring. To my son Jonas Meador [son Mary (Awbrey); married Frances Hudgens] a small peice of land jneine [joining] upon Thomas Evinnses land and runin up to the Church rode that gose from my house. The rest of my lands to my other four sons to be equly devided. My two sons Jobe Meador [son Mary (Awbrey)] and Jason Meador [son Mary (Awbrey); married Elizabeth Stone] exeectirss. To my son Joshua Meador [son Mary (Awbrey)] one Chists not to be appraised and the rest of my estaite to be equally devided amongst my children. My two youngest sones to be at age at seavinteen. My son Jonas Meador to look after them for three years. John Meador seinor
Wit: Samuel Waggener [1680-1729, lived in South Farnham Parish at Hoskins Creek, probably adjacent to John Meador, married Christiana Price], Francis (F) Peairss, Ann (A) Bradbary [The Ann that married James Bradbury ~1720 is thought to be the widow of Hope Meador, John’s son. Ann (Moss) Meador, the widow of Richard Meador (who died in 1718) married 2nd John Bryson or Byron]. 21 Nov. 1721. Presented in Court by Jonas Meador administrator with the will annexed (during the minority of the executor in the said will mentioned). Proved by Samuel Waggoner, Francis Peirce, and An Bradburry.
[Nov. 1, 1713 Catherine and Elenor Proverb, daughters and co-heiresses of Walter Proverb, decd. (in right of the said Walter) and John Pickles [Pickett], patent for 517 acres in St. Mary's Parish, Essex Co. on south side main run of Pumandsen, between patent of John Meadows [Meador’s] and Henry Peters and Alexander Fleming; and adjoins Fleming, Thos. Tinsley and Meadows (Essex VA Patent Book 10, page 104). Note Meador, Pickett, Tinsley all connected with Pierces. 1702 Feb. 9, Essex Co. Deeds & Wills, 1701-1703, Vol. 22/pg. 92 by Sparacio /pg.132; Deed to William Cox, Planter, from Richard & Ann Meaders for 100 acres lying on the west side of Popular Branch of Parish Farnham in County of Essex, VA; this Wm Cox is the same as with Fra. Pierce in the suit of Dec 1712 ]
Dec 1721 Essex Volume 1716-23, Order Book p.617: William Pickett surety for Richard Goode [1670-1726] and Martha his wife [daughter of Bartholomew Vawter and Winifred Hogden. The Vawters would be the neighbors of Peter Rucker and William Pierce in Orange Co. c.1740 and another daughter of Bartholomew, Margaret, married Thomas Tinsley; Isaac Tinsley married Margaret Rucker, dau Peter; Angus Vawter (1718-1785) sold land to Wm Pierce and wife Mary (Stanton)], administrators of the estate of Katherine Pierce, dece. [This is the only mention of Katherine Pierce in the records. This Katherine Pierce, having connections to Pickett, Vawter and Rucker, is almost certainly kin to the Francis Pierce of Essex/William Pierce of Orange line. She has an estate, so is not an unmarried or minor child; therefore is the wife of a Pierce; and since her estate is administered by a non-Pierce, she is therefore a widow Pierce; specifically for example: since Francis died in 1723, she could not be a third wife for him, else he would have administered her estate himself. Refs to Goode: a Katherine Williams (dau John) married Abraham Goad in 1682 in North Farnham Parish; Goad, Gourd, Goode were in the Occupatia Creek area, near (among others) Wm Moseley, Peter Rucker, Richard Coleman, Ralph Rowzee, John Payne, George Pley, Thomas Edmondson. ]
12 Feb 1722 Christ Church par, Middlesex: “Edward Pearse dyed Feb'y ye' 12 & was buried Feb'y ye 14 1722”
19 Sep 1723 Essex Wills, Bonds and Inventories 1722-30: Francis Peirce receives a payment owed him from the John Meador Estate. [While this is a minor payment, and may or may not indicate a family connection, but Francis Pierce also witnessed the will, which suggests that there is indeed a family connection. There is a very oblique connection through Francis’ 2nd wife, the former Mary Boughan (John’s son Richard Meador married Anne Moss, whose mother Mary Boughan was the sister of the 1st husband James Boughan of Francis’ 2nd wife Mary). The families Meador, Moss and Boughan probably did not keep all these connections straight except to know that they were kin, and Francis was now kin having married into the group. In addition, Mary Boughan’s maiden name is not known, and it could very well have been Meador which would be a stronger kin connection. The Meador family in America is reported to descend from Ambrose Meador, who immigrated to Isle of Wight Co., VA by 1636. The Meadors then moved up both sides of the Rappahannock in Old Rappahannock Co. about the same time as the Underwoods (remember that Sarah Underwood married Col. Wm. Peirce of Westmoreland Co.)]
6 April 1725 Spotsylvania Deed Book A 1722-1729, page 94;, Harry Beverly of Spts Co. to Andrew Harrison of Essex Co. 4600 LBS of tobacco, 600a. in SPTS Co. part of a Pat. granted sd. Beverly. Witnesses, Moseley Battaley, Richard Bayley. Rec June 1, 1725' Deed Book A 1722-172 9, page 104; 'Decr. 31, 1728. Andrew Harrison of Spts Co. to Richard Fitz William, Esqr., in trust for himself the Honbl. Wm Gooch, His Majesties Lieut. Governor, Capt. Vincent Pearse, Dr. George Nicolas, and Charlse Chiswell. L70 curr. , 600a in Spts. Co., the sd land purchased by the sd Harrison of Harry Beverly, the sd land having been granted by pat. to the sd. Beverly. Witnesses: William Wombwell Cliff, Tho Jarman, Augustine Graham. Rec. Feby. 4, 1728-9. Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Harrison, acknowledged her dower in sd. land, etc.'
May 1728 Spotsylvania Court Order Book 1724-1730: "A Letter bearing date the 18th day of May last from Mr. Charles Chiswell about giveing notice that the Honble. William Gooch Esqr., Richard Fitzwilliams, Capt. Vincent Pearse, Collo. George Nicholas and himself do intend to erect a Furnace for makeing of Iron by Duglas Run in this County, ordered that the said Letter be kept in the Clerkes Office for the Court to consider ye same when they receive the Act of Assembly. [these two entries are the only mention of Vincent Pierce; he is described in VA Mag History & Bio 13, p.352 as being one of the first inhabitants of the vicinity of Winchester, VA in the Shenandoah Valley (which was part of Spotsylvania at this time), which is a great distance from the other Pierce’s we are interested in here. There seems to be no connection between them.]
5 May 1731 Spotsylvania County Orders 1730-1732: p47 "In the action of Debt brought p James Pickett Plt. agst. William Peirse Defendt. [four entries between 5 May 1731 andd Mar 1732] an alias capias is granted the Plantiff." [1st mention of William Pierce in Spotsylvania, may mean that he was not of age prior to about 1730 (ie, born abt 1709), or that he just moved there. Not a good sign when his first mention in the records includes an alias capias (warrant for his arrest). James Pickett is the son of John and his wife Mary Pickett, who were sued by James Broughan in Dec 1712 along with Henry Boughan, Francis and his wife Mary Pierce and Wm Cox. He lived in King and Queen Co., c.1735, was constable of Orange Co. c.1739 and moved to Anson Co., NC ~1759. The interaction of Francis Pierce of Essex and William Pierce of Spotsylvania/Orange and this Pickett line in Essex & King & Queen to Spotsylvania to Orange Co.s suggests strongly that this William Pierce (eventually of Orange Co.) is the son of Francis Pierce of Essex Co.]
7 Oct 1731 Spotsylvania County Orders 1730-1732: p83 "In the action of Debt between James Pickett Plt. and William Peirse Defendt an order against the Defendt. & his security is granted."
1 Feb 1731/2 Spotsylvania County Orders 1730-1732: p100 "In the action of Debt between James Pickett Plt. and William Peirse Defendt. special bail being required, is granted; afterwards John Rucker [William Pierce's brother-in-law] came into open Court & assumed to be Special Bail for the sd Defendt., And Judgment by writ of Enquiry next Court." [The association of Rucker with this suit proves that this William Pierce of Spotsylvania Co. is the very same as William Pierce of Orange Co.]
March 1732 Spotsylvania County Orders 1730-1732: "In the action of Debt brought p James Pickett against William Peirce Defendt.; ordered that the same be dismist, ye suit being agreed." [see 11 Nov 1734 for more William Pierce and James Pickett]
Jan 1732/3 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1732-1734: "Thomas Rucker acknowledged his Deeds of Lease and Release for Land unto John Rucker and Elizabeth the Wife of the said Thomas; Power of Attorney to John Waller Gent. being first proved by the Oaths of William Rucker & William Peare [undoubtedly a mis-reading of Pearce], the said Waller acknowledged her right of Dower of the said Land unto the said John Rucker at whose motion the same is admitted to record.
8 March 1732/3 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part One 1732-1734/5: Action of trespass and assault. Phillip Easton agst. Jeremiah Pearce. [1st mention of Jeremiah Pierce in Spotsylvania; may mean he was just of age, or that he just moved there] Dismissed.
Apr 1733 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1732-1734: "On the Petition of Jeremiah Peare [this is probably Pearse, as in the case of William Peare, same county clerk in Jan 1732/3] against Joseph Keetton [son of Wm & Elizabeth Keaton] for Four hundred pound of tobacco due by Accot., there being none appearance, the same is ordered to be dismist." [see further Keaton/Pearce connections 8 Nov 1733, and see above same error with William. William Keaton and his 2nd wife Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) of Essex Co. had three sons (James, Joseph & John)] who quarrelled with each other and their mother over the estate of their father. Both Jeremiah Pierce (here in Spotsylvania Co., but later of Caroline Co.), and William Pierce (Spotsylvania Co., but later of Orange Co.) had multiple court dealings with Elizabeth Keaton or her son James Keaton. The both also had multiple dealings with James Pickett (see 11 Nov 1734, Nov 1735). This strongly suggests that they were related. That their first entries in court records were with about a year of one another indicates that they were brothers.]
8 Nov 1733 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part One 1732-1734/5: Action on the case. Eliza. Keaton administratrix etc. of William Keaton agst. John Taylor, John Roy and John Griffin, Gent. Jury, Nicho. Ware, Rice Williams, Gabl. Long, Wm. Marshall, Thomas Estis, George Goodlow, H. White, Edwd. Rouse [Rouzee, son of Edward Rouzee and Mary Peirce, dau. Col. Wm], William Stapleton, Michl. Gining, Wm. Stone and James Chissum. Find for the plantiff L4.1.6. Geo. Goodloe, forman. Next item: 8 Nov 1733 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part One 1732-1734/5: Ordered that Eliza. Keaton pay John Pickett 261 pounds of tobacco for 3 days attendance and coming a going nine miles three times to give evidence for her agst. John Roy etc. Next item: 8 Nov 1733 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part One 1732-1734/5: Ordered that Eliza. Keaton pay William Pearce --- Joseph Roberts [each] 270 pounds of tobacco for three days attendance and coming and going ten miles three times to give evidence for her agst. Roy et al. [This is the John Pickett of John and his wife Mary Pickett, who were sued by James Broughan in Dec 1712 along with Henry Boughan, Francis and his wife Mary Pierce and Wm Cox. He (John Pickett) testified with William Pierce for Elizabeth Keaton, yet another indication that William Pierce is the son of Francis Pierce.
23 Apr 1734 Charles Chiswell [clerk of Hanover Co.], Vincent Pearse and William Allen petitioned the Governor for 60,000 acres of land “on the West side of the River Cohungorooton and bounding Northerly on the East and West lines of the Proprietors of Pensylvania” Cohungorooton was the Indian name for the section of the Potomac R. above the fork of the Shenandoah R. [would have been the eastern part of Allegany Co., MD today]. [Vincent Pearse was one of the early settlers in the Winchester area (VA Mag Hist Bio 13, p.352)]
7 May 1734 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1734-5: p317 "On Petition of Elizabeth Phillips, Admrx. &c. of Thomas Phillips [1684-1734, son of John and Elizabeth (Tobias) of North Farnham Parish] deced. Plt. against William Pearce Defendt., for Three pounds six shillings and seven pence currant money due p account; the summons not being executed, ordered that the same be dismist. (see 1733, July 3 Spotsylvania Orders 1732-4 p. 223 Pet. Elizabeth Phillips, widow, Admix Thomas Phillips dec’d … ordered Thomas Chew [~1700-~1782 son of Larkin Chew and Hannah Roy, married Martha Thompson Taylor] , John Rucker [married Susannah Phillips], Henry Downes [sold William Pierce land in 1745] & William Crawford [William Pierce’s son James married Elizabeth daughter of William Crawford – she may actually be the granddaughter of this William Crawford] to appraise.)
11 Nov 1734 King and Queen County, James Keaton [son of William and Elizabeth; same Elizabeth as 8 Nov 1733] had signed an agreement with William Pearce of that same county. This was witnessed by James Pickett. [James Pickett filed a petition against Jeremiah Pearce in Caroline County on January 10, 1734/5 which was dismissed. The same James Pickett had earlier taken William Pearce to Spotsylvania County court in 1731.] [Note for clarification: there is another William Pierce that lived in King & Queen Co. in 1750-1765 then moved to Amherst Co., VA; died in the Rev. War (probate 1783 Amherst); had a son Obadiah b. 1763 in King & Queen and 7 daus who stayed in K&Q, but since this entry has interaction with James Keaton and James Pickett, this William Pearce is undoubtedly the same one (of Orange Co.) that had previous interaction with James Keaton and James Pickett. This is just before the formation of Orange Co., so maybe the boundaries were such that he was in King and Queen Co. briefly.]
18 August 1735 Virginia Patents 14, pp. 168-170 in margin: William Pierce 100 acres
George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the faith. To all to whom these Presents shall send Greeting. Know ye that for divers good reasons and Considerations but more especially for and in Consideration of the sum of Ten Shillings of good and Lawful money for our use paid to our [Rorison?] General of our [Rorouous?] in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia. We have Given, Granted and Confirmed by these Presents for us our Heirs & Successors Do Give, Grant and Confirm unto William Pierce a [portion] tract or parcel of Land Containing one Hundred acres Lying and being in the County of Orange and in the Fork of the Rappidann River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a white oak in a line of a Parcel Granted to John Rucker & running Then with the said Rucker's Line North four Degrees West two Hundred and Thirty Six Poles to four white oaks Corner to the said John Rucker's [William’s brother-in-law] and William Eddings [husband of Rebbeca Firth and father of the Joseph Eddings who married Mary Stanton, dau of Thomas Stanton Sr. and Sarah Robinson, and the aunt of the Mary Stanton who married William Pierce]. Then with the said Eddings' Lines South Ninety Poles to a red oak and a white Oak & West Two Hundred and Forty Poles to a Chesnut Oak a Spanish Oak and a Pine & Locust to the said William Eddings' & Then South Forty eight Degrees East one Hundred and Thirty Poles to a red Oak and white Oak Corner to George Essond [usually found as Essome, and the family is a mystery – Esson?; granted 300 ac 6 Apr 1734 at this location next to Thomas and John Rucker] Then with the said Essond's Line to Thomas Rucker's Line. Then with the said Thomas Rucker's Line to the beginning. Witnesseth wood and or woods, swamps, marshes, Low grounds, meadows, Foodings and his […] or all […] mines and Quarries as will discovered and discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said Quantity of one Hundred Acres of Land and the Rivers, Waters & Water Courses therin contained […] with the Privileges of Hunting, Hawking Fishing, Fowling and all of the Profits Commodities and [Heroditainouts] whatsoever to the same or any part thereof. Belonging or in any wise apportaining. To Have & Hold possess and Enjoy the said Tract or parcel of Land and all other the before Granted Premises covers part, thereof with this and every of their appurtainenses unto the said William Pierce and to his Heirs & Assigns for ever & to the only use & behoof of line of the said William Pierce & his Hers & assigns for ever. To be held of us our Heirs & Successors as of our Manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and [Coriou Sorragd] & not in Capitd or by Knights Service. Yielding and Paying unto us our Heirs & Assigns for ev3ery fifty acres of Land and so Proportionably for a loss or Great or Quantity - then fifty acres the Good out of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the Feast of saint Michael the arte augol and also cultivating and Improving three acres part of every fifty of this Tract above mentioned within three years after the Date of these presents. Provided always that if three years of the said Fourorout shall at any time be in arrears and unpaid or if the said William Pierce his Heirs or assigns Do not within the space of three years next running after the Date of these Presents Cultivate and Improve three acres part of every fifty of the Tract above mentioned, Then the Estate hereby Granted Shall cease and be [suttorly] Determined and thereafter it shall & may be Lawful to and for us our Heirs and Successors to Grant the same Lands and Premises with the appurtainences unto such other Person or Persons as us our Heirs and Successors shall think fit. In Witness whereof we have said thus & our Letters Patent to Command. Witness our Trusty and assessor William Gooch Esq. Our Lion v. Govt. and Commander in this of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh and or the Seal of our said Colony the Eighteenth Day of August one thousand Seven Hundred & Thirty five in the ninth year of our Reign. [location is on DeLorme Virginia Topo Map p. 68 B2 near Elk Run and Rd 230]
William Gooch
Nov 1735 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1734-5: "On the Petition of Jeremiah Pearce agst. James Nelson [son of William and Frances (Nugent)] for three pounds fourteen shillings & three pence Currt. money by Accot., the Court after hearing all evedence & arguements &c. are of the oppinion that there is due on ballance the sum of One pound five shillings & four pence half penny for which Judgment is granted with costs. It is therefore ordered that the said Nelson pay the sd Pearce the same alias Exo."
- next item Nov 1735 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1734-5: "At the motion of James Keaton, he is allowed for Two days attendance (he having sworn to the time) and for thirty miles going & coming twice as he was summoned an evedence for Jeremiah Pearce agst. James Nelson; It is therefore ordered that the said Pearce pay the sd. Keaton the same alias Exo." [another dealing with the Keaton family].- next item Nov 1735 "At the motion of James Pickett, the same order is granted him for Ditto." [and in connection to the same suit, James Pickett again; see 7 Oct 1731 & ff for James Picket vs. William Pierce].
1736 Orange County tithe list in the precinct of David Phillips [would seem to be related to John and Elizabeth Phillips (7 May 1734), but they are not his parents and the connection is not reported on WorldConnect. John Rucker, William Pierce’s brother-in-law, married a Susannah Phillips], constable, which can be identified as the southern part of modern Madison County, including Germanna: … others then John Hufmon, Cotley Broyle, Heny Haws, . . . , William Offill [married Mary Rucker and is William Pierce’s brother in law], Thomas Stanton [Thomas Stanton, still alive in 1736, William Pierce’s father in law], Mark Fink, John Hanchbirque [Harnsberger?], John Garth, William Pirce, John Stone, Philip Ruts(?), Anthony Strader, William Banks, Nicholas Yeagoe, Adam Yeagoe, Larance Christ, Richard Halcom, George Long, William Caphinder [Carpenter?], George Myers, William Jeliff, Thomas Downer, Charles Rone, John Brensford, John Phillips [see 7 May 1734 for Eliz Phillips (John’s wife) vs William Pierce], Andrew Garr, Christopher Parter [Porter], John Scott, Denel Chrisler, Micale Smith, Michale Copher [Käfer], Thomas Weland, Andrew Kerkar, John Rouse, Mathias Kaseler, Nathan Fill (?), Alender Conway, Jonah _____, John Wisdom, Guy Meeks, David Phillips, Constable."
