Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Co., Rochester, New York, NY
Date Introduced: - ;
Years Manufactured: c. 1925
- 1931
Construction: rear
focus via rack and pinion (two gear tracks on
top of base rails); double swing; reversing by removable back;
three-piece lens board
Materials: walnut-stained cherry body,
cherry base, black leatherette bellows (leather optional); nickeled
Sizes Offered: 8x10 only
Notes: This model was
offered for at least 6 years, but is extremely rare due to its purpose
dedicated to only extreme wide angle photography. I have only ever
seen one, and photos of it are above. The bed is
scarcely five inches long, and has no provision for being extended.
The lens must be selected with care to cover the plate. Only a few
lenses would be suitable. The lens above does not cover the entire
plate, but a vintage lens that would cover is rarely available and has a
price point out of my league.
Photographic Lenses and Korona Cameras, Gundlach-Manhattan
Optical Co. Catalog No. 25,
1925, insert
Photographic Equipment Apparatus and Supplies,
Catalogue No. 18,
Norman-Willets Photo Supply, Inc. (Chicago, IL); c.1925, p. 3
Catalogue No. 31 of Cameras, Kodaks, Lenses and
Photographic Accessories 1926-1927, Central
Camera Co. (Chicago, IL), 1926, p. 67
Materials Mail Order Cash Catalog No. 127,
Murphy, Inc. (New York, NY), Jan. 1927, p. 32
Photographic Materials Mail Order Cash
Catalog No. 130,
George Murphy, Inc. (New York, NY), Jul.
1930, p. 32
Photographic Materials, Mail Order Catalog No.
131, George Murphy, Inc. (New York, NY),
April 1931, p. 32
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