Bausch & Lomb
Optical Co. (Rochester, NY)
Iris Diaphragm Shutter, 1888-type, Brass - c. 1889
Serial No. 205
2 ½" diameter shutter with a Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. lens engraved:
"Rapid Universal 5x8" in brass barrel.
The shutter is a Bausch
& Lomb 1888 model Iris Diaphragm-type, engraved:
"Bausch & Lomb
Optical Co., Rochester, NY & New York 205 Pat. May 15, '88".
The shutter is in the closed and uncocked position.

Serial No. 402
diameter shutter with an unmarked rapid rectilinear-type lens in brass
The shutter is engraved: "Bausch & Lomb Optical
Co. Rochester, NY & New York 402 Pat. May 15, '88".

Serial No. 435
3 ½"
diameter version with an unmarked rapid rectilinear-type lens in brass
The shutter is engraved: "Bausch & Lomb Optical
Co. Rochester, NY & New York 435 Pat. May 15, '88".
The cocking handle on the drum may be a replacement. The shutter
is in the closed and uncocked position.

Serial No. 609
4" diameter version with a Voightländer Colinear lens No. 40889 in brass
The shutter is engraved: Bausch & Lomb Optical
Co. Rochester, NY & New York 609 Pat. May 15, '88.
The timing cylinder is a reproduction using a simple brass tube.
The thumbscrew on its right appears to be a way to set the exposure that
is different than that in the two examples above, but since the cylinder
was missing, this is not certain to have been manufactured as a
variation; The markings cite the same patent as all the 1888
models. This shutter is set on "T" for focusing.

This is an unmarked rapid rectilinear-type lens in
a 3" diameter brass Iris Diaphragm Shutter, marked: "Bausch &
Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, New York 435 Pat. May 15, '88".
The International Annual of Anthony's
Photographic Bulletin,
Vol. II, 1889,
W. J. Harrison and A. H. Elliot,
eds., E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), ads p. 107
Illustrated Catalogue of Photographic Equipments
and Materials for Amateurs, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
January 1890, pp.53-54
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