Jan 20 1735/6 Orange County Order Book Roger Palmer Junr. vs. William Pierse. Defendant on 20 Jan. 1735/6 with swords, staves and knives on him made an assault, did beat, wound and evil intreat him. [Both William Pierce and Jeremiah in Caroline Co. have a number of court appearances that paint a picture of some pretty rambuncious brothers. Fights, trespassing, and in the case of Jeremiah, drunkedness. Roger Palmer is the son of Martin Palmer. The Palmers were established in Pamunkey Neck before 1680 when Captain Martin Palmer was listed in the roll of the military in New Kent County. They lived near Mattepony (Indian) Town, near Col. John West, who reportedly had an Indian wife, Cockacoeske, who signed a treaty in 1677 “Queen of the Pamunky”, and who is the direct ancestor of Mary Stanton, who would marry William Pierce’s son William abt 1756.]
17 Feb. 1735/6 Orange County Order Book Summons to William Pierse, returned,; executed 19 Feb. 1735/6 by Gideon Marr. Thomas Coleman, security. Dismissed, agreed.
Sept. 1736 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1734-5: "On the motion of John Pearce, he is allowed for three days attendance (having sworn to the time) and for twelve miles going and returning twice, as he was summoned a witness for Henry Rains against Thomas Benson; It is therefore ordered that the sd Rains pay him for the same as the Law directs alias Execution." [There is no reason to expect that this is the same John Pierce son of John Pierce mentioned in Essex Co. 11 Jul 1704, since there would have been other records of an orphan, wrapping up the guardianship, etc. Since this record is in the same county where William Pierce and Jeremiah Pierce are now mentioned, it is more likely that he is a brother of those two. Henry Rains (~1685-1767) and Esther Chapman had a daughter, Olivia, who married a Pierce per Henry Rains’ will of 27 Dec 1766 – that Pierce would appear to have been John. Henry moved to or lived where Caroline Co. would be created – later references are in Caroline Co.]
1736 Orange Co., VA Judgements: William Pierse vs. Lewis Fisher. Defendant in 1730 with force and arms, etc., to wit with swords, staves and knives upon the plaintiff an assault did make and did beat, wound and evil entreat so that his life was greatly despaired. Plaintiff asks damage of ₤ 50 current money. Summons to Lewis Fisher 25 Feb 1736/7, returned by G. Marr, 24 March 1736/7, copy left. Summons to Lewis Fisher 26 March 1736/7, returned by G. Marr, Deputy Sheriff, 21 April 1736, copy left. Judgment with costs. [Lewis Fisher (Louis Ludwig Fischer) was born in Hanover, Germany, and came to the USA 1728-1732; not related to the Essex Co. Benjamin Fisher to who Francis Pierce sold land 10 Jul 1712]
1736 Orange Co., VA Judgements: James Keaton vs. William Pearce of King and Queen County. For 2000 pounds of tobacco. By indenture made at St. Mark’s Parish [this is the same William Pierce of Orange Co, since St. Mark’s is in Orange Co.], 11 Nov. 1734, Pearce leased unto Keaton a plantation in King and Queen Couty for four years to be ended 1 March next ensuing. Keaton was to have timber for the plantation’s use and to pay yearly rent of 200 pounds of tobacco. They gave bond for 2000 pounds of tobacco for performance. On 5 Oct. 1735 the defendant entered into the plantation and did expel the plaintiff and refuses to let him use the plantation and timber. Z. Lewis, attorney for plaintiff.
11 Nov 1734: William Pearce of King and Queen Co. to James Keaton of same. Lease of plantation in said county for four years from 1 March next. Rent, 200 pounds of tobacco. Bond for performance, 2000 pounds of tobacco.
William (W) Pearce
James (J) Keaton
Wit: Isaac Cecell, James Pickett.
Summons to William Pearce of King and Queen County, 24 March 1736/7, returned by G. Marr, 5 April 1737, copy left. Dismissed, agreed. [Note the continuing connection of James Keaton, James Pickett, and William Pierce (eg 11 Nov 1734) and with Jeremiah Pierce (eg Nov 1735).]
20-21 March 1737 Orange Co., VA Deeds 1 pp 251-254. Wm. Pierce of St. Mark’s Parrish, Orange Co. to Wm. Rucker [brother of Wm Pierce’s wife Elizabeth] of same. Lease and release: for ₤ 7.10 current money. 100 acreas by patent, in the fork of Rappidan River … in a line of patent granted to John Rucker … corner to John Rucker and William Eddins … corner to George Essome … to Thomas Rucker’s line…rent of one ear of Indian corn a year [A deed of lease and release was a legal fiction to avoid red tape. For a small sum, perhaps a shilling, the seller leased the land he was selling; then in a 2nd instrument he "released" it for the amount the buyer would really pay.] [This is the same land as in Wm. Pierce grant of 18 Aug 1735. Shows the close relationship between the brothers-in-law Wm. Pierce and Wm. Rucker.]
William (W) Pierce
Wit: William Henderson, William Offill [husband of Mary Rucker, Wm’s sister in law]
Ackowledged by Wm. Pierce 23 March 1737.
9 Dec 1737 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Two 1734/5 – 1737: Petition. George Tilly [brought a number of suits in Caroline Co., died ~1742, administrator was Thomas Hord “his nearest kin”. Hords intermarried with the Sales of Essex Co., as in Jenny Hord m. Robert Sale 1785, whose daughter Elizabeth Sale m. Robert Bond, great grandson of William Bond of Sourth Farnham Parish, Essex Co. My grandmother, Margaret Ramey Bond (the above Robert Bond’s grand-niece) married Norval Lee Pierce] agst. Jeremiah Peirce. Judgement is granted the plantiff L2.12.5 ½ current money.
11 March 1737/8 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740: Action on the case. John Peirce agst. John Turner. Dismissed. [John Turner married Elizabeth Brashears (Anne, mother of William and Francis Pierce (see 8 Oct 1698) had married 3rd John Brasier; Brasier, Brassier and Brashears are probably the same name. Turner’s orphans chose Meadors as guardians, so from his 2nd mention in the records, John Pierce is interacting with the same families as Francis of Essex Co. (already mentioned as the father of William of Orange Co. and Jeremiah of Caroline Co. because of similar interactions). This strengthens the earlier indication that he was a brother of William of Orange Co. and Jeremiah of Caroline.]
Caroline Co. Order Book 1732-1740: "Elizabeth
Turner [granddaughter of Richard, and daughter of John] being admitted to choose
a guardian made choice of Jason Meadows, who with Lewis Turner [son of Richard]
acknowledged their bond."
"Sarah Turner [daughter of John, granddaughter of Richard] being admitted to
choose a guardian made choice of Jonas Meadows [aka Meadors, Meador*] who with
Lewis Turner acknowledged their bond."]
9 Jun 1738 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740: Richard Yancy and Mary his wife and Eliza. Pears acknowledged their deed and livery and seizin [Wikipedia: livery of seisin in deed, whereby the parties actually went on to the land, and the transferor symbolically delivered possession of the land by handing over a twig or a clump of earth to the recipient] to Henry Terrell. [Henry Terrell (1705 New Kent – 1769 Caroline) is the son of William Terrell and Susanna Waters; he married 1st Anne Chiles (one of three siblings that married a Chiles) and 2nd Sarah Woodson. The Yancys and Elizabeth Pierce apparently sold land to him (no deed books for Caroline Co.) and this is some formal acknowledgment. Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline Co. had a wife Elizabeth. She could have owned land jointly with the Yancys (i.e., been a sister of Richard or Mary). Richard Yancy, son of Charles of King William Co. apparently didn’t have a sister Elizabeth, so Elizabeth Pierce might therefore be the sister of Mary (reported to be Bolling). Mary Ann Bolling, dau Robert and Ann (Cocke) does have a sister Elizabeth (b.1708), but lots of other siblings to throw a monkey wrench into this inherited land scenerio. It is interesting given the Indian heritage of Mary Stanton, the daughter-in-law of William Pierce of Orange Co., that Col. Robert Bolling (b.1646, and father of the above Robert) married 1st Jane Rolfe, grand-daughter of Pocahontas. As stated elsewhere in this document, the Indian ancestry of Mary Stanton is undoubtedly not the only such instance in that Pierce line, since it was illegal in Virginia for whites to marry Indians or part-Indians, during which part-Indians either passed or married within the tribes. 14 Sep 1786 a Chiles is associated with John Pierce of Caroline.]
4 Oct 1738 Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1738-1740: William Johnston Gent. assignee of Richard Yarbrough exhibitted his claim for taking up a runaway Negro man slave belonging to John Pearce of Caroline County and they having made oath that they never received any satisfaction for the same; Ordered the same be certified." [Caroline Co. is directly southeast of Spotsylvania Co.]
10 Nov 1738 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740: Ordered that John Bushell pay Jeremiah Pearce 100 pounds of tobacco for four days’ attendence to give evidence for him at the suit of John Pickett. [Bushell was also ordered to pay John Beasley, James Coghill, John Boudre, and Elizabeth Cowan. On the other side of the suit, John Pickett was ordered to pay to William Smith, Thomas Dunagin, and Henry Gatewood. Another interaction between a Pierce and a Pickett.]
11 May 1739 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740:Ordered that John Pearce, John Coburne, James Herndon and Henry Conliff be summoned to answer the information of Our Sovereign Lord the King. [John Coburne and Henry Confliff do not show up in genealogies or other records of Caroline Co. This James Herndon appears to be the one b.1716 King & Queen, d.1764 Caroline, son of Edward and Mary Elizabeth (Waller), married Valentine Haley (b.1720 King & Queen, daughter of Edward and Catherine). 1752-Mar. 13-Suit in Chancery-James Trice of Co. Agt. Booth by James Herndon his guardian. Order heir at law of Daniel Booth be accounted to for profits of his father's estate t the younger children and guardian to sell such part of unpaid children, who have not received any part of estate of Daniel Booth. Referred to Thomas Buckner, Petis Copeland, gentlemen and William Bowles to settle adm. of estate. ]
10 Aug 1739 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740: Information. Our Sovereign Lord the King agst. John Pearce. Jury, Duncan Bohannon, Wm. Harrison, Wm. Yarbrough, Wm. Southworth, Thos. Roy, Wm. Burdett, John Dyer, George Marsh, John Owens, Wm. Marshall, Thomas Hamm and John Ralls, find the defendant guilty. It is considered by the Court that the defendant be fined 4000 pounds of tobacco. [Not just a civil suit, this was some sort of crime, and he was found guilty. That he was fined means that it was a crime of property (e.g., trespass) rather than violence.]
21 Nov 1739 Orange Co., VA Deeds 3 pp 353-356: Thomas Stantone of Orange Co. to Gerard Banks [married Anne Stanton, full sister of Linn/Leonard and Thomas Jr. (Thomas Jr. was father of Mary, who married William Pierce (~1730-1805))] of same. Lease and release; for ₤ 25 current money. 202 acres in the Great Fork of Rappahannock River … corner to a patent formerly granted to Goorich Lightfoot …
Thomas (T) Stantone
Wit: G. Home, Abraham Pearce. [1st appearance of Abraham Pierce, who apparently was a miller at Stanton’s mill, and who would c.1745 board the orphan William Stanton, son of Thomas Sr. The close association of this Pierce with the Stanton family, into which William Pierce would marry c.1756, is a good indication that Abraham Pierce is related to William, ie an uncle, albeit younger than William and Jeremiah that he does not witness any documents until this one; he therefore was born c.1715-1718, assuming it would take him no more than three years to appear in the records after coming of age.]
22 Nov 1739. Acknowledged by Thomas Stantone
23-24 July 1740 Orange Co., VA Deeds 4 pp 181-184: William Rucker of St. Mark’s Parish, Orange Co. planter, to John Powell Senr. [(~1690-1761), married Anne Sanford Pickett (dau George and Ida (Martin). John was the son of John Powell and Mary Coghill. Incidentlly, Elizabeth Powell dau Henry married Mace (Moss) Pickett (1709-1783), son of John] of St. Mary’s Parish, Caroline Co., planter. Lease and release; for ₤ 15 current money. 100 acres in St. Mary’s Parish, Orange Co. in for of the Rappidan River, granted to William Pierce … line of a patent granted to John Rucker … corner to John Rucker and William Eddings … corner to George Essome … Thomas Rucker’s line…
Wm. Rucker
Wit: William Bell, John Powell [must be John Stephen, John Sr’s son], G. Home [George Hume, married Jane Stanton, daughter of Thomas Stanton, Sr. and Sarah Robinson]
24 July 1740. Acknowledged by Wm. Rucker [Similar Lease and release as executed by Wm Pierce and Wm Rucker 20 Mar 1737.]
8 Aug 1740 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1732-1740 Part Three 1738-1740: On the motion of George Todd [George Todd b.1710 in Caroline Co., VA; died 10 Mar 1790 in Caroline Co., VA; married 1736 in Caroline Co., VA Elizabeth born 1716; had child Charles Todd born 1740 in Caroline Co., VA.], ordered that his servant man Isaac Pearce serve him (after his term of service is expired) five months and 24 days, his (Isaac) being absent 3 days and having 375 pounds of tobacco expenses in recovering him. [1st appearance of Isaac Pierce in the Rappahannock River Valley. He had a son Francis (b.1760 Caroline Co. – 1853 Clinton Co., KY), spent some time in Orange Co.; his son was a Revolutionary War veteran having an extant pension deposition, and who was the progenitor of the Cumberland/Clinton Co., KY Pierces. That line is DNA haplotype I2b (Group V on the Pierce Southern DNA web site). It is tempting to assume that Isaac is the son of Francis of Essex Co. because he named a son Francis. However, if Francis is the father of William of Orange Co. and Jeremiah of Caroline Co. (as shown by the multiple and continuing association of that Francis and William with Boughan, Keaton and Pickett discussed above), Francis would be of a line having DNA haplotype I2a (note: even though the designations are similar, two persons having I2a and I2b haplotypes would not have a common ancestor in genealogical time). Also, Isaac’s dealings in the records do not appear to show any overlap of Surnames with the dealings of Francis of Essex Co., while the dealings of William and Jeremiah overlap considerably. Therefore, given the two possibilities, it is the much stronger probability that William and Jeremiah are Francis’ sons and Isaac was transported and indentured c.1740.]
2 Oct. 1741 Orange Co., VA Will Book I, 1735-1743 p. 177: Will of Thomas Stanton being now sick and weak…
My trusty friends George Whitley and Henry Field [~1748 Henry Field’s daughter Diana would marry Wm Stanton] executors
To my son Thos. Stanton [married Lettice Bryant ~1733] my still and materials thereto belonging after my decease as also the large Bible
To my son Wm. Stanton [married Diana Field ~1748] the grist mill with the plantation I now live on and all the land thereto belonging
To my daughter Frances Delany [married John Dulaney ~1739] the half of four hundred acres on the south side of Stanton's River
To my daughter Sarah Stanton [married Joseph Rosson] the other half of the said four hundred acres
To my daughter Mary Stanton [married Joseph Eddings ~1750] two hundred acres part of four hundred acres joining Francis Kirtley, William Eddins, &c.
To my daughter Jean Stanton [Jane, married George Hume 1754] two hundred acres of land it being the upper part whereon George Simmons now lives including the said Simmons' plantation
To my daughter Elizabeth Stanton [1742 Mar 25 p. 205-06. Geo. Whitely is grdn of Elizabeth Stanton, orphan of Thos. Stanton, decd] two hundred acres of land lying on the south side of Stanton's River commonly known by the name of Guy Meeks
To my son Wm. Stanton the remainder part lying on the north side being two hundred acres
To my son Wm. Stanton the following Negros, vizt. Adam, Judy, Sam and Winnie, Ned and Will
To my daughter Frances Delany molatto Harry as also my seal skin trunk.
wit: George Hume [Thomas Stanton’s son-in-law, married Jane Stanton], Abraham Pierce [1st mention of Abraham Pierce in the records, which is later than the 1st mentions of William, Jeremiah and John (assumed to be his brothers due to the interactions with families such as Stanton and Pickett. That he is the last to appear in the records is interpreted that he is the youngest brother. He is probably already working as a miller for Stanton here, as revealed in 1745 Orange Co. Will Book, no doubt in the grist mill left to Wm Stanton. Abraham’s brother would marry Mary Stanton ~1756, the grand-daughter of Thomas Stanton Sr.], Thos. Stanton, Jr. [father-in-law of William Pierce, son of William and brother of Abraham.]
Page 178 Bond of Henry Field, Robert Slaughter and Goodrich Lightfoot, Gent. unto Thos. Chew, justice. For 1000 pounds. 22 Oct 1741. Henry Field is executor of Thomas Stanton. Wit: Jonath. Gibson
11 Dec 1741 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part One 1740-1742/3: Action of trespass. Roger Mallory [~1710-1743, married Sarah Unknown. The Mallorys intermarried with the Palmers (see Jan 20 1735/6 )] agst. Jeremiah Peirce. The defendant by Edmond Pendleton his attorney says he is in no wise guilty as the plaintiff has complained. Let a jury come at the next court. [Both Jeremiah and William Pierce have a number of charges of trespass brought against them. William’s son William married Mary Stanton, who was part Patawomeck and Pamunky Indian, through her mother Lettice Bryant. From 1662 to 1753 in Virginia, the marriage of an Indian or part Indian to a pure white was prohibited. Since the marriage to Mary Stanton took place during the prohibition, it is therefore possible and even likely that Mary Stanton was not the first marriage to an Indian in the family, and that the trespassing William and Jeremiah were already part Indian. In that case, “trespass” in the eyes of their neighbors may have been merely been “hunting” in the eyes of William and Jeremiah on their traditional hunting lands. The deer doesn’t know who owns the land. Most of the friction between whites and Indians in Colonial times concerned fencing off of hunting lands. Trespass was not necessarily what common usage indicates; it could have been any other wrongful conduct that caused an injury or financial loss (Glossary of Colonial Legal Terms). ]
12 March 1741/2 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part One 1740-1742/3: Action of trespass. Roger Mallory agst. Jeremiah Peirce. Jury, Wm. Broughill, Robert Lyon, Richard Murray, Henry Harris, John Pearson, Thomas White, Wm. Blanton, John Hurt, Thomas Burch, Wm. Surling, James Lindsay and Timoth Chandler, find for the defendant. Timothy Chandler, foreman. [see the 11 Dec 1741/2 entry]
12 March 1741/2 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part One 1740-1742/3: Ordered that Roger Mallory pay Henry Brown 350 pounds of tobacco for two days’ attendance and coming a going 50 miles twice as an evidence for him agst. [Jeremiah] Peirce. [A Henry Brown (~1690-1757) lived in the frontier in Augusta Co., and was killed by Pawnees in a raid during the French and Indian War. He was part of the Scots-Irish (including Mallory and Palmer) contingent who seemed to have continuing problems with William and Jeremiah and John Pierce. If I am correct in assuming 1) that the Pierces were part-Indian (even before the marriage with Mary Stanton), and 2) that these continual tresspasses were viewed by the Pierces as merely continuing to hunt where they always have, then conflict with the recent Irish landowners was inevitable.]
