Field Cameras of the United States 1870 - 1930
Stereoviews and other Images of H. H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wisconsin
Vaubel - Milne and associated families Photos from Benton Co., IA 1863-1950
Complete Photograph Album and Collections
Albums from Margaret (Bond) Pierce (1874-1970) and Julia (Bond) Spalding
Album of Ruth Winslow (1864-1893) from the Carroll
Co., KY Historical Society
Album of James Andrew Bond (1920-1997) of Carroll Co., KY (1860's - 1900's
Album 1 from Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society (1860's-1920's)
Album 2 from Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society
Tintypes from Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society
Loose Photos of Florence (Pierce) Winslow (1861-1938 )of Crittenden Co., KY (1860's-1920's
Loose Photos of the Cochran Family (from Steve Eskew,
Marion, Ky)of Crittenden Co., KY (1860's-1920's
Loose Photos of Dean E. Vaubel (1915-1997) of Benton
Co., IA (1850's-1950's)
Bonds from New Castle, IN
Diary of Robert E. Moore at Army Training Camp, 1918