11 Feb 1742/3 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part One 1740-1742/3: Action of trespass [another] on the case. Francis Long agst. Jeremiah Pearce. Dismissed, it being agreed. [9 Aug 1759 Francis Long and Jeremiah Pierce are both constables for Caroline Co.]
9 Sep 1743 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Two 1742/3 –1744: Ordered that Mace Pickett pay Nicho. Lankford, Joseph Herndon [each] 50 pounds of tobacco for two days’ attendance. Also to pay William Pearce 50 pounds of tobacco for two days’ attendance and coming a going twice 75 miles as an evidence for him agst. Lewis Turner. [Mace Pickett was the son of John Pickett (who had much interaction with William Pierce) and Mary (Boughan). The large mileage for William Pierce is due to him now having moved up further in Orange Co. The googlemap directions distance from current day Wolftown, Madison Co., VA (near where William Pierce and his in-laws the Stantons lived) to Bowling Green, the county seat of Caroline Co., VA is 73.5 miles.]
23 Feb 1743/4 (recorded) Orange Co., VA Will Book I, 1735-1743 p. 299-300: Will of Peter Rucker of Saint Marks Parish in the County of Orange, planter, being weak in body, dated 18 Jan 1742/3.
I lend unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Rucker all my estate both real and personal during her natural life and after her decease to be devided in the following manner:
Unto my beloved daughter Margrett Tinsley and my son in law Isack Tinsley a Negro boy named Yorkshier.
To my beloved son Ephraim Rucker a Negro girl named Fillis.
To my beloved daughter Ann Cook and my son in law Shem Cook an Negrow girl named Jeney.
All the remainder of my estate to be sold at publick auction to the highest bidder on six months credit. The money to be equally divided amongst my beloved children by name as followeth Thomas Rucker, Elizabeth Pearce [married William Pierce of Orange Co. ~1730], William Rucker, Mary Offell, James Rucker, Ephraim Rucker [~1711-1796, son of Peter] and Ann Cook [~1720-~1801, daughter of Peter; married Shem Cooke (mentioned in the will) – it is not known who his parents were but entirely possible he is related to the Cookes who intermarried with the Buckners in the area – they were of similar high status to Ruckers in the county].
My beloved sons James Rucker and Ephrim Rucker executors.
Peter (x) Rucker
Wit: Wm. Jackson [In 1753 John Cook sold land in OrangeCo VA.. Indenture between John Cook, Orange County, and Judith, his wife, and Robert Jackson of Spotsylvania County, Gent., deeds of lease and release ...for £200 grants 550 acres in St. Thomas Parish, Orange...bounded..George Braxton..William Bell.. County line.. Francis Williams.. Brook’s [sic, Brooke’s] line. On Mar. 27, 1755 William Jackson and Mary, his wife, of Orange Co. (for 5 shillings currency) conveyed to John Pickett, Jr., of St. Margaret's Parish, Caroline Co. 100 acres in Orange Co., adjoining Neals and Zachary (Deed Book 12, page 275). Shem Cook, brother of John cited above, was also listed in the Orange County Order Book 6, 1752, as "overseer of the road from Bumping Ford to the Dundee Road, in room of William Jackson." ], Wm. Offill [husband of Mary, as mentioned above], Micl. Hold [Capt. Michael Holt (1729-1799) of Germanna]
23 Feb. 1743/4. Presented in Court by James Rucker and Ephrem Rucker who gave bond with Michl. Holt, George Holt [1717-1798, brother of Capt. Michael. They were sons of Hans Michael Holt and Anna Elizabeth Scheibel of Germany], and Richd. Mauldin Junr. [probably Richard Medlin son of Richard and Mary of New Kent Co.] Securities. Proved by Wm. Jackson and Michl. Holt.
10 Mar 1743/4 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Two 1742/3 –1744: On the petition of John Miller, ordered that he have a license to keep an ordinary, who with John Pearce acknowledged their bond. [This is probably the Jonathan Miller who was on a jury of John Pickett vs. Benjamin Poe 10 May 1733 Caroline Orders. He associated with John Sutton; they were both tobacco inspectors at Roy’s warehouse (8 Sep 1738 Caroline Orders), and John Sutton also operated an ordinary at his house (12 Sep 1734 and 13 Dec 1734 Caroline Orders).]
26 Nov 1743 Orange Court Orders: William Pearce complained that Isaac Smith [married Margaret Rucker, daughter of John and Susannah (Phillips); thus Margaret was William Pierce’s niece] committed trespass and battery against him [so he was saying that his nephew beat him up – seems pretty whiney].
9 June 1744 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Two 1742/3 –1744: Wm. Miller [might be the William Miller (1716 Essex – 1767 Spotsylvania) who married Jane Hord, and is probably the brother of John Miller, the ordinary keeper above who was also the tobacco inspector for Roy’s warehouse).] vs. Dorothy Roy [Dorothy Buckner (b.1690 Rappahannock Co.– 1746 Caroline Co.) daughter of Richard Buckner (see 9 Jun 1744, 14 Nov 1760) and Elizabeth Cooke) married 1st Charles Smith and 2nd in 1711 Essex Co. John Roy (1683 Rappahannock –~ 1734 Caroline). Following the death of her John Roy, Dorothy obtained a license and operated a tavern in town, and secured title to both the Roy warehouse and a ferry in her name. She may have been the first woman in Virginia to own a tobacco warehouse. Their daughter, Elizabeth, married James Miller the entrepreneur (see 7 Jul 1762 and 16 Feb 1765)]. Trespass upon the case. Jury, James Riddle, Thos. Blassingham, Jeremiah Pearce, Thos. Dudley, James Collins, Henry Long, Benj. Wooten, John Beasley, Charles Holloway, Saml. Major, Moses Pitman and Elias Blacburn, find for the plaintiff L8 current money, Charles Holloway, foreman. -next item. Action upon the case. Messrs. Boyd & Co., merchants in Glasgow, agst James Downing. Jury same as above. Find for the plantiff 1336 pounds of tobacco damage [Dorothy might have “tresspassed” to take some of his tobacco from her warehouse], Charles Holloway foreman.
9 Jun 1744 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Two 1742/3 –1744: At a Court of Oyer and Terminer. Present: Wm. Woodford, Thos. Buckner, Wm. Taliaferro, George Hoomes and Thomas Johnson, Gent., justices. Zachary Lewis, attorney of our Sovereign Lord the King, gives the justices to understand that Tom a Negro man slave belonging to John Garnett, Gent. [the John Garnett here is probably the one born abt 1710 in King & Queen and died 1778 who married Esther Noell of Essex Co.], not having the fear of God before his eyes but being seduced and led by the instigation of the Devil 15 May 1741 with force and arms of his malice fore thought several poisonous powders, roots, herbs and simples, knowing the same to be poison, feloniously did mingle, mix with and poison the drink of Joe, a Negro man slave belonging to Richard Buckner, Gent., and the same drink did give unto Joe to drink and swallow, and corrupted by the working of the said deadly poison Joe did grievously languish from 15 May until 1 June 1742 Joe died.
Z. Lewis for the King
Tom pleaded not guilty. Warrick, a Negro man belonging to Richard Bruckner [even though there is a record of the name Bruckner in the area, this is probably Maj. Richard Buckner (1711-1777, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Cooke), married Elizabeth Aylett). Elizabeth’s sisters Judith and Jane also married Buckners. Note that Dorothy (Buckner) Roy just above (9 Jun 1744) is their daughter], Gent., Mingo, a Negro man belonging to Frans. Thornton, Robin, a Negro man belonging to James Micou, the evidence Jeremiah Pearce were examined. It is the opinion of the Court that Tom is not guilty, but it being the opinion of the Court that Tom has given powder to other Negroes, it is ordered Tom be transported out of this Colony. Wm. Woodford [Here Jeremiah Pierce is the only non-slave that has any evidence on this case. Perhaps it is because Jeremiah was mixed Indian and was privy to what the slaves were doing. Or because he worked as overseer?]
13 July 1744 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Two 1742/3 –1744: Matthew Giles vs. James Blakey. Trespass on the case. Jury, Wm. Holland, George Eastham, Joseph Sanders, Benj. Wooten, Robert foster, John Rogers, Wm. Conner, Robert Jones, Robert Coleman, John Glanton, Jeremiah Pearce and John Sutton, find for the defendant. Robert Coleman, forman.
23 May 1745 Orange Co., VA Will Book 2 1744-1778 pp. 56-60: Thomas Stanton Estate account 1741- signed by Henry Field, executor. Payments made to John Edey (for making coffin), Richard McGraugh, Joseph Blackwell, John Deleny, John Gramer Ewq., Abra. Field, Adam Banks, William Smith, Thos. Coventon, Simon Miller [father of John the tavern keeper and William Miller, above], Michael Garey, Jasper Billings, Abra. Peirce, Peter Daniles, Ann Story (balance of wages), Geo. Whitley, Adam Reed, James Hewet, Zac. Lewis, Howson Kener, Jos. Daleney, John Smith, Mary Stanton and John Sutton [the other tavern keeper with John Miller (see 10 Mar 1743/4)].
1745 Orange Co., VA Will Book 2 1744-1778 pp. 71-76: Mr. William Stanton, Guardian’s account. 1742. Payments made to Abraham Peirce (for board and miller’s wages), and many others listed. [Abraham apparently worked for Thomas Stanton Sr. as a miller at the Stanton’s mill, said to be the first mill below Jones Mountain (above current day Grave’s Mill, Madison Co., VA. Abraham’s nephew William (son of William) would marry William Stanton’s sister Mary in 1756.]
14 Dec 1745 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1740-1746 Part Three 1744-1746: Isaac Pearce, a servant to George Todd agrees to serve his master his freedom dues, for which Todd discharges his servant. [See 8 Aug 1740 – 5 months was added onto his term. Seven years servitude would have meant a 1737-8 entry into the colony.]
14 Feb 1746/7 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part One 1746/7-1748: Henry Campbell vs. Jeremiah Pierce. Trespass on the case. Jury, Thomas Madison, etc. [on a previous page that I don’t have], find for the plaintiff one shilling sterling damage. Thomas Madison foreman.
14 Feb 1746/7 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part One 1746/7-1748: Ordered that Henry Campbell pay Henry Campbell 452 pounds of tobacco for eight days’ attendance and coming and going 12 miles seven times as an evidence for him agst. [Jeremiah] Pearce.
Aug 1746 Orange Co., VA Will Book 2 1744-1778 pp.120-23: William Stanton, Guardian’s account. From August court 1746. Payments made to Abraham Pierce (miller), and many others listed [a continuation of the execution of Thomas Stanton’s will].
12 June 1747 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part One 1746/7-1748: Petition, Isaac Pearce agst. John Bendal [there is a John Benthall b.~1707 in VA, spouse Elizabeth Willett on WorldConnect]. Judgment is granted the petitioner for L2 current money. Ordered that Isaac Pearce pay John Griffin [lots of John Griffins nearby, but only one said to have died in Caroline: John (~1718->1791) son of John and Mary (Dickenson), married Mary Roy] …[&] Richard Straughn [each] [Richard Straughn (1706-1766) son of Richard & Catherine (Murrell), married Mary Elizabeth Leftwich] 150 pounds of tobacco for six days’ attendance as an evidence for him against Bendall. [The men that Isaac sued and paid for testimony and their kin do not appear to have any overlap with the associates of William Pierce of Orange Co. or Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline Co., suggesting that Isaac Pierce, imported ~1737 is not related to the Francis Pierce (in the colony <1680’s) line. This is what is expected; dna from both lines (Francis Pierce/William Pierce of Orange Co. is Group A in Pierce Southern, and Isaac is Group V in Pierce Southern) indeed shows that they are not related.]
14 Aug 1747 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part One 1746/7-1748: Ordered that Isaac Pearce pay Samuel Robinson [there is a Samuel Robinson reported to have been born in ~1707 in Augusta Co. (not formed until 1738, and there would have been no women there to give birth in 1707, so he would have been born in Essex Co.); son of James and Esther] 150 pounds of tobacco for six days’ attendance as an evidence agst. Baridall. [Again, no overlap to other Pierces in the area.]
8 Jul 1747 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part One 1746/7-1748: Action of trespass, assault and battery. John Powell [see 23 Jul 1740 for associations of Powells to Picketts and Stantons. This kinship is part of the logic that indicates that John Pierce as a son of Francis of Essex Co. Even though Powell is suing Pierce, it seems to be par for the course for this line that kin sues kin. In fact, we count on that to determine kin.] agst John Pearce. Dismissed, being agreed.
11 Mar 1748/9 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Two 1748-1750: Upon the petition of Rachell Holloway [wife of Robert Holloway; only known son is John, whom she called son when she gave him his portion of his father’s estate (20 Nov 1760 Culpeper Co. Will Book A, p.237). Rachell had a number of entries related to disputes with John, William and George Holloway (thought to be brothers rather than sons for that reason) after Robert Holloway’s death], it is ordered she have administration of the estate of Robert Hollaway. She with Charles Hollaway, Wm. Lawson and John Pearse [sometimes transcribed as Persone] her securities acknowledged their bond.
1749 Culpeper Co., VA Will Book A 1749-1770 pp. 7-9: William Stanton, infant son of Thomas Stanton. Dr (debit report): 1748 among others Abraham Pierce for Millers Wages. Thomas Hord for Smith’s work [similar to 1746 entry for wages. William Hord is a witness 10 Oct 1743 to the will of William Pickett, shown as a note under 17 May 1770 here. William Pierce of Orange Co. also witnessed part of that will].
Apr 1749 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Two 1748-1750: Wm. Pearce an orphan of George Pearce binds himself apprentice to Samuel Taliaferro. [This is the first and only reference in the Caroline Co. records to George Pierce. George is not a name used in the Francis Pierce of Essex line. The only association of this George is to Taliaferro. There is a Samuel Taliaferro b.~1716 in Essex Co., son of Robert and Margaret (French); grandson of Robert and Sarah (Catlett), whose mother was Elizabeth Underwood, a distant connection to Col. Wm. Pierce of Westmoreland, who also married an Underwood. The William Pierce who married Ann Tunstall abt 1775 is of the right age to have been orphaned in Apr 1749. After appearing in the Culpeper Co. deed records 1772-1775, he and his family move to Warren and Barren Co.s, KY. The DNA haplogroup of this line is R1B1c, distinct from both the William Pierce of Orange and Isaac Pierce of Caroline lines.]
9 Jun 1749 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Two 1748-1750: It is ordered that John Davis be overseer of the road from the post above Mary Powel’s to the Mount Church and that he keep the way now cleared by Robert Dudley’s fence into the back road and also the way to the church just below the bridge in repair, and have the people at Capt. [prob. Richard] Buckner’s quarter and at Mr. John Stith’s, also at Capt. Micou’s, John Buckner’s, Daniel Lefoe’s, at Capt. Taliaferro’s. Ann Glanton’s, Isaac Pearse, Patrick Cookrin and John Davis’ to assist him.
8 Sept. 1749 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Two 1748-1750: The last will and testament of George Gibson was produced by George Gibson, Robert Hall, and Jeremh. Pearce the executors therein named, and further proved by Wm. Anderson and Robert Hall witnesses. It is ordered Robert Kay, Thomas Roy, Jno. Gillison and Jno. Evins appraise the estate of Geo. Gibson. [see also 24 Oct 1751 Amelia Co., VA Deeds 4, p.177. There is a Jonathan Gibson (1672 Virginia – abr 1728 King & Queen Co., VA) who married Elizabeth Thornton and is said to have three children: Jonathon, Alice (b~1705, John Catlett, son of John Catlett and Eliz Taliaferro), and Rachel (b. 4 May 1717 at Rapidan, Orange Co.). Elsewhere, this Rachel Gibson (same birthdate) is said to have been the dau of George Gibson and Margaret Catlett. Either way, this Rachel Gibson is not an orphan in 1750. The orphan Rachel is of the next generation. According to “A History of Two Virginia Families Transplanted from County Kent England” 929.2 B3456S: Mary, a daughter of Col. John Catlett and his 2nd wife Mary Grayson, married Jonathan Gibson, who had lands in King George Co., and was sheriff of King George co., 1736; tobacco inspector at a warehouse on Rapp. river, opposite Roy's, in Caroline. However, there are two Jonathan Gibsons who lived in the same counties at about the same time, and distinguishing them is almost impossible in a given record(see Virginia Mag Hist Bio 28, p.70 “The Gibson Family”); however the elder Jonathan died in 1744 and his son in 1791. From the familiar associations of Roy, tobacco warehouse, St. Mark’s etc., one of those Jonathans is almost certainly closely related (eg father) to the George Gibson whose orphans were taken in by Jeremiah Pierce. (Fulham Papers, Lambeth Palace Library (, letter 161-2: Jonathan Gibson (probably the 1672 to 1744 one) to George Gibson, Apr. 27, 1731. He (George) has refused a post under the tobacco law, as duties and penalties are too heavy, but he hopes that a word from the bishop will prompt the governor to favour him in other ways. Refers to an uncle, Matthew Gibson. Letter is brought by (Rodham) Kenner, curate of the parish, who is returning for priest's orders; and 177: Jonathan Gibson to (George Gibson?), Caroline County, May 4, 1732. Asks him to secure the bishop's intercession with Governor Gooch to give him the next vacancy as naval officer or clerk of the county court. Encloses letters to uncles Matthew and George.) A Jonathan Gibson (probably the 1700-1791 one, since witnessing was generally done by the youngest of the colony and often is their first appearance in records) witnessed the will of Thomas Stanton Sr. 2 Oct 1741, whose grand-daughter Mary married William Pierce of Culpeper Co. (the nephew of the above Jeremiah Pierce). Jonathan Gibson also witnessed in 1742 the will of John Rucker, the brother of the Elizabeth Rucker who married William Pierce of Orange Co. That the children of George Gibson are orphans that require guardians ~1750 suggests that George Gibson was probably still rather young (younger than the Jonathans referred to above, who had grown children), i.e., born ~1715-1725. He is probably the son of one of the Jonathans, and the birth date would suggest the younger (1700-1791) one, who was married to Mary Catlett (the Catlett family is connected to Col. Wm Pierce of Westmoreland), daughter of Jonathan Catlett and Elizabeth Thornton) in 1723. As further corroboration that Jonathan Gibson and Mary Catlett are the parents of George Gibson, this Jonathan had a sister Rachel Gibson, the same rather uncommon name used in George Gibson’s family. George’s wife is not mentioned in the records. He had children Margaret (was appointed ward of Jeremiah Pierce, and never chose a guardian later, so either was satisfied with Jeremiah or died before reaching 14y), William (b. ~1737, assuming that he is 14 when he chooses a guardian in 1751), and Rachel (b. ~1738, same reason). Jeremiah was guardian to both Margaret and Rachel; Andrew Knight was chosen by William as a guardian. I have spent quite a lot of ink on this item without much success, but it is quite possible that Jeremiah was guardian because of a kinship with George Gibson or his wife. The maiden name of Jeremiah’s wife, Elizabeth, is not known, and it is tempting to think it might be Gibson.]
12 Oct 1750 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: John Baylor [(1705-1772) son of John and Lucy (Todd, dau Thomas Todd and Elizabeth (Bernard) from Gloucester Co., VA – apparently no relation to George Todd, the indenturer of Isaac Pierce of Caroline), married Frances Walker of King & Queen Co.] Gent. Acknowledged his lease indented to Jeremh. Pearce, &c. [Wikipedia: A deed indented or indenture is one executed in two or more parts according to the number of parties, which were formerly separated by cutting in a curved or indented line known as the chirograph.]
12 Oct 1750 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: The Court appoints Jeremiah Pearce guardian to Margt. Gibson orphan of Geo. Gibson, who with Wm. Plunkett [son of John and Mary (Littlefield); married Sarah Cordes] his security acknowledged bond. [Wm Plunkett (~1720-1768, son of John and Sarah (Cordes), tobacco inspector in Caroline Co. Another connection to a tobacco inspector of Caroline Co., in addition to Jonathan Miller, John Sutton and Jonathan Gibson.]
8 Aug 1751 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: William Gibson makes choice of Andrew Knight to be his guardian, who with Jeremiah Pearce and John Pickett [John Pickett (~1680-1765) and wife Mary (Boughan) ended their lives in Caroline Co., after leaving records in Essex, Spotslyvania and Orange along the way. John’s wife’s aunt Mary (husband of Maj. James Boughan) married 2nd Francis Pierce, Jeremiah’s father. John Pickett had many associations with Jeremiah’s brother, William Pierce.] acknowledged their bond.
24 Oct 1751 Amelia Co., Va. Deeds 4, p177: George Gibson, Robert Hall & Jeremiah Pierce, Executors of the will of George Gibson, dec'd., all of Caroline County, Virginia, to William Jeter of Caroline County for 60/5/6, 404 acres on the north, or lower, side of Mallory's Creek [see 11 Dec 1741 & ff. Roger Mallory vs. Jeremiah Pierce for tresspass. James Anderson granted 404 ac north of Mallory’s Creek on 20 Mar 1745 VA Patents 25/36 (also 350 ac on lower side 30 Mar 1743 VA Patents 21/290). James is brother of the William Anderson who witnessed the will of George Gibson; both were sons of James Anderson of Prince George Co. who married Elizabeth Thweat.], bounded as by patent to George Gibson, dec'd,, on July 10, 1745, Wit: Elisha Estes and Thomas Claiborne.
10 July 1752 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: Jeremiah Pearce is appointed guardian to Rachel Gibson, who with William Bowler acknowledged a bond. [Because Jeremiah is appointed guardian for two orphans of George Gibson, and is co-executor of the will (for which he gets sued), and being about 40 years old, it is likely that he married the widow of George Gibson. She probably is the Elizabeth who “absconded” in 1772.]
21 Sept. 1752 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: Clio a Negro girl belonging to Jeremiah Pearce adjudged nine years old. Judy a Negro girl belonging to Jeremiah Pearce adjudged eleven years old.
21 Sept. 1752 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Three 1750-1752: Upon the complaint of Jeremiah Pearce it is odered that Alexr Southerland serve him according to law for fifteen days’ absence and 172 pounds of tobacco expenses. [Even though this order does not name Alexander as an indentured servant of Jeremiah, this is a classic order for lengthening the time of indenture for not being on the job (in this case, for 15 days).]
1752 Colonial Caroline, A History of Caroline County, Virginia by T. E. Campbell, Dietz Press, Inc., (Richmond, VA 1954): p. 326 ? 1752 - Alexander Southerland (Servant) and Jeremiah Pierce (Master): Escaped for 15 days - serve master according to law. Also: 1753 - Alexander Southerland and Jeremiah Pierce - Excaped - never recaptured.
10 Nov 1752 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Four 1752-1754: Action of debt. Jeremiah Pearce &c executors of Geo. Gibson agst. John Thilman [There is a John Thilman (b.~1725 Essex Co.) son of Paul and Jane (George). No apparent relation to Gibson] and Robert Mickleburrough [Robert Mickelborough (1720 Essex Co. – 1788 Caroline Co., son of Edmund and Elizabeth (George).]. The defendants not appearing, the judgment of last July Court is confirmed agst. Them and George Hoomes Gent., Sheriff, for L5 current money. To be discharged on the defendants paying L2.10.0 with interest from 8 Apr 1751. [Both of the defendants were grandsons of Robert George (born Isle of Wight Co.) and Sarah (Tinsley)(b.~1670). Isaac Tinsley(1708-1776) married Margaret Rucker, sister-in-law of William Pierce (~1710-1760) of Orange Co. The children of Robert and Sarah George do not appear to have a connection to the Geo. Gibson family, though. 13 Nov 1767, Sarah Pierce, assignee of James Head Lynch (her son by a previous marriage) sues Lodowick George, yet another grandson of Robert and Sarah (Tinsley) George.]
15 Dec 1752 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Four 1752-1754: Suit on attachment. Peter Copeland Gent. Agst. The estate of John Brammer [~1680-1752, son of John, married Jane Light of Gloucester Co.; their son John married Mary Elizabeth Burgess. Francis Pierce sued a Joseph Burgess in 1706, but if he is related, records do not show it.] The plaintiff proving his account, judgment is granted him for L5.13.1 ¾. The Sheriff executed the attachment in the hands of Jerem. Pearce who declared he has 486 pounds of tobacco and L1.9.5 current money, which he is ordered to pay the plaintiff. [Peter Copeland (1738, Essex – aft 1776, Pittsylvania/Henry) was a justice of the peace in Caroline Co. at this time, and probably does not represent kin of Jeremiah, but rather someone who orders Jeremiah to comply. On the other hand, there is Copeland Pierce of Westmoreland Co. (see 11 Mar 1774)]
10 Aug 1753 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Four 1752-1754: Thomas Johnson Gent. &c. agst. Jeremiah Pearce. In debt. The defendant says he cannot deny the writing obligatory nor but he owes L40.11.10 first bond and 60 current money by the second. The plaintiffs stay execution until October next. To be discharged on the defendant’s paying for the first bond L0.9.2 ½ with interest from 31 Oct 1752 and interest on L25.14.0 from 10 April 1753. [Thomas Johnson is probably (although not known how at present) related to Col. Wm Johnson, who lived in Spotsylvania, Orange, and died in Caroline; married Ann Chew. Thomas is probably just a gentleman creditor, rather than close kin.]
26 Oct 1753 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Four 1752-1754: Abraham Wilson produced a certificate from Edward Dixon Gent. For taking up a runaway servant man named Alexr. Sutherland belonging to Jeremiah Pearce of this county. [see 1752-1753].
15 Mar 1754 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1746-1754 Part Four 1752-1754: Suit on attachment. Patrick Mitchell, merchant, agst. The estate of John Pearce [this is the John Pierce son of Francis who married Olivia Rains]. The plaintiff proving his account, judgment is granted him for L33 current money. The Sheriff served the attachment in the hands of Anthony Thornton Gent. who declared he has L4.16.8 current money which he is ordered to pay the plaintiff. [The Anthony Thornton here is probably the one b.1695 Gloucester Co., d.1757 Stafford Co., married Winifred Presley, although he did have a son Anthony b.1727 Caroline Co., married Sarah Taliaferro dau William and Ann (Walker). William, orphan of George (see Apr 1749) was apprentice to Samuel Taliaferro, but Sarah and Samuel would seem to be very distantly related, if at all.]
8 April 1754 Orange Co., VA Deed Book 12 pp. 220-222 Thomas Wood, Sr. of Orange/ Bennet Beasly of same for 40 Pounds..grants 200 acres..part of a greater tract granted to Colo. Chew for 767 acres 22 Sept the Great Mountains and on both sides of Swift Run adj. The land sold by Thos. Chew to James include Bennet Beazley's Plantation, which said Beazley has new purchased.. Thomas Wood
Witnesses: Honourias Powell [thought by some (various information out there) to be the brother of the John Powell who married Anne Pickett (who also interacted with Wm Pierce several times. That they both seem to be nearby William Pierce strengthens that theory], William Lucas, William Pearce Senr., Thomas Morris, James Beazley, Willm. Riddel ; Recorded 25 April 1754 [since the witness is called William Pierce Sr. means there was another in the area, not necessarily a son, but the associations of the younger William Pierce of Orange/Culpepersuggests show that he indeed was a son. Thomas Wood, James Beazley, Honorius Powell and William Pierce all lived on the road (Boxing Camp to the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains) that William Pierce surveyed in 1751.]
10 Mar 1755 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds B 1753-1756 pp. 253-255: John Powell [(~1700-1763 in Culpeper); married Anne Pickett] of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, to Bartholomew Vawter [probably the Barth. Vawter b. 1728, son of John and Margaret (Noel), who married Anne Hay ~1755 – setting up house] of same. For £ 15 current money. 100 acres in Brumfield Parish … line of a patent granted to John Rucker … corner to William Eddings … corner to George Eastham … Thomas Rucker’s lines … his wife Mary Powell will relinquish her right of dower [this land had been previously dealt from Wm Pierce to Wm Rucker to John Powell].
John Powell
Wit: Jeremiah Pearce [Inasmuch as this is Culpeper Co, about 35 miles from Caroline Co., this Jeremiah Pierce is not the one who is about 45y and lives in Caroline Co, but rather is the one born 1731-1734, son of William; the older Jeremiah from Caroline Co. is his uncle. This is the first mention of Jeremiah son of William in the records, and it could be that he was just of age in 1755, ie born ~1731-1734. Strictly speaking, infants of 14-21 could witness contracts in VA, but this was probably not as common as over 21. Since the land was previously owned by his parents, he probably grew up there.] John Offill [Wm Offill married Mary Rucker dau Peter], Thomas Freeman, David Vawter.
20 March 1755. Acknowledged by the party.
[The next deed is Powels to Francis Kirtley. Powel, Kirtley, Pierce, Vawter – these were all neighbors at one time or another.]
13 June 1755 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part One 1755-1756: Suit on attachment. James Trice [b.~1715 King & Queen Co., d.1789 Orange Co., NC, married Elizabeth in Caroline Co. February 5, 1724, — Susanna (Swann) Anderson's will, recorded in Hanover, leaves her son, Cornelius Dabney, all her ready money and debts in England and Virginia, and appointing her son, Cornelius Dabney, sole executor of the will. She had three children by her second marriage — one daughter, Dorothy, who maried 1st Wm Anderson and 2nd James Trice, and another who married Captain Thomas Carr, and one son, David Anderson.] agst. The estate of John Pearce. The plaintiff proving his account, judgment is granted him for L3.18.0 current money in the hands of William Bowler [10 Jul 1752 Caroline Co. This is the William Bowler who supplied the bond for Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline to be the guardian of Rachel Gibson, orphan of George Gibson. John Pierce is the brother of Jeremiah.] if so much remains after his fees and levies are deducted out of the estate. It is ordered that the Sheriff return to next Court an account of the sale of the goods attached.
8 April 1756 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part One 1755-1756: Upon the complaint of Jeremiah Pearce against John Herndon [John Herndon (b.~1718) married Jane; her last name is thought to be Banks. Gerard Banks (b.~1704), who married Anne Stanton dau Thomas Sr., witnessed the will of John Herdon on 31 Jul 1768 in King George Co. He is probably her brother, since only the male children of their father, also named Gerard, are known. Jeremiah apparently lived on the same road as a William Herndon and James Herndon (see 8 Feb 1759 and 13 Jul 1759). These are probably sons of Edward Herndon and Mary Waller who lived in Caroline Co. and had a large family.], its ordered William Bullard, Simon Poe [fought several Herndons over how to grow tobacco], Samuel Chapman, Robt. Robertson, John Bohannon, Francis Hoomes, Jas. Herndon and Mary Dismukes be summoned to next court.
19 April 1757 Culpeper Co. Va Deeds, Volume 2 1755-1762 Pages 528-30. Thomas Stanton and Lettice his wife of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County to Richard Stanton [their son] of same. Deed of gift: for yearly rent of one pepper corn. 279 acres in Brumfield Parish on the Stanton river, being part of a tract granted to Leonard and Thomas Stanton by patent for 1000 acres bearing date 1728... on the south side of the Stanton River corner to Jeremiah Early [this is Jeremiah Early b. 1705 whose sister Judith Early is the grandmother of Henry Buford, who married Elizabeth Pierce in KY, daughter of Jeremiah Pierce, this William Pierce's brother] ...on Cabbin Branch...old pattent line...on the piney mountain...
Thomas Stanton, Lettice Stanton
Wit: John Duncan, Charles Duncan. [Both John and Charles are sons of William Duncan and Ruth Raleigh; Charles married Sarah Frances Browning and John married Rachel Warren]
21 April 1757. Acknowledged.
19 April 1757 Culpeper Co, VA Deeds 2 1755-1762 Pages 532-33. [Next deed after the above] Thomas Stanton and Lettice his wife of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County to William Peirce. Deed of gift: for yearly rent of one pepper corn. 171 acres in Brumfield Parish...corner to Joseph Ham in John Simpson's line...William Eddin's line...on the side of a mountain...Joseph Ham's corner in George Hume line...part of a tract granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, by pattent for 400 acres 10 June 1737.
Thomas Stanton Lettice Stanton
Wit: John Duncan, Charles Duncan.
21 April 1757. Acknowledged.
[This deed immediately follows an almost identical deed from Thomas Stanton and Lettice to Richard Stanton. From Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, © Market House Books Ltd 1996: "Peppercorn rent is a nominal rent. In theory, one peppercorn (or some other nominal sum) is payable as a rent to indicate that a property is leasehold and not freehold, the peppercorn representing the consideration. In practice it amounts to a rent-free lease." These are two indentical such deeds of gifts from Thomas Stanton Jr. and Lettice. They can be assumed to have been made to a very close relation. Richard Stanton is their son. That Wm Pierce (and his wife Mary) receive the very same consideration from Thomas Stanton Jr and Lettice as they gave their son Richard implies that Mary Pierce has the same relationship as Richard, i.e.,she is their daughter, and Wm Pierce is their son-in-law. It is a reasonable assumption that they had recently married and therefore their marriage date is thought to be Abt 1755.]
12 May 1757 Caroline Co. Jeremiah Pearce was appointed overseer of a road, replacing George Bullard.
12 Nov 1757 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part Two 1756-1758: Action of debt. Patrick Mitchell agst. Jeremiah Pierce [see also 16 Feb 1765]. The defendant says he cannot deny he owes L97.3.10 current money. This judgment is to be discharged on the defendant’s paying L32.15.3 current money with interest from the last day of June 1757. [No genealogy for Patrick Mitchell, but undoubtedly related to John Mitchell, who also sued Jeremiah Pierce in 1758.]
13 Jan 1758 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part Two 1756-1758: Ordered that Jeremiah Pearce pay John Smith 100 pounds of tobacco for four days attendance as an evidence for him agst. Miller.
13 Jan 1758 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part Two 1756-1758: Ordered that John Pickett pay James Young [1749-Aug. 11 Caroline Co Va. Petition of Ruth Booth Admx. estate of Daniel-Wm. Bowles and James Young, securities. Appraise estate of Daniel. Wm. Bowles was ordered to set apart Ruth's dower from the rest of Daniel's estate in 1750. He was also security for James Trice as guardian of Tabitha Booth in 1751-2. When a suit was filed agaist James Trice, Wm. Bowles was ordered to review the facts.] 300 pounds of tobacco for twelve days’ attendance as an evidence for him agst. [Jeremiah] Pearce.
10 Feb 1758 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part Two 1756-1758: Ordered that Jeremiah Pearce pay William Bowler 200 pounds of tobacco for eight days’ attendance as an evidence against Pickett.
11 Aug 1758 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1755-1758 Part Two 1756-1758: Action of trespass on the case. John Mitchell agst. Jeremiah Pearce. [See 12 Nov 1757 and 16 Feb 1765 for Patrick Mitchell.]
8 Feb 1759 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1759-1763, p3: Jeremiah Pearce is appointed overseer of the road in the room [replacing] of William Henrdon.
13 Jul 1759 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1759-1763, p.57: James Herndon [see also 11 May 1739], Jr. is appointed overseer of the road in the room of Jeremiah Pearce.
9 Aug 1759 Caroline Co., VA: It’s ordered that Francis Long’s precincts as constable be from Prosser’s Swamp to the upper end of St. Mary’s Parish and Jeremiah Pearce have from the Court house to Douge Town Bridge and to the upper end of Drysdale Parish. [Jeremiah Pierce is already constable apparently, and the territory is being split up. Drysdale Parish served both Essex and Caroline Co., so must have been on the eastern end of Caroline. 11 Feb 1742/43 Francis Long vs. Jeremiah Pierce.]
16 Aug 1759 Culpeper Co., VA Will Book A 1749-1770 pp. 200-201: accounts of Robert Tureman decd. Cash received of: John Rogers, John Henderson, William Kendall, Ephraim Rucker, John Simpson, Thomas Stogdell, William Kirtley, Thomas Kirtley, John Dulaney, Thomas Sampson, Thomas Glover, Simon Thompson, Francis Kirtley, George Holt, William Pearce, David Vawter, Elliot Bohannon, Mrs. Booten. [Robert Tureman (died ~1754) married Ann (nee Booten), the widow of Henry Bohannan who died ~28 Jul 1740 in Essex Co. The “Mrs. Booten here must be her mother.]
19 Feb. 1760 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds 2 Pages 255-57. Thomas Stanton Sr. of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County to Thomas Stanton, Jr. of same. For 5 pounds current money. 300 acres being part of a tract granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres by patent 10 June, 1737, being part of a tract granted to Leonard and Thomas Stanton for 1000 acres by patent 1728...on the north side of Stanton river in a line granted by patent to Leonard and Thomas Stanton...William Kirtley's corner on Rock Hall... [note that the Thomas Stanton Sr. in this deed is the son of Thomas Stanton, decd, and therefore the Thomas Stanton, Jr. would be Thomas Stanton III.]
Thomas Stanton
Wit: Joseph Ham, Seth Ham, William Pierce, Mary Pierce. [Seth Ham and Mary Pierce are sisters of Thomas Stanton Sr. (son of Thomas Stanton, decd)]
21 Feb. 1760. Proved by William Pierce, Joseph Ham and Seth Ham
18 Feb. 1760 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds 2 Pages 258-260. William Pierce [son of William of Orange Co.] and Mary his wife of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, to Thomas Sampson of same. For 16 pounds current money. 171 acres, being part of a tract of land granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres by patent 10 June 1737...corner to Joseph Ham in John Simpson's line... by a large rock in William Eddin's line... [this is the one peppercorn land 19 Apr 1757 that they received from Thomas Stanton, showing that the one peppercorn structure is not really rent, but actually a sale, else how could they sell it later?]
William Pierce Mary Pierce
Wit: Thomas Stanton, Sr., Richard Stanton, Thomas Stanton Jr., John Benojeman [probably Benjamin].
21 Feb. 1760. Acknowledged by the parties.
20 March 1760 Orange Co., VA Will Book 2 1744-1778 p303: William Peirce. Inventory. . Total valuation £ 13.3.0. W. Riddle, Wm. Scott, John Blakey. 27 March 1760. Returned.
Orange Co., VA Will Book 2 1744-1778 pp.314-315: William Pearce. Estate account. Thos. Rucker [~1705-1763, brother of Elizabeth Rucker, William Pierce’s wife], administrator. Payments made to Major Morre, Corns. Rucker [Cornelius Rucker ~1730-1761 is the son of the administrator, Thomas Rucker], John Gooall, Francis Kirtley [neighbor], Dr. Jackson, Wm. Riddle, John Blakey, Wm. Scott, Thos. Dooley, Saml. Bullis, John White [married Anne Gower, distantly related to the Francis Gower who married Sarah Pierce, daughter of Col. Wm Pierce of Westmoreland], John Lestor, Thos. And Wm. Morris. Receipts from Thos. Stanton, Hezh. Rhodes, John Lester, Thos. Doolen, Wm. Scott, John Roberts, Saml. Bullis, Thos. Morris, Michl. Earhart [Johann Michael Earhart or Eahart. His daughter Katherine married George Rucker, son of Thomas, the administrator of this estate. Somehow, intermarriage of Pierces with the descendants of Michael Earhart gave rise to the use of the name Ahart in the Pierce descendants, e.g., Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930), and Wirt Ahart Pierce (1871-1956).], John White, Wm. Cox [not the Wm Cox who was sued along with Francis Pierce (William’s father) in Dec 1712, but probably the William born ~1730, son of William, son of James.].
27 Aug 1761. Settled by W. Bell and Richd. Thomas
27 Aug 1761. Returned. [This is the inventory of the William Pierce b.1705-1710 who married Elizabeth Rucker.]
10 Apr 1760 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1759-1763, p.99: Ordered the Sheriff pay Wm. Hewlett, Jeremiah Pearce, John Scandland and James Samuell the tobacco levied for them as constables.
14 Nov 1760 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1759-1763, p.140: Action of debt. Richd Buckner Gent. [9 Jun 1744, Jeremiah gave evidence in a criminal case involving a slave of Richard Buckner] &c agst. Andrew Knight [who was appointed guardian of William Gibson orphan while Jeremiah was guardian of Margaret and Rachel Gibson, see 1750 &ff], Jeremiah Pearce and John Pickett [John Pickett (abt. 1680 – 1765) married Mary Boughan dau John Boughan, and was sued in 1712 along with Francis Pierce in Essex Co. The John Boughan just mentioned was the brother of the 2nd wife of Francis Pierce] The defendants Pearce and Picket say they cannot deny the writing obligatory nor but they owe Richard as surviving justice of the peace for the County of Caroline of William Woodford, William Taliaferro and Thomas Buckner, Gent., the sum of L500 current money. It’s considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover the sum for the use of William Gibson, orphan of George Gibson. To be discharged on the defendants’ paying L48.17.7 current money with interest from 5 June 1760 ‘til paid. The plaintiff agreed to stay execution ‘til 1 June 1761. [8 Aug 1751 when William Gibson chose Andrew Knight as guardian. Jeremiah Pierce and John Pickett put up the bond for Andrew Knight. It appears from this that Andrew Knight is no longer guardian, but Richard Buckner is, or Richard Buckner as an attorney is suing the still guardian Andrew Knight.]
22 May 1761 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds 2 Pages 574-77.. Angus Vawter of St. Ann's Parish, Essex, to William Pierce of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County. For 25 pounds current money. 250 acres in Brumfield Parish in the fork of the Stanton and Conway Rivers, part of a patent granted to John Vawter for 700 acres 20 July 1736...bounded on the lines of Francis Conway, Charles Neale, William Kirtley and John Ray...Ann Vawter wife of Angus Vawter doth surrender right of dower.
Angus Vawter
Wit: Ephraim Rucker [brother-in-law of William Pierce], David Vawter [brother of Angus], John Offill [brother-in-law of William Pierce], Richard Vawter [brother of Angus].
Proved by Ephraim Rucker and Richard Vawter. [Vawters already lived next door to William.]
10 Jul 1761 Caroline Orders 1759-1763, p.236: William Cunningham &c agst. Jeremiah Pearce. Trespass on the case. Jury, William Johnston, etc. find for the plaintiff L7.0.7 ½ damage. Wm. Johnston, foreman.
12 Mar 1762 Caroline Orders 1759-1763, p.280: Ordered Jeremiah Pierce be fined five shillings for getting drunk and pay the same to the Churchwardens of Drysdale Parish [one of whom might have been Henry Lyne (see 10 Aug 1770)].
25 Mar 1762 Caroline Orders: Jeremiah Pierce replaced as constable by Peter Bullard [possibly because he was drunk and fined].
9 Jul 1762 Caroline Orders 1759-1763, p.335: Ordered Jeremiah Pierce be fined five shillings for getting drunk and pay the same to the Church Wardens of Drysdale Parish [a habit of being drunk].
9 Jul 1762 Caroline Orders 1759-1763, p.336: James Miller agst. Jeremiah Pearce. [see also 16 Feb 1765: James Miller &c agst. John Pearce, Jeremiah’s brother] Case. Robert Mickleberry &c being sworn to try the matter, the jury find for the plaintiff L7.16.9 current money. Robert Mickleberry, foreman. It’s considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover the money.
9 Jun 1763 Caroline Orders 1759-1763, p.421: Petition. Jeremiah Pearce agst. Peter Lantor [lived in Orange Co. 1755-1769, married Sarah Bourne]. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for L3.10.
10 Aug 1764 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.226: Edward Wade and Rachell [this suit shows that Rachel Gibson, ward of Jeremiah Pierce as per 10 Jul 1752 Caroline Co., has now married Edward Wade] his wife agst. George Gibson and Jeremiah Pearce. Chancery. Dismissed, being agreed.
10 Aug 1764 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.228: John Bohannon agst. Jeremiah Pearce. Case. Dismissed for want of security. [There is a John Bohannan son of Duncan born in Caroline Co., VA, but he is gone to Orange Co., NC by 1755, so is not his John Bohannan. This might even be (but no proof other than no other John Bohannan apparently around) a corruption of the name John Boughan, who is related to Jeremiah.]
15 Feb 1765 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p. 350: Edmund Wade [continued from 10 Aug 1764; the husband of Jeremiah’s former ward Rachel Gibson] agst. Jeremiah Pearce. In case. This day came the plaintiff and the defendant failing to appear and being returned copy left, on motion of the plaintiff an alias capias is granted him.
16 Feb 1765 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.380: James Miller [James Miller (1730 Glasgow, Scotland – 1808 Caroline) married Elizabeth Roy daughter of Thomas and Judith (Beverley); he was a prominent businessman in Caroline Co. They had ch: James, Thomas, Robert, William, Corbet, Christian, and Lucy. He apparently had no brothers or other relatives in the US (Genealogies from Tyler’s Quarterly Historical …), so the John Miller 10 Mar 1743 is no relation.] &c agst. John Pearce. [James Miller also sued Jeremiah Pearce Caroline Co. on 9 Jul 1762.] By attachment. Dismist. [A John Pierce posted a bond for a John Miller (no immediate relation to James Miller, but perhaps related in Scotland (see above)) to open an ordinary (inn or tavern) on 10 Mar 1743/4. However, this is a new and different John Pierce from the one on 10 Mar 1743/4, since he died by 15 Mar 1754 (see 15 Mar 1754 and 13 Jun 1755). ). The elder John was the son of Francis, and had married Olivia Rains. This is the younger John’s first mention in the records, but he is in Culpeper Co. until at least 1796. He is therefore probably still near 21 now (ie born ~1741-1744 (giving my usual 3 years. Therefore this John must be the son of either John (decd) or Jeremiah (It is chronologically possible for him to be the son of William of Orange Co., and the other sons of William popped up so reliably in Culpeper records, it is doubtful that this John who first appears in Caroline could be from William). It is thought that he is the son of Jeremiah because 1) He would have been an under-aged orphan at the death of his father if he was a son of John Pierce of Caroline (and there are no such mentions of such an orphan in the Caroline Orders), and 2) He appears here in court on the same day as Jeremiah, being sued by the same man who previously had sued Jeremiah.]
16 Feb 1765 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.388: Patrick Mitchell agst. Jeremiah Pearce [also 12 Nov 1757 – same plaintiff and defendant]. In Case. This day came the plaintiff and the defendant also appeared and craved an imparlance.
16 Mar 1765 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.422: Messrs. Dunlop & Company agst. John Billups [(b.1680-1690), married Dorothy Awbrey, dau Henry & Dorothy (North). Dorothy Awbey’ step-father was Thomas Meador, and her sister Mary reportedly married John, son of the same Thomas Meador. Dorothy inherited land at Hoskins Creek in Essex Co. where Col. Wm Pierce’s 4054 ac were] and Jeremiah Pearce. In debt. This day came the parties by their attornies and the defendants relinquishing their former plea acknowledged the plaintiff’s action. It is considered by the Court that the plaintiffs recover L23.13.5 current money with interest from 21 June 1763 and 15 shillings for an attorney’s fee and 142 pounds of tobacco and the prison fees and their costs. [This is a rather distant connection between Col. Wm Pierce, whose line intermarried with Awbreys, and Jeremiah Pierce.]
12 Apr 1765 Caroline Orders 1764-1765, p.467: Edmund Wade [husband of former ward Rachel Gibson] agst. Jeremiah Pearce. In case. This day came the plaintiff by his attorney and Wm. Harrisson [must the attorney for Jeremiah] entered himself special bail for the defendant and an imparlance is granted him.
14 Aug 1765 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds D 1762-1765 pp. 720-722: Wm. Pearce of Bromfield Parish, Culpeper County, to Stephen Souther [son of Henry, the immigrant from Germany; went to NC by 1780] of same. For £ 21 current money. 150 acres in the fork of Stanton and Conway rivers on a small brach … corner in Wm. Kirtley’s line … Thomas Conway’s line … a bent of a branch below the fork…
Wm. Pearce
Mary Pearce [nee Stanton]
Wit: Richard Vawter [son of John & Margaret (Noell)], Wm. Vawter, Jeremiah Pearce [brother of the above William] and James Rucker [William’s uncle-in-law].
15 Aug 1765. Acknowledged by Wm. Mary was first privily examined. [This is 150 acres of the 250 acres sold by Angus Vawter (first patented by John Vawter) to William Pierce on 22 May 1761.]
15 Jun 1765 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p.74: Patrick Mitchell Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pearce Deft. In Case. This day came the parties by their attornies and the Defendt. Pleads Non Assumpsit which the Plt. Joyned and the Trial thereof is referred till the next Court. [continuation of suit from 16 Feb 1765.]
15 Jun 1765 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p.84: Edmund Wade [husband of former ward Rachel Gibson] Plt agst Jeremiah Pearce Deft. In Case. This day came the parties by their attornies and the Deft. Pleads that he did not assume which the Plt. Joyned and Trial thereof is referred till the next Court. [continuation of suit from 1110 Aug 1764.]
13 Sep 1765 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p. 179: Dunlop &c. Plt agst. John Billops & Jeremiah Pearce and James Hay Defendts. On a Replevy Bond [continuation of16 Mar 1765]. On the mostion of the Plts by their attorney it is Ordered that Execution do issue agains the Defendants for twenty eight pounds Nineteen shillings and three pence current money and three hundred Sixty seven pounds of tobacco and 5 per cent thereon from the 21st of May 1765 untill paid and the costs of this motion. [continuation of suit from 16 Mar 1765.]
14 Sep 1765 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p. 203: Patrick Mitchell Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pearce Defendt. [continuation of 15 Jun 1765] In Case. This day came the parties by their attornies and the Defendant relinquishing his former plea acknowledged the Plts action. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plt recover of the Defendt Six pounds Ten Shillings and four pence current money and his costs in this suit expended and the sd Defendt in Mercy etc. [wrap up of suit first filed on 16 Feb 1765.]
12 Jun 1766 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p. 302: William Johnston Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pearce Deft. By Petition. This day came the parties and it appearing that Two pounds One shillings and four pence current money is due to the Plt. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plt recover of the Defendt the same and his costs in this suit expended. [10 July 1761: William Johnston was the foreman on a jury that tried William Cunningham & Co. against Jeremiah Pierce for trespass. Isaac Pierce would sue William Johnston on 12 Aug 1771 for a debt, and who counter-sued 16 Nov 1771. On that occasion, William Johnston was referred to as Doctor.]
12 Feb
1767 Caroline Co., VA: Will of Henry Rains
[A copy was made in 1801 to be used in a
Spotsylvania District Court case involving Henry Hill vs John Purvis and was
filed with the District Court records. It appears to show that Henry died after
Dec. 27, 1766 and Before Feb. 12, 1767 when son Ignatious had it approved for
”In the name of God. Amen. I Henry Rains of
Drysdale Parish & County of Caroline Planter, being low and week in perfect
sence & memory, by calling to mind the transatory estate of man & that all flesh
must yealed unto death where it shall please God to call them. I do therefore
make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following.
First & principally I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God. Not
doubting but trusting through the march and passions of Jesus Christ my savior
to receive forgiveness of all my sins and as for my world estate I give and
bequeath as follows with.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my two sons John Rains, Ambrose Rains, &
Ignatious Rains all my lands that I am possessed according to a division made by
me, supposing each part to contain three hundred acres be that more or less to
them & their heirs for ever.
Item. I give to my John Rains the part binding on my Henry Rains & Mordica
Rod to him & his heirs for ever.
Item. I give to my son Ambros Rains the part he now lives on to him & his
heirs for ever. Item. I give to my son Ignat ious Rains the part I now live on
to him & his heirs for ev er.
Item. It is my will & desire that all the rest of my estate be sold by my
excutors hereafter mentioned at twelve months credits & the money that shall
thence arise to be equally divided between all my children viz: my sons John
Rains , Henry Rains, Ambros Rains, & Ignatious Rains & my daughters Oliviah
Pearce [wife of Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline Co. She was b. abt 1724],
Mary Duval, & Cordeliah Perry & their heirs for ever.
I appoint my sons Ambros Rains & Ignatious Rains exors of this my last will
& testament revoaking all other will or wills by me made. In witness whereof I
have here unto set my hand & seal this 27th day of December 1766.
Teste. Anthony Thorton William Duvall William Sorrele Henry (his mark) Rains
The following two documents were filed with the above document: Copy Henry Rains
Will 52 _____ William Purvis Dist Court The a court held for Caroline County
February 12, 1767 . This will was proved by the witnesses _____ & ordered to be
recorded. On the motion of Ignatious Rains a certificate is granted him for
obtaining a probate thereof, bond acknowledged according to law. A copy Teste.
John Pendelton Jr Dc
14 May 1767 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1765-1767, p.487: Ordered that [blank] Reynolds pay Jeremiah Pierce two hundred & twenty five pounds of Neet Tobo [abbreviation for tobacco] for attending this Court nine days as an Evidence for him against Pickett. At the same court, Reynolds was also ordered to pay Edward Bowler 275 pounds tobacco for 11 days, and Phillip May 200 pounds for eight days. [Blank] Pickett was ordered to pay Nichelson Oliver [Olivers intermarried with the Rains family and Jeremiah’s brother John married Olivia Rains] 175 pounds for 7 days relating to the same action. [James Pickett (b.~1703), son of John Pickett and Mary Boughan (who was sued with Francis Pierce 1712 over Maj. James Boughan’s estate, and who had numerous records with the son of Francis, William Pierce in Orange Co., who is also the brother of the above Jeremiah Pierce), married abt. 1722 Hannah Reynolds, daughter of James. Although the blanks do not allow specifics, this shows the relationships.]
17 Sep 1767 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds E 1765-1769 pp. 411-412: William Pirce and Mary his wife of Culpeper County to Hugh Roberts [Very little about him available; he witnessed the will of William Sims 17 Jul 1777 in Culpeper, in which one of the legatees was Susannah Roberts.] of same. For £ 25 current money. 197 acres in the fork of the Conway and Rapidann Rivers. Corner in Stephen Souder’s line [Stephen Souther bought this land which has this line from William and Mary Pierce on 14 Aug 1765] on a branch. Corner in Francis Conway’s line.
William Pirce
Mary Pirce
17 Sep 1767. Acknowledged by the parties. Mary was first privily examined.
13 Nov 1767 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1767-1768, p. 63: Sarah Peirce Assignee of James Head Lynch [Sarah (Merriwether) Pierce, widow of John Pierce of Hanover Co., is the 1st cousin twice removed of the husband of the daughter of James Head Lynch, which, while she obviously is not a legatee or guardian probably means only that she had some action for which she is acting in the stead of James Head Lynch. She is also distantly related to Lodowick George and the other George heirs below] against Lodowick George. [Lodowick George (1731 Caroline – 1831) son of Robert George and Anne (Allen), is a granson of Robert George and Sarah (Tinsley). On 10 Nov 1752 Caroline Co., Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline, as executor of George Gibson, decd, brought a suit upon John Thilman and Robert Mickelborough, two other grandsons of Robert and Sarah George.] Upon a Petition for Debt. The Defendant being duly summoned and failing to appear tho solemnly called on the motion of the Petitioner, it is considered by the Court that she recover against the Defendant four pounds ten shillings the debt in the said Petition specified and also her costs in this behalf expended. [James Head Lynch (born abt 1745, Grayson Co., VA – aft 1793), had a land grant in Orange Co. on 5 Jun 1765, father Head Lynch, mother Prudence.]
Sep 1769 King George Co. [north side of the Rappahannock across from Caroline and Essex]: King George Marriages copied from the fee books: James Triplett and Jenny Pearce.
15 Sep 1769 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1768-1770, p. 413: Isaac Pearce against Mary Nalls [There is considerable confusion about this surname. Here, 15 Sep 1769, it is Nalls;on 12 Sep 1771 it is Ralls; likewise on 16 Nov 1771 it is Ralls; on 28 Apr 1772 (a deed involving John Pierce and James Nalle) it is Malle and Nall in the same entry; on 19 Oct 1778 it is Nalle, the preferred spelling for the family in Culpeper Co., VA. Mary Nalls would seem to be Mary (Brown) Nalle, wife of John, who raised a large family in Orange Co., VA. She had a daughter Mary, but since the Mary Nalle that was sued died before the suit was resolved (see 12 Sep 1771), is is probably the elder Mary]. On Petition. The Deft being duly summoned and failing to appear to solemnly called, it is considered by the Court that the Plt recover agains the said Deft Three pounds one shilling and eleven pence, the debt in the petition specified, and also his costs in this behalf expended.
9 Mar 1770 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, p. 487: On the motion of Jeremiah Pearce for leave to turn a Road, Ordered [that] William Buckner & Peter Thornton Gent. & John Smith being first sworn view the conveniences & inconveniences that may attend the same & report to the next Court.
17 May 1770 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 67-68:. John Conner of Culpeper County and Mary his wife to John Conner Jr. [1st born of 13; however John the father of Philemon (and the one old enough to own 600 acres) is reported to have married an Elizabeth, not a Mary; maybe Mary is a 2nd wife] of same. For natural love and affection unto their son John Conner Jr. 400 acres on the branches of Muddy Run … corner to Lewis Davis Yancy upon William Beverley’s line .. line of Yancey’s …on a hillside in Beverley’s line .
Wit: William Allen, William Peirce
17 May 1770. Acknowledged by parties. Mary was first privily examined.
17 May 1770 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 69-70: John Conner of Culpeper County and Mary his wife to Philemon Conner [3rd born; the 2nd born, James, died in NC in 1755; they couldn’t give something to every child, so stopped at two bequests] of Orange Co. For natural love and affection unto their brother Philemon Conner. 200 acres on the branches of Muddy Run … corner to Lewis Davis Yancy upon William Beverley’s line .. line of Yancey’s … in a valley of a branch of Muddy Run … on a hillside in Beverley’s line … houses, gardens, buildings, orchards, fences.
Wit: William Allen [probably the William Allen (~1744-1799), son of James and Mary (Stamps), married Mary Green], William Peirce
17 May 1770. Acknowledged by parties. Mary was first privily examined.
17 May 1770 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 73-75: Richard Vaughan [The signature at the bottom is Boughan. Richard Baughan/Vaughn is somewhat of a mystery, other than it appears that he has children Mordecai and Vincent. Henry Boughan (brother of Major James Boughan, over whose will Francis Pierce and others were sued in 1712) died in 1738, leaving a will that referred to two sons (James and Henry) and “my young children”. It is possible that Richard was among those young children.] and Ann his wife of Culpeper County to Mordecai Boughan of same. For £ 20 current money. 119 acres in Brumfield Parish in the great fork of the Rappahannock River on the brances of Poley Run … corner of John Gent … corner of Vincent Boughan … Glebe land …
Richard (X) Boughan
Ann (X) Boughan
Wit: William Allen, William Peirce, James Bramham.
17 May 1770. Acknowledged by the parties. Ann was first privily examined.
17 May 1770 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 75-77:
This Indenture made the seventeenth day of May In the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and seventy by and Between Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his Wife of the County of Culpeper and Colony of Virginia of the one part and Mordecai BOUGHAN of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the full sum of Twenty pounds Current Money of Virginia them in hand paid by the said Mordecai BAUGHAN before the sealing and delivery of these presents The Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and themselves therewith fully satisfyed Contented and paid Have Granted bargained & sold and by these presents doth Grant bargain & sell Expossit & Confirm unto the said Mordecai BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns one Certain peice or parcel of Land Containing one hundred and Nineteen Acres Situate Lying and being in Culpeper County and Brumfield Parish in the Great fork of Rappahannock River and on the Branches of Poly Run and is Bounded as followeth Viz Beginning at two pines and a white oak a Corner to John GENT and Runs thence with his Line North fifty-two Degrees west one hundred & twenty pole to three Red oaks in a Bottom a Corner to Vincen BOUGHAN Thence with his line north Sixty degrees East one hundred and seventy pole to two pines in a Branch a corner to John BROWN Thence south Two degrees west Three hundred and eighty pole to a Box oak & two pines Corner to the Glebe Land & from thence to the Beginning place with all houses waters and water Courses fences Inclosures Woods and underwoods profits and Emoluments to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Remainder and Remainders Reversion & Reversions thereof and of every part and parcel therof and all the Estate right title and Interest thereof and of every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said one hundred and Nineteen Acres of Land and all and Singular the Premises with the appurtenances unto the said Mordica BAUGHAN his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns forever And the said Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his wife and their heirs the said tract of one hundred and Nineteen Acres of Land and premises unto the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents Against all or any person or persons whatsoever And the said Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his wife for for themselves their heirs Executors and assigns doth Covenant and agree to and with the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns in manner and form following (To wit/that they the said Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his wife at the time of sealing and delivery of these presents is and stands Seized of an Indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple in the said Land & premises and hath full power good right and Lawfull Authority to sell & Convey the same in manner and form aforesaid and the said land & premises shall forever hereafter remain in Possession of the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs & assigns freed and discharded of and from all former Estates rights titles Debts Dowers demands Judgments and Executions whatsoever and the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns shall and may forever hereafter peaceably and Quietly have hold possess and enjoy the said land and premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging without the [set] hinderance suit denial or molestation of any person or persons Whatsoever and Lastly that the said Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his Wife and their heirs will at any time hereafter make and Execute such further act or acts Conveyance or Conveyances Necessary in the Law for the further and better assuring and Conveying [the said Land and premises] with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns and by the said Mordica BOUGHAN his heirs and assigns or as by his or their Councel Licenced in the Law shall be devised advised or required In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereto Interchangably set their hands and fixed their Seals the day and year first above Written
Signed Sealed & Delivered Richard X BOUGHAN LS, Ann X BOUGHAN LS
In presence of us William ALLEN, William PEIRCE, James BRANHAM
Memorandum that on the 17th of day of May One thousand seven hundred and seventy Peaceable and Quiet Possession and seizere of the Land and premises within mentioned was held by the within named Richard BOUGHAN and by him was delivered unto the within named Mordica BOUGHAN to be held by him his heirs and assigns forever according to the true Intent and meaning of the within Deed Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above Written Richard X BOUGHAN LS
May the 17th 1770 Then Received of Mordeca BOUGHAN Twenty pounds Current Money being in full the Consideration Money in the within Deed mentioned Received by me Richard X BOUGHAN LS
At a Court held for the County of Culpeper on Thursday the 17th day of May 1770 This Indenture of Tesstment from Richard BOUGHAN and Ann his Wife to Mordica BOUGHAN was acknowledged by the Parties of the Memorandum & Receipt Endorsed was also acknowledged by the said Richard and Ordered to be Recorded previous to which the said Ann was first privily Examined as the Law directs Teste Roger DIXON Clk,
Wit: William Allen, William Peirce, James Bramham.
17 May 1770. Acknowledged by the parties. Ann was first privily examined.
[The signature at the bottom is Boughan. Richard Baughan/Vaughn is somewhat of a mystery, other than it appears that he has children Mordecai and Vincent. Henry Boughan (brother of Major James Boughan, over whose will Francis Pierce and others were sued in 1712) died in 1738, leaving a will that referred to two sons (James and Henry) and “my young children”. It is possible that Richard was among those young children.]
[Note: 10 Jul 1712 Essex John Boughan witnessed a deed by Francis Pierce, and in Dec 1712, James Boughan sued John Pickett and Mary his wife, Francis Pierce and Mary his wife, and Wm Cox (and see). Boughans and Picketts and probably Pierces were intermarried:
Essex Will Book 7 (1743-7) The will of William Pickett, of Essex County, dated Oct. 10, 1743; probated Dec 20, 1748; to wife Sarah Pickett, 12 negroes; to cousin Lucy Norril, 8 negroes and if she die without heirs then to her sister Matthew [sic. Martha] Norril; to Hannah Richardson, wife of Peter Richardson, £20 currency; to Succa Broughan, daughter of Augustine Broghan, 1 negro; to cousin Henry Pickett, son of John Pickett, Senior, my plantation I purchased of Thomas May, and all my wearing apparel; to cousin Lucy Norril a feather bed and 3 heifers; to wife Sarah picket my dwelling house and plantation for her life and after her decease to my cousin William Pickett, son of John Pickett; residue of estate to wife Sarah, and she and Samuel Hipkins are named executors. Witnesses: John Melear, William Hord, Cornelius Vaughn. The bond of Sarah Pickett, executor of William Picket, deceased, dated Dec 20, 1748; £1000 sterling; with Thos. Waring and James Gatewood sureties; signed: "Sarah (S, her mark) Picket," (page 118) Inventory of estate of William Pickett, deceased, taken April 10, 1744. lists 22 negroes, 40 head cattle, 20 heads sheep, 42 hogs, 2 horses and 1 [riding] chair and harness, 100 gallons Virginia Brandy, beds and furniture, chairs, tables, etc. Sarah Pickett, executrix. [Note the use of term "cousin" in William Pickett's will, most probably is used for nephew and niece.]
9 Aug 1770 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, p. 71: Ordered [that] Francis Coleman [married Hannah Johnston, sister of the James Johnston mentioned herein; see Dec 1712 for other Coleman connections to Pierce and James Johnston], Jere. Pearce, Thomas Gutridge and James Johnston or any three of them being first sworn do appraise the Estate of John Harriss [would seeem to be John (1703 Essex-1770 Caroline, son of William and Temperance (Overton); John Harris’s brother James married Sarah Crawford (1708-1763); not certain if this Crawford is connected to the and Elizabeth Crawford who married James Pierce, probable son of William Pierce and Elizabeth Rucker] deced according to Law.
10 Aug 1770 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, p. 80: Sarah Peirce Plt against William Mason Deft. [there is a William Mason (b.~1748 Stafford Co., d. 1823 Culpeper) son of John Mason and Mary (Nelson), married Lucy (Benson), lived in Gourdvine, Culpeper Co.; he seems pretty young, but there is no William in the preceeding generation. Sarah is the widow of John Pierce of Hanover Co: Records of Hanover Co., VA, 6 May 1784: Wm Harris & Elizabeth his wife, Henry Fleet & Mildred his wife to Edwin Fleet “whereas Elizabeth Harris & Mildred Fleet stand seized of two seventh part of undivided tract (formerly the dower land of Sarah Pierce, relict of Jno. Pierce decd) & which they hold as co-heirs of s'd Jno Pierce in St Paul." 11 Dec 1783: Another 1/7 from Sarah wife of Robt. Lawson to Henry Fleet. John and Sarah Pierce have a daughter Jane who married a Tunstall, as well as a grand-daughter who married a Tunstall. Therefore, John is undoubtedly of the same line as the William of Culpeper Co. who married Ann Tunstall (see 1 Feb 1777 and 1 May 1777). William is of an age to have been the son of John and Sarah.] Henry Lyne Junr [a Henry Lyne (probably Sr.) was a church warden of Drysdale parish in 1745] enter’d himself special bail for the Defendant according to Law.
11 Aug 1770 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, p. 96: Ordered that William Buckner, William Buckner Jr., Francis Coleman, Jeremiah Pearce & James Johnston or any three of them (being first sworn) do appraise the Estate of Robert Robertson deced according to Law. [9 Jun 1744 criminal case featuring a slave of Richard Buckner, the father of Wm Buckner Sr.]
15 Mar 1771 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, pp 146-7: Sarah Peirce Plt against William Mason Defendt. In Case. This day came the parties by their attorneys & the Defendant saith that he cannot deny the Plantiffs action nor but that he doth owe her the sum of Forty one pounds one shilling and seen pence half penny as the Plantiff against him hath complained; Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plantiff recover against the said Defendant the aforesaid sum of Forty one pounds one shilling and seven pence half penny by the Defendant in manner aforesaid confessed and her costs in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in mercy. By consent of the Plantiff the Defendant has leave til next Court to make out any just discount. [Note that, by the same clerk of the court during this period, Sarah’s last name is uniformly spelled Peirce, whereas Jeremiah’s last name is usually Pearce (but occasionally other spellings). This is the same Sarah Pierce who has a problem with James Head Lynch 13 Nov 1767, 12 Mar 1773, and 8 Jul 1773.]
11 Apr 1771 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1770-1771, p. 160: Sarah Peirce Plantif against William Mason Defendt. For Breach of Covenants. This day came the Plantif by her Attorney and the Defendant by note from under his had acknowledges the Plantifs action to three pounds six shillings [missing – continued on a page not copied].
17 May 1771 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 274-275: Thomas Sampson and Mary Sampson his wife of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, to John Simpson of same. For £ 10 current money. 30 acres in the aforesaid parish, part of a tract formerly granted to Thomas Stanton and conveyed by Stanton to Joseph Ham and William Pierce and from Ham and Pierce to Thomas Sampson … at the aforesaid Stanton and Simpson’s (sic) corner in Jonathan Cowherd’s line … across William Kirtley’s road … courses of the said road to the County road at the Thoroughfair … Simpson’s corner … woods and underwoods …
Thomas (x) Sampson
Mary (x) Sampson
Wit: Jonathan Cowherd, John Foulkner, William Simpson
20 May 1771. Acknowledged by Thomas [John Thomas (1710 VA -1778 Culpeper) had a son (among many) named Thomas about which almost nothing is known. However, a Thomas Sampson (b.1766, probably a nephew of the one of this deed) married in 1791 Winnifred Powell, daughter of James Powell and grand-daughter John Powell who married Anne Pickett (see numerous connections with William Pierce of Orange Co. (the father of the William Pierce in this deed) and the Ruckers of Orange Co.).]
12 Aug 1771 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1771-1772, p.269: Isaac Prince [There is no Isaac Prince; this is a mis-read of Isaac Pierce] is Plt against William Johnston Defendt. [Wm Johnston appeared on many juries and was sometimes foreman, so was connected with a many suits in which he was not sued. He also interacted with Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline (see eg 12 Jun 1766). On 12 Sep 1771, we find that he is the administrator of Mary Ralls/Nalle decd, and is sued as administrator by Isaac because he had previously (15 Sep 1769) sued her while she was alive.] In Debt. The Defendant being duly arrested and failing to appear tho again solemnly called. On motion of the Plt by his Attorney, It is considered by the Court that the Plantif recover against the said Defendant five pounds fifteen shillings currt money with legal Interest from the Tenth day of August 1769 til paid, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, together with his costs in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in mercy &c.
12 Sep 1771 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1771-1772, p.300: Isaac Prince [the suit of Isaac vs. Mary Nalle (see 15 Sep 1769) has his name as Pierce, proving that Prince is a mis-read] returned an account of administration of the Estate of Mary Ralls [Nalle, see 15 Sep 1769; Isaac had previous sued her and is now collecting on the estate] deceased & ordered to be recorded.
16 Nov 1771 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1771-1772, p. 390: Doctor William Johnston Plt against Isaac Peirce, Admor of Mary Ralls [Nalle] deced, Deft. [Looks like a counter-suit.] In Debt. Came the parties by their Attorneys and the said Defendant saith he cannot deny the Plantifs action. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plantif recover against the said Defendant out of the Estate of the said Decedent when sufficient thereof shall come to his hands to be administered, the sum of [the amount was erased] and also his costs in this behalf expended.
17 March 1772 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772 pp. 442-443:. On margin DD 1789. Frederick Zimmerman of Culpeper Co. to William Pierce of same. ₤60 current money. 163 acres and 80 acres (two parcels) in the great fork of Rapahannock River in Culpeper Co. … corner to Col. Carter and Joseph Bloodworth … Carter’s line under the food of Mount Poney … Francis Thorton’s line. Other parcel: corner to a tract formerly granted to Robert Carter Esqr. On the east side of Mount Poney … Carter’s line … corner to John Pitcher … corner to Nicholas Kabler … crossing said mountain.
Frederick Zimmerman
17 March 1772 [Frederick Zimmerman (b.~1718 near Mt. Pony, Essex Co. (would become Spotsylvania, Orange, Culpeper, Madison in turn) is the son of Christopher (1690 Germany – 1748 Orange Co.) and Anna Elisabetha Albrecht. The William Pierce mentioned here is the William who married Ann Tunstall, as shown by the particular plot of land discussed and the association with Frederick Zimmerman (see 1 Feb 1777).]
28 April 1772 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds F 1769-1772, pp. 565-566: John Ping of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, to George Weatherall and John Pierce of same. For £ 47.4.5 current money and the costs of an attachment against Plnt (to George Wetherall £ 32.4.5 to be made first out of the estate but an execution against John Ping for James Malle and then £ 14 and costs of an attachment for John Pirse and if there should be sufficient that then James Nall’s execution shall be next satisfied). [One take (found on the internet) on this is: “On April 28, 1772 John Ping sold a considerable amount, if not all , of his possessions to George Wetherall and John Pierce to satisfy a debt that he had with these men. A third party, James Nalle, also had a claim against John Ping.” It does involve the Nalle family, as does the suit of Isaac Pierce against Mary Malle in Caroline Co. on 15 Sep 1769, 12 Sep 1771 and 16 Nov 1771. However, this Culpeper deed does not mention Mary, but only James (and Richard, who originally patented the land). Brumfield Parish is the home of William and Mary (Stanton) Pierce, proven by DNA to not be related to Isaac Pierce of Caroline Co. This is also the 2nd appearance of a John Pierce born about 1730-.1740 (the other is 16 Feb 1765); another John Pierce, the John Pierce the son of Francis of Essex Co. died in 1754 in Caroline Co. As stated in 16 Feb 1765, this John is thought to be the son of Jeremiah Pierce of Caroline Co. See also 19 Oct 1778, in which John Pierce buys 150 acres, part of 400 originally patented by Richard Nalle, Jr.]
One bay mare brached on the near buttock O, bought of John Wallis, one sorrel horse, four cows and two heifers, one man’s saddle and bridle, the crop of tobacco now lying in the houses on the plantation whereon I now live, with all my hogs, sheep, furniture of what sort soever.
John (x) Ping [This John Ping is apparently the first “Ping” in America, and this record the first record of a Ping. Given previous data in this Pierce document, my theory is that “Ping” is a mutation of the name “Pigg”, which was prominent in records of Old Rappahannock and Essex Co.s, and interacted with the families now residing in Culpeper Co. A John Pigg was in King & Queen Co. about 1720, reportedly moved to Amelia Co. (several counties distant from Culpeper), but a son could have escaped or stayed behind, a less complicated explanation that the immigration of a new name. One would not blame the anyone from changing the name.]
Wit: Elizabeth Wetherall, Ann Wetherall.
28 June 1772. This is to certify that this bill of sale was publickly red with the advertisement.
John Dillard Clk.
21 Dec 1772. Proved by Elizabeth Wetherall. [George Weatherall (1723 VA – 1783 Culpeper Co.) married Millie Bledsoe (abt 1720 – 1785 VA) the daughter of Capt. William Bledsoe and Elizabeth Mumford Stevens (the Elizabeth who proved the deed). Another daughter, Mary Bledsoe, married Ambrose Powell (son of Robert and Sarah (Taylor)), the 2nd cousin of Elizabeth Powell (daughter of Henry and Mary (unknown)) who married Mace Pickett, the son of John Pickett (of numerous contacts documented herein with Francis Pierce and his son William). This provides some corroboration that this John Pierce is of the Francis Pierce line, specifically hypothesized to be the son of Jeremiah of Caroline Co. and thus the grandson of Francis Pierce of Essex.]
12 Jun 1772 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p. 46: Ann Hart Plantif against Jeremiah Peirce Defendt. In Case. Came the parties by their Attorneys and the Defendant saving & reserving to himself all advantage of exception as well to the Jurisdiction of the Court as to the Plantifs Writ & Declaration & prays leave til the next Court to consider of & answer thereto which is granted him.
14 Jun 1772 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p. 55: Richard (see 12 Jun 1766) Johnston [1740-1791, son William Johnston and his 1st wife Ann (Chew); brother of James Johnston (see 9 Aug 1770, 11 Aug 1770)] Exor. Of Francis Coleman deced [the same Francis Coleman (son of Samuel Coleman and Elizabeth (Wyatt); Elizabeth Wyatt married 2nd the same William Johnston above), married Hannah Johnston (1737-1783), sister of Richard) who was ordered to appraise John Harris’s estate on 9 Aug 1770 and Robert Robertson’s estate on 11 Aug 1770 with Jeremiah Pierce] against Jeremiah Peirce. On Petition. Came the parties by their Attorney and on hearing the arguments & evidence of each party, it is considered by the Court that the same be dismissed & that the Defendant recover his costs in this behalf expended.
9 Jul 1772 Caroline Co. VA: Jeremiah Pierce put a notice in the newspaper that his wife Elizabeth had absconded from him.
13 Aug 1772 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p. 89: Ann Hart Plt against Jeremiah Pearce Deft. In Case. Came the parties by their Attorneys and it is mutually agreed that all matters in difference between them relating to this suit be referred to the final determination of James Taylor & Saml Hawes Gent, whose awart is to be returned & entered the judgment of this Court.
12 Mar 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.184: Sarah Pierce Plt against James Head Lynch, Deft. In Debt. [next line: “The Same, Plt against The Same, Deft” as if there were two In Debt items] Garrott Hackett entered himself Special Bail for the defendant according to Law, & came the parties by their Attorneys and the Deft prays Oyer of the Writing Obligatory in the Declaration mentioned which is granted him.
15 May 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.235: Edmund Goodrich et Uxor [meaining “and wife”], Complts agains Jeremiah Pearce, Deft. In Chancer. Dismissed Agreed. [Edmund Goodrich b.1750 married in 1782 Frankie Pierce b.1762. This may mean that Edmund had a wife previous to Frankie Pierce. The association of Edmund Goodrich with Jeremiah Pierce is a good indication that his 1782 wife Frankie Pierce is a daughter of Jeremiah, and 1762 is about the right time for children from his assumed second marriage to the widow Elizabeth Gibson.]
15 May 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.240: Lindsay Coleman, Plt against Jeremiah Pearce, Deft. In Debt. Came the Plantiff by his Attorney and the Defendant being arrested & failing to appear tho solemnly called. On motion of Plt by his Attorney. It is ordered that unless [missing a following page that wasn’t copied. Colemans are distantly related to Pierces, but there are so many Colemans in Caroline Co. some Coleman probably interacted with some member of every other family in the area].
12 Jun 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.296: Lindsay Coleman, Plt against Jeremiah Peirce, Defendt. In Case. Dismissed Agreed.
8 Jul 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.313: Sarah Pierce, Plt against James Head Lynch, Deft. In Debt. Came the parties by their Attorneys and Defendant relinquishing his plea acknowledges the Plantifs action. Therefore it is considered by the Court that Plantif recover against Defendant eighteen pounds, five shillings, the Debt in the Declaration specified, also her costs in this behalf expended, and the said Defendant in mercy, &c. But this Judgment, except costs, is to be discharged by payment of nine pounds two shillings & six pence with legal interest thereon from first day of January 1772 till paid.
8 Jul 1773 [and next item] Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.314: Sarah Pierce, Plt against James Head Lynch, Deft. In Debt. Came the parties by their Attorneys and Defendant relinquishing his plea acknowledges the Plantifs action. Therefore it is considered by the Court that Plantif recover against Defendant eighteen pounds, five shillings, the Debt in the Declaration specified, and her costs in this behalf expended, & said Defendant in mercy, &c. But this Judgment, except costs, is to be discharged by payment of nine pounds two shillings & six pence with legal interest thereon from first day of January 1771 till paid
12 Aug 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.352: John Sanders [probably John (1738 Spotsylvania – 1805 Gallatin Co., KY) son of Hugh and Catherine (Hoskins) (related to Hoskins Creek Hoskins, where Francis Pierce had land), married Jane Craig who is related to Lewis Craig, the “travelling church” preacher], Plantif against George Gibson & Jeremiah Pierce, Defts. Motion of Replevy Bond. The Defendants who had legal notice of this motion being solemnly called failed to appear. On motion of Plantif by his Attorney, Judgment is granted him against Defendants for eight pounds, the Penalty of the Bond to be discharged by payment of four pounds, nineteen shillings & six pence with legal Interest from first day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy three til paid and the costs of this motion.
12 Nov 1773 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p. 442: Ann Hart, Plaintif agst Jeremiah Pearce, Defendt. In Case. Abates by the death of the Plaintif. [John Hart (1720 Essex – 1793 Charlotte Co., VA; married Martha Beasley) raised a large family in Caroline Co. Unknown how Ann fits.]
10 Feb 1774 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p. 466: Phillip Johnston [~1749 Spotsylvania, VA-1798 Shelby, KY; son of William and Elizabeth (Wyatt); married Elizabeth Ann Taylor. William Johnston had numerous other contacts with Jeremiah, Isaac and John in Caroline Co.; it may be that William Johnston merely had contact with almost every legally active person in Caroline.] , Jeremiah Pearce, John Smith Senr & Thomas goodrich or any three of them being first sworn before some justices of the Peace for this County, are appointed to appraise the Negroes and personal Estate of Benjamin Harrison. [14 Jun 1772 Richard Johnston also suing Jeremiah is the half-brother of this Phillip Johnston; 11 Jun 1784 Caroline: Joseph Pierce sues Phillip Johnston, not enough by itself to indicate that Joseph is the son of Jeremiah.]
11 Mar 1774 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1772-1776, p.514: Copland Pierce agst. James Fletcher. On Petition. On motion of Petitioner by his Attorney, this suit is dismissed and Judgment is granted him against Defendant for his costs in this behalf expended. [July 28, 1767, ROBERT MASSEY of Hanover Parish, King George Co. and ANN, his wife, deed to COPELAND PIERCE of Hanover Parish, King George Co., 200 acres in Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., 100 acres of which the said grantor purchased of JOHN ASHTON by deed 28 Nov 1762 and the remainder was formerly the property of JOHN ROLLINGS who died without a will and the said land descended to his daughter, ANN ROLLINGS with whom the said ROBERT MASSEY intermarried. Signed: ROBERT MASSEY ANN MASSEY Witnesses - THOMAS TAYLOR JOHN MARTIN1. Also 7 Mar 1770 Westmoreland Co., VA Deeds: Copeland Pierce and Ann, his wife, of Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., deed to Robert Massey of Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., 200 acres of land, being the same property which was purchased by the said Copeland Pierce of the said Robert Massey. This property lay in the upper part of Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co. and it fell into King George Co. when the boundaries of these two counties were altered in 1777. The original patent of 1664 to Capt. John Ashton is noted. That Copeland Pierce lives in Westmoreland Co. suggests that he is a descendant of Col. Wm Peirce of Westmoreland. Incidently, Capt. John Ashton married Grace Meese, daughter of Henry and sister of Anne who married Dr. Richard Bryant, and was the great-grandmother of Mary Stanton who married William Pierce of Culpeper/Wythe Co.]
~1776 Francis Pierce was a man of color born in Caroline Co., VA who enlisted as a soldier in the Revolution NSDAR, African American Patriots, 153. [sounds like but is not the same Francis Pierce born in 1760 in Caroline Co. who was a pensioner in Clinton Co., KY.]
1 Feb 1777 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds H 1775-1778 pp. 426-427: On margin DD ARMSD LONG 1789. William Pierce and Ann his wife of Culpeper Co. to Benjamin Bragg of Essex Co. ₤ 28 current money. 56 acres in the Great Fork of Rappahannock River in Culpeper Co. … east side of Mount Poney … Benjamin Bragg’s line … Bloodworth’s line . This is a lease for one year.
William Pierce
Ann Pierce [even Ann could apparently sign her name] Wit: John Bartley, Frederick Zimerman 19 May 1777 received money and recorded
19 May 1777 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds H 1775-1778 pp. 427-429:. On margin DD 1792. William Pierce and Ann his wife of Parish of Saint Mark in County of Culpeper to George Haywood of same. ₤ 70.10.6 current money of Virginia. 187 acres in Saint Marks Parish Culpeper …corner to Col. Carter and Joseph Bloodworth … carter’s line to another corner of Carter’s …east side of Mount Poney … crossing said Mountponey … corner of Nicholas Kabler.
William Pierce
Ann Pierce
Recorded 19 May 1777 [This William Pierce, who married Ann Tunstall, is probably the son of John Pierce and Sarah of Hanover Co., who also had considerable kinship to Tunstalls.]
19 Oct 1778 Culpeper Co., VA Deeds I 1778-1779 pp. 75-78:: on margin: “Delivd. To Pierce 1796” [This margin notation suggests that some Pierce received the deed or the land in 1796, but we see in 14 Sep 1786 that the orphans of John Pierce are represented by Bartlett Anderson]. John Kendall and Mary his wife of Culpeper Co. Bromfield Parish to John Pierce of Culpeper Co. ₤40 current money. 150 acres in Culpeper Co. and Bromfield Parish in the Gourdvine Fork of Rappahannock River joining on the lower side Giants Castle Mountain, part of 400 acres of land granted to Richard Nalle Jr. by Thomas Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the Northern Neck in VA by deed dated 4 Sep 1750 [G-415 Richard Nalle, Jr. of Culpeper Co. 400 ac in Gourd Vine Fork in Culpeper. Surv. Phillip Clayton. Adj. Col. Henry Willis decd now Joseph Thomas, near Giant’s Castle. 4 Sep 1750.] … corner to Richard Thomas and Alexander Burk … Thomas’ line … corner to Joshua Browning … Richard Nalles Deed.
John Kendall
Molly Kendall
19 Oct 1778
12 Jul 1779 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1777-1780, p.182: John Dismukes, Complainant against Jeremiah Pearce, Defendant. In Chancery. Same, Plaintiff against Same, Defendant. In Case. [one in chancery court and one in case court] By consent of the parties by their Attorneys, all matters in difference between them relating to this suit be refered to the final determination of Robert Gilchrist and Walker Taliaferro, Gent., whose award is to be returned and made the Judgment of this Court. And it is likewise agreed that if either party shall fail to attend at the time & place appointed for said determination, that then the referees proceed without the part so failing provided he has legal notice of the same. Present: Robert Gilchrist, Samuel Hawes and John Hoomes, Gent.
9 Sep 1779 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1777-1780, p.190: John Dismukes [John Dismukes (1725 Essex/Caroline area – 1818 Warren Co., GA) was son of William and Mary Walker (Ellis), married Elizabeth Sarah Finney; served with Wm Thompson in the Revolutionary War; at some point lived in Culpeper. See 12 Jul 1782 for a connection to the Francis Pierce line.], Complainant against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Chancery. The Arbitrators to whom this suit was refered this day returned their award in these words, to witt: “This Cause being submitted to us by Order of the Worshipful court of Caroline Count, and we having heard the parties and their several evidences, are of the opinion that the Defendant did sell the Lease in the Complainants Bill mentioned to the Complainant and did receive thirty pounds as one half the consideration. And we are further of the opinion that the Lease would have been given up the 25th day of December last past and that a Decree should now be given to compell the Defendant on receiving thirty pounds current money to assign the Lease and give possession of the Land to the Complainant. Witness our hands this 7th day of August 1779. Robert Gilchrist, Walker Taliaferro.” It is therefore decreed and ordered that on the Complainant paying the Defendant thirty pound that the said Defendant deliver to the Complt the Lease in the bill mentioned agreeable to the said award. And also that the Complt recover of the Defendant his costs by him in this behalf expended. An the said Defendant in mercy &c.
9 Sep 1779 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1777-1780, p. 191: John Dismukes, Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Case. Pursuant to an award made and by Robert Gilchrist and Walker Taliaferro, Gent., it is considered by the Court that Plaintiff recover against Defendant the sum of Thirty pounds current money, the consideration in the said award specified, also his costs by him in this behalf expended and the Defendant in mercy &c.
9 Mar 1780 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1777-1780, p.215: Michael Yates, Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Case. Dismissed Agreed.
11 Jul 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.64: James Coleman, Complt vs Jeremiah and Edmd. Pearce, Defendts. In Chancery. This suit is dismissed. [This is another connection to the Coleman family, as listed above under Dec 1712. This is the first appearance of Edmund Pierce in the records of Caroline Co.; the implication is that he just came of age, i.e., was born 1755-1760. An Edmund Pierce is enumerated in the tax records of Cumberland Co., VA in 1782. This Edmund is reported from a bible record to have been born 22 Jan 1755 and to also have been the son of a Jeremiah Pearce. Cumberland is in central Virginia, several counties removed from Caroline. However, that Edmund of Cumberland Co. had a daughter named Sarah Gibson Pearce (apparently named for her grandmother Sarah (George) Gibson who married Jeremiah c.1750 and two of whose Gibson children were adopted by Jeremiah (see 12 Oct 1750 and 10 Jul 1752)) would seem to cement the relation of that Edmund Pierce to Jeremiah of Caroline Co.]
12 Jul 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.97: John Burnley, Plaintiff against James Dismukes [b. 1727 Caroline see 9 Sep 1779 for John Dismukes (brother) vs Jeremiah Pierce. 1785 Caroline Co.: will of John Johnston (son of Aquilla Johnston) had Benjamin Dismukes as one of the executors, and was witnessed by Benjamin, Lucy, Sarah, and James Dismukes (all siblings) and John Oliver (distantly related but probably namesake to Olivia Rains who married John Pierce son of Francis). 9 Nov 1744 Caroline Co. Orders: it is ordered that Thomas Madison, John Pickett, Benja. Wood and James Dismukes appraise the estate of Henry Harris (connection to the ubiquitous John Pickett, who had numerous connections to Francis Pierce of Essex and his son William Pierce of Orange and here another son, Jeremiah.] and Jeremiah Pierce, Defendants. In Debt. This suit abates by the death of the Plaintiff.
12 Jul 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p117: John Donahoe, Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Chancery. This suit is continued.
12 Jul 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p119: James Hart [probably related (e.g., son) to Ann Hart (who might now be deceased, see 12 Nov 1773)], Plaintiff against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Case. The Plaintiff failing to prosecute this suit, the same is dismissed.
8 Aug 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.137: John Donahoe, Complainant against Jeremiah Pierce, Defendant. In Chancery. This suit is dismissed. [Last mention of the contentious Jeremiah Pierce, so he probably had died.]
10 Oct 1782 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.194: A Deed Indented from Philip Buckner [thought to be the son of Richard Buckner and brother to William, Richard and John (see 9 Jun 1744)] to Francis Pierce [This is Francis Pierce (b.1760) son of Isaac and Ann ()] was acknowledged by the said Philip Buckner and ordered to be recorded.
15 Aug 1783 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.250: Joseph Timberlake, Plaintiff against Joseph Pierce, Defendant. In Debt. This suit is dismissed. [It is a great coincidence that Joseph Pierce 1st appears in Caroline Co. records at the same time that Susannah Pierce and her guardian Barlett Anderson appear. The implication is that Joseph is a brother of Susannah. We find from 14 Sep 1786 that Bartlett Anderson represents the orphans of John Pierce, who most likely is the son of Jeremiah Pierce and Elizabeth.]
11 Jun 1784 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.342: Joseph Pierce, Plaintiff against Phillip Johnston, Defendant. On Petition. This Petition is dismissed.
9 Jul 1784 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1781-1785, p.433: Bartlett Anderson, Gdn to Susa. Pierce [she is daughter of John Pierce per 14 Sep 1786], Plaintiff against Joseph DeJarnett Senr, Defendant. In Debt. The Defendant failing to appear on the motion of the Plaintiff by his Attorney, it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant and John Southworth, the security for his appearance, the debt in the Declaration mentioned and costs unless the Defendant should appear and answer at the next Court. Next line: Same, Plaintiff against Same, Defendant. In Debt. The same Order as last. [Bartlett Anderson (1748 Hanover Co. – 1797 Hanover Co.) was a Commonwealth Attorney & Magistrate of Hanover Co., as was his father, also named Bartlett Anderson. They do not appear to be related to the William Anderson who witnessed the 1749 will of George Gibson.]
9 Sep 1785 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1785-1787, p.107: Bartlett Anderson, Gdn to Susanna Pierce [she is daughter of John Pierce per 14 Sep 1786], Plt against Joseph DeJarett Senr, Defendant. In Case. Refered until the next Court.
9 Sep 1785 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1785-1787, p.111: Bartlett Anderson, Gdn of Susanna Pierce [she is daughter of John Pierce per 14 Sep 1786], Plaintiff against Joseph DeJarnett, Senr, Defendant. In Case. This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and the Defendant although solemnly called came not but made default; Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant and John Southworth, the Security for his appearance, five thousand pounds of tobacco, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, together with his costs in this behalf expended; And the said Defendant in mercy &c.
18 Jan 1786 Cumberland Co., VA Marriage Bonds: Charles Lee Jr. & Susannah Pearce, daughter of Jesse Pearce. [same source: 11 Oct 1815: Jas. Vawter and Mildred D. Lee (App. By father, Charles Lee). Thus, the child of Susannah Pearce marries the probable descendent of the Pierce neighbors in Culpeper Co. John Pierce, son of Jeremiah of Caroline Co. had a daughter Susannah (see 9 Jul 1784, 9 Sep 1785). But a John is not a Jesse. Susannah daughter of John probably was married 7 Sep 1787 in Caroline Co.]
14 Sep 1786 Caroline Co., VA Order Book 1785-1787, p.357: Bartlett Anderson, Guardian to the Orphans of John Pierce, deceased, Plaintiff against Thomas Jones, Exr. Of John Jones, Defendant. Motion on Replevy Bond. The Defendant altho solemnly called came not but made default, and it appearing by the Affadavit of John Chiles [that] they have had due notice of this motion, therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant sixty one pounds, twelve shillings and three pence, the Penalty of the Bond aforesaid, together with the costs of this motion, But this Judgment, except the costs, is to be discharged by the payment of thirty pounds, sixteen shillings and one penny half penny with legal Interest from the fourth day of November 1785 til paid. [next item, same date] The Same, Plaintiff against The Same, Defendant. Motion on Replevy Bond. The Defendant altho solemnly called came not but made default, and it appearing by the Affadavit of John Chiles [that] they have had due notice of this motion, therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant sixty three pounds, fifteen shillings and three pence, the Penalty of the Bond aforesaid, together with the costs of this motion, But this Judgment, except the costs, is to be discharged by the payment of thirty one pounds, seventeen shillings and a penny half penny with legal Interest from the twenty fourth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty five til paid. [9 Jun 1738 a Chiles is associated with Elizabeth Pierce of Caroline (although too tenuously to conclude anything from it.]
7 Sep 1787 Marriage Bond: F.C.L. Irish and Ancy Susannah Pierce (History of Caroline Co., Wingfield, p.69).
Synthesis and Conclusions:
Earlier generations relying on the above data. Some later generations relying on other data.
Note: as of 16 Oct 2010
Francis Pierce of Essex Line Haplogroup I2b2) |
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Generation 1 |
1. Essex Location Pierce-1 was born between 1600-1640. Anne was born between 1620-1640. |
Essex Location Pierce and Anne married. They had the following children: |
2. i. Francis Pierce was born between 1650-1660 in Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth between 1695-1700. He died after 19 Sep 1723 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. William Pierce was born between 1650-1670. |
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Generation 2 |
2. Francis Pierce-2 (Essex Location-1) was born between 1650-1660 in Virginia, USA. He died after 19 Sep 1723 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Elizabeth was born between 1670-1680. She died between 10 Jul-Dec 1712 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Francis Pierce and Elizabeth were married between 1695-1700. They had the following children: |
3. i. William Pierce was born between 1705-1710 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Rucker about 1730 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA. He died about 20 Mar 1760 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
4. ii. Jeremiah Pierce was born between 1706-1711 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He married Sarah George about 1750 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died about Jul 1782 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
iii. John Pierce was born between 1707-1712 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He married Olivia Rains about 1735 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died about 15 Mar 1754 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
iv. Abraham Pierce was born between 1708-1712 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He died after 1742 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
Mary was born about 1660. |
Francis Pierce and Mary were married between 10 Jul-Dec 1712 in Essex County, Virginia, USA (South Farnham Parish). They had no children. |
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Generation 3 |
3. William Pierce-3 (Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1705-1710 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He died about 20 Mar 1760 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
Elizabeth Rucker daughter of Peter Rucker and Elizabeth was born about 1708. She died. She died in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
William Pierce and Elizabeth Rucker were married about 1730 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
5. i. William Pierce was born between 1730-1733 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Mary Stanton about 1756 in Orange County, Virginia, USA (Bromfield Parish). He died about Jan 1805 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. |
6. ii. Jeremiah Pierce was born between 1730-1734 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Lettice about 1775 in Botetourt County, Virginia, USA. He died about 1803 in Lincoln County, Kentucky, USA. |
7. iii. James Pierce was born between 1740-1750 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Crawford on 31 May 1782 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He died in 1818 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
4. Jeremiah Pierce-3 (Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1706-1711 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. He died about Jul 1782 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
Unknown. |
Jeremiah Pierce and Unknown were married about 1740 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
8. i. John Pierce was born between 1735-1744 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He married Unknown about 1765 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died about Jul 1784 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
Sarah George daughter of Robert George and Anne Allen was born on 24 Sep 1727 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA. She died between 1765-1770 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
Jeremiah Pierce and Sarah George were married about 1750 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
5. i. Edmund Pierce was born on 22 Jan 1755 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He married Mary Anderson on 27 Nov 1776 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. He died in Jul 1784 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. |
6. ii. Frances Pierce was born about 1762 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. She married Edmund Goodrich in 1782 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. She died before 1811 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. |
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Generation 4 |
5. William Pierce-4 (William-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1730-1733 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He died about Jan 1805 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. |
Mary Stanton daughter of Thomas Stanton and Lettice Bryant was born about 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. She died between Jun 1802-Jan 1805 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. |
William Pierce and Mary Stanton were married about 1756 in Orange County, Virginia, USA (Bromfield Parish). They had the following children: |
i. Frances (Franky) Pierce was born about 1760 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. She married David Buster in 1784 in Montgomery County, Virginia, USA. She died in 1834 in Pulaski County, Kentucky, USA. |
ii. William Pierce was born between 1760-1765 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Mary "Polly" about 1785 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. He died about 12 Oct 1840 in Russell County, Kentucky, USA. |
iii. Reuben Stanton Pierce was born between 1766-1775 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Mary (Polly) Newhouse about 1792 in Virginia, USA. He died in 1829 in Pulaski County, Kentucky, USA. |
iv. James Ephraim Pierce was born about 1770 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Sally Nancy Blankenship on 01 Jan 1809 in Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA. He died between 1826-1840 in Russell County, Kentucky, USA. |
v. Thomas Stanton Pierce was born about 1770 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth about 1805 in Virginia, USA. He died between 1850-1860 in Marion County, Indiana, USA. |
vi. Jesse Pierce was born between 1770-1775 in Montgomery County, Virginia, USA. He married Betsy about 1795 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. He died before 1840 in Pulaski County, Kentucky, USA. |
vii. Joel Pierce was born about 1771 in Montgomery County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Simmerman about 1800 in Wythe County, Virginia, USA. He died between 1860-1870 in Johnson County, Indiana, USA. |
1 Jeremiah Pierce-4 (William-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1730-1734 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He died about 1803 in Lincoln County, Kentucky, USA. |
Lettice. |
Jeremiah Pierce and Lettice were married about 1775 in Botetourt County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
1 James A. Pierce was born about 1775 in Botetourt County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Crow on 25 Nov 1801 in Lincoln County, Kentucky, USA. He died between 1842-1850 in Russell County, Kentucky, USA. |
2 Elizabeth P. "Betsy" Pierce was born about 1777 in Botetourt County, Virginia, USA. She married Thomas Marshall Buford on 15 May 1797 in Lincoln County, Kentucky, USA. She died in 1827 in Overton County, Tennessee, USA. |
2 James Pierce-4 (William-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1740-1750 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He was born about 1720. He died in 1818 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
Elizabeth Crawford daughter of William Crawford and Sarah was born between 1765-1769 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA (St. Mark's Parish). She died between 1830-1840 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. |
James Pierce and Elizabeth Crawford were married on 31 May 1782 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
1 Julia Ann (July) Pierce was born about 1784 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. She married John Thompson on 24 Sep 1809 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. She died about 1860 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). |
ii. Edith Pierce was born about 1788 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
iii. Jeremiah Pierce was born about 1800 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Lettice before 1823 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). He died between 1850-1860 in Jefferson County, Iowa, USA. |
iv. Frances Pierce was born about 1796 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. She married Solomon Weese on 16 Aug 1829 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). She died between 1850-1860 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (Probably). |
v. Peachy Pierce was born about 1805 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. She married Robert Williams on 23 Feb 1824 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). She died between 1850-1860 in Jefferson County, Iowa, USA. |
vi. Elizabeth Pierce was born about 1810 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. She died between 1831-1840 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). She married Jesse Henkle on 14 Jan 1831 in Pendleton County, West Virginia, USA (formerly Virginia). |
8. John Pierce-4 (Jeremiah-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born between 1735-1744 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died about Jul 1784 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
Unknown. |
John Pierce and Unknown were married about 1765 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. Joseph Pierce was born between 1760-1763 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. Susannah Pierce was born about 1765 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
9. Edmund Pierce-4 (Jeremiah-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born on 22 Jan 1755 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died in Jul 1784 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. |
Mary Anderson daughter of James Anderson and Elizabeth Baker was born on 14 Sep 1758 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. She died on 07 Nov 1836 in Virginia, USA. |
Edmund Pierce and Mary Anderson were married on 27 Nov 1776 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. James Anderson Pierce was born on 29 Oct 1777 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. He married Ann Clark on 30 Sep 1810 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA. He died on 18 Nov 1825 in Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA ("Trough Spring"). |
ii. Samuel Pierce was born on 12 Mar 1780 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. He died on 22 Aug 1811. |
iii. Sarah Gibson Pierce was born on 21 Jan 1783 in Cumberland County, Virginia, USA. |
10. Frances Pierce-4 (Jeremiah-3, Francis-2, Essex Location-1) was born about 1762 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. She died before 1811 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. |
Edmund Goodrich was born about 1750 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died on 13 Sep 1819. |
Edmund Goodrich and Frances Pierce were married in 1782 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. Edmund Goodrich was born about 1782 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died in 1856. |
ii. Phoebe Goodrich. |
iii. Millicent Goodrich. |
iv. Catherine Goodrich. |
v. John Baldwin Goodrich was born about 1783 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died in 1828. |
vi. Gideon C. Goodrich was born about 1785 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Carter on 16 Jan 1809 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. He died on 08 Apr 1835 in Monroe County, Missouri, USA. |
vii. Thomas Goodrich. He married Elizabeth Haas on 21 Jul 1818 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. |
viii. Susannah Goodrich. She married John Haas on 24 Nov 1818 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. |
ix. Abigail Goodrich. She married William Sledd on 10 Dec 1821 in Amherst County, Virginia, USA. |
Col. William Pierce of Westmoreland Line (Haplogroup unknown) |
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Generation 1 |
2. William Pierce-1 was born in 1631 in England. He died on 07 Apr 1702 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
Sarah Underwood daughter of William Underwood and Margaret was born between 1637-1642 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. She died in 1709 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
William Pierce and Sarah Underwood were married between 1655-1656 in Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
2. i. John Pierce was born about 1657 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. He married Hester Walker about 1690. He died about 01 Jun 1698 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. William Pierce was born about 1659 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. He died between 1680-1685 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
3. iii. Sarah Pierce was born about 1662 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She married Francis Gower about 1677 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. She died between 1678-1680 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). |
v. Elizabeth Pierce was born about 1664 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She married William Bridges about 1681. She died after 1702. |
vi. Margaret Pierce was born about 1665 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She married William Graham between 1698-1701 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
vi. Anne Pierce was born about 1665 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She married John Bayley about 1690. She died before 1701 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
vii. Mary Pierce was born about 1670 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She married Edward Rouzee about 1692 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. She died about 19 Nov 1728 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
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Generation 2 |
2. John Pierce-2 (William-1) was born about 1657 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. He died about 01 Jun 1698 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. |
Hester Walker was born about 1665. She died between 1691-1698 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. |
John Pierce and Hester Walker were married about 1690. They had the following children: |
6. i. William Pierce was born about 1691. He married Elizabeth Monroe in 1716 in Virginia, USA. He died about 25 Sep 1733 in Abergele, Clwyd, UK (Wales). |
3. Sarah Pierce-2 (William-1) was born about 1662 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She died between 1678-1680 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). |
Francis Gower son of Francis Gower and Mary was born about 1657 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. He died on 02 Feb 1690/91 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). |
Francis Gower and Sarah Pierce were married about 1677 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. Pierce Gower was born between 1678-1680 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). He married Frances Carpenter on 05 Mar 1711 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. He died about 29 Sep 1714 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. Stanley Gower was born between 1678-1680 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). He married Sarah Jackson before 1701 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. He died about 05 Nov 1718 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. |
4. Anne Pierce-2 (William-1) was born about 1665 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She died before 1701 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
John Bayley son of Stephen Bayley and Mary Jefferies was born about 1662 in Northumberland County, Virginia, USA. He died on 1709/10 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA (North Farnham Parish). |
John Bayley and Anne Pierce were married about 1690. They had the following children: |
i. Samuel Bayley was born on 20 Mar 1690/91 in Northumberland County, Virginia, USA. |
5. Mary Pierce-2 (William-1) was born about 1670 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA (Washington Parish). She died about 19 Nov 1728 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Henry Oswald was born about 1672 in Scotland. He died about 21 Jun 1726 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Henry Oswald and Mary Pierce were married between 1720-1726 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. They had no children. |
Edward Rouzee son of Edward Rouzee and Mary Gullock was born about 1661 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. He died about 17 May 1720 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Edward Rouzee and Mary Pierce were married about 1692 in Richmond County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. Elizabeth Rouzee was born about 1710 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. Edward Rouzee was born about 1693 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
iii. William Rouzee. |
iv. Ralph Rouzee. |
v. Mary Rouzee. |
7. vi. John Rouzee. |
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Generation 3 |
6. William Pierce-3 (John-2, William-1) was born about 1691. He died about 25 Sep 1733 in Abergele, Clwyd, UK (Wales). |
Elizabeth Monroe daughter of Andrew Monroe and Elinor Spence. |
William Pierce and Elizabeth Monroe were married in 1716 in Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
8. i. Joseph Pierce was born in 1728 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. He married Sarah Elliott Ransdell about 1756. He died on 05 Jun 1798 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
ii. Sarah Pierce. |
iii. Mary Pierce. |
iv. Elizabeth Pierce. |
v. Margaret Pierce. |
vi. William Pierce. |
7. John Rouzee-3 (Mary-2, William-1). |
Susannah Sale was born on 28 Sep 1749 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. She died on 22 Apr 1804. John Rouzee and Susannah Sale married. They had the following children: |
i. Elizabeth Rouzee was born on 15 Nov 1715 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
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Generation 4 |
8. Joseph Pierce-4 (William-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1728 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. He died on 05 Jun 1798 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. |
Sarah Elliott Ransdell daughter of Wharton Ransdell and Sarah Elliott was born in 1734. She died in 1785. |
Joseph Pierce and Sarah Elliott Ransdell were married about 1756. They had the following children: |
i. Ransdell Pierce was born about 1766. He married Ann Graham on 04 Dec 1794 in Lancaster County, Virginia, USA. He died in 1853. |
ii. Martha Pierce was born about 1758. |
iii. Sally Ransdall Pierce was born about 1776. She married William Greenlaw on 13 Apr 1796 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA. She died on 16 Mar 1838. |
iv. Margaret Pierce was born about 1762. |
v. Fannie Pierce was born about 1764. |
vi. Isabella Pierce was born about 1766. |
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Isaac Pierce of Caroline Line (Haplogroup I2b) |
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Generation 1 |
3. Isaac Pierce-1 was born between 1715-1725 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died before 1791 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. |
Ann was born about 1740 in Virginia, USA. |
Isaac Pierce and Ann were married about 1760 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
2. i. Francis Pierce was born in Aug 1760 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth about 1784 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1853 in Clinton County, Kentucky, USA. |
ii. Mary Pierce was born about 1765 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. |
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Generation 2 |
3. Francis Pierce-2 (Isaac-1) was born in Aug 1760 in Caroline County, Virginia, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1853 in Clinton County, Kentucky, USA. |
Elizabeth was born about 1765 in Virginia, USA. She died between 1810-1820 in Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA. |
Francis Pierce and Elizabeth were married about 1784 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
3. John Pierce was born on 11 Sep 1789 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Sarah (Sallie) Allen on 18 Feb 1818 in Hopkinsville, Christian County Kentucky, USA. He died on 29 May 1854 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. |
4. Ambrose Pierce was born about 1795 in North Carolina, USA. He was born in 1796. He died about 1861. |
5. Arthur Pierce was born on 14 Dec 1797 in North Carolina, USA (Probably). He married Nancy Tompkins on 21 Aug 1817 in Carter County, Tennessee, USA. He died on 10 Dec 1851 in Missouri, USA (Probably). |
6. Isaac Francis Pierce was born about 1796 in North Carolina or Kentucky, USA. He married Jane Smith about 1820. He died after 1880 in Crawford County, Illinois, USA. |
7. William Pierce was born about 1801 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, USA. |
8. Lewis Pierce was born on 08 Mar 1808 in Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA. He married Rachel Cowan about 1835 in Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA. He died in 1890 in Clinton County, Kentucky, USA. |
John Pierce of Old Rappahannock Line (Haplogroup unknown) |
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Generation 1 |
4. John Pierce-1 was born between 1670-1680 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. He died about 1700 in Essex County, Virginia, USA. |
Sarah was born between 1640-1660 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. John Pierce and Sarah married. They had the following children: |
2. John Pierce was born between 1685-1700 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA. |
William Pierce/Ann Tunstall of Culpeper Line (Haplogroup unknown) |
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Generation 1 |
5. John Pierce-1 was born between 1720-1727. He died about 1767 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. |
Sarah Merriwether daughter of William Merriwether and Elizabeth Bushrod was born about 1724 in Goochland County, Virginia, USA. |
John Pierce and Sarah Merriwether were married about 1747 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
2. i. William Pierce was born in 1748 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He married Ann Tunstall about 1775 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He died in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
ii. Elizabeth Pierce was born about 1748 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married Henry Robinson about 1766. She died after 1802. |
3. iii. Mary Pierce was born between 1750-1759 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She died in 1805 in King William County, Virginia, USA. |
iii. Sarah Merriwether Pierce was born about 1750 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married Robert Lawson on 13 Dec 1769 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1809 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA. |
iv. Mildred Pierce was born about 1759 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married Henry Fleet on 15 Apr 1775 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. |
vi. Jane Pierce was born on 21 Feb 1760 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married Joseph Tunstall on 10 Oct 1781 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. |
Frances Pierce was born about 1762 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married Edwin Fleet before Dec 1783 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. |
viii. Susan Pierce was born about 1765 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She married William Campbell on 19 Aug 1783 in King William County, Virginia, USA. |
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Generation 2 |
4. William Pierce-2 (John-1) was born in 1748 in Orange County, Virginia, USA. He died in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
Ann Tunstall was born about 1755. She died in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
William Pierce and Ann Tunstall were married about 1775 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
6. John Pierce was born in 1775 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Margaret Lacefield on 15 Apr 1805 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He died between 1840-1850 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
7. Rosanna Pierce was born in 1778 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. She died between 1842-1850 in Jefferson County, Missouri, USA. |
iii. James Pierce was born on 13 Jan 1778 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA. He married Elizabeth Skaggs on 18 Aug 1803 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. He died on 18 Mar 1851 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. |
iv. William L. Pierce was born about 1783 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He married Jemimah Hilburn on 13 Dec 1815 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He died between 1870-1880 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. |
v. Rebecca Pierce was born in 1783 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. She married Richard A. Perry on 04 Nov 1803 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. She died between 1860-1870 in Morgan County, Indiana, USA. |
vi. Priscilla Pierce was born in 1784 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. She married Ebenezer Perry on 25 Oct 1804 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. |
vii. Mary (Polly) Pierce was born on 25 Jul 1784 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. She married William (Squire) Skaggs on 27 Sep 1802 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. She died about 1848 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. |
viii. Jacob Pierce was born about 1790 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He married Elizabeth Hazel on 24 Mar 1824 in Green County, Kentucky, USA. He died in 1884 in Ellis County, Texas, USA. |
ix. Richard Pierce was born in 1791 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He married Sally Trent on 24 Aug 1811 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
x. Washington Pierce was born in 1794 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He married Patsy Martin on 14 Apr 1814 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. |
6. Mary Pierce-2 (John-1) was born between 1750-1759 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. She died in 1805 in King William County, Virginia, USA. |
Camm Garlick was born about 1750. He died about 1782 in Portugul. Camm Garlick and Mary Pierce married. They had the following children: |
i. Sarah Garlick was born about 1778. |
ii. Samuel Garlick was born about 1776. |
iii. Mary Camm Garlick was born about 1780. |
7. Jane Pierce-2 (John-1) was born on 21 Feb 1760 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. |
Joseph Tunstall son of John Tunstall and Sarah Temple was born on 08 Oct 1758 in King and Queen County, Virginia, USA. |
Joseph Tunstall and Jane Pierce were married on 10 Oct 1781 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. John Pierce Tunstall was born on 25 Jul 1782 in King and Queen County, Virginia, USA. |
8. Joseph Temple Tunstall was born on 12 Jun 1784. |
9. Leonard Hill Tunstall was born on 19 Sep 1786. |
10. Henry Robinson Tunstall was born on 25 Aug 1788. |
11. Mariah Tunstall was born on 17 Nov 1790. |
12. Thomas Merriwether Tunstall was born on 25 Nov 1792. |
13. Sarah J. Tunstall was born on 17 Feb 1794. |
14. Richard Briscoe Tunstall was born on 23 May 1799. |
15. Frances A. Tunstall was born on 17 Aug 1801. |
16. William P. Tunstall was born on 09 Oct 1803. |
5. Susan Pierce-2 (John-1) was born about 1765 in Hanover County, Virginia, USA. William Campbell was born on 12 Jan 1757 in King and Queen County, Virginia, USA. |
William Campbell and Susan Pierce were married on 19 Aug 1783 in King William County, Virginia, USA. They had the following children: |
i. John Pierce Campbell was born about 1788. |
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