Originally, this family was unknown, but obviously related in some way, since so may photos were present in the collection. Two of the photos were identified as Mr. W.C Brewer and Mrs. W.C. Brewer (the woman at lower left in the photo below). Simple census work showed that William C. Brewer and wife Naomi did live in Charleston, MO. However, her maiden name was not known, and the relation would be through one of her parents, not her husband. A tantalizing clue was given in the will of William B. Yandell, in which a small amount is left to several nieces, one of whom is Naomi Brewer. A check of the William Yandell's siblings did not disclose any nieces named Naomi. But one sister, Fannie, married Joseph Oliver, who died in 1872 after only three years of marriage. A marriage record in Crittenden Co., KY shows a Fannie Oliver (Mrs) marrying a Solomon Gwaltney in 1875, and the 1880 and 1900 censes show that the Solomon Gwaltney family did indeed live in Charleston, MO, had a daughter Naomi born in the same year as Mrs. W.C. Brewer, and four other children, all males. The photo below, then, is the entire Gwaltney family, c.1900.
126 Solomon Gwalthey Family Portrait, c.1900
This photo has a Charleston, MO photographer. Back Row, L-R: probably Alonzo (23 yrs), prob. John M. (17 yrs), prob. Thomas William (13 yrs), Thomas Wert (10 yrs); Front Row, L-R: Naomi (22 yrs), Solomon (55 yrs), and Francis (45 yrs).
prob. the wife in 126, c.1890
This is a cabinet card from a Marion, KY photographer. This appears to be the woman, presumably the mother, in photo 126, above. If so, this is Francis "Fannie" (Yandell) Gwaltney.
Mrs. W.C. Brewer and 129 Mr. W.C. Brewer, c.1905
These are photos of matching size and mount from Charleston, MO. The couple is identified on the back, as well as being "of Charleston, MO". 1910 census, Charleston City, Mississippi Co., MO: Brewer, Will C. 34 MO MO MO married for 8 years; Naomi G. (for Gwaltney, presumably) 31 MO IN KY; Mary 4; Laura 2; Benjamin Franklin Brewer (brother) 18.
134 Naomi (Gwaltney) Brewer, c.1915
Charleston, MO photographer.
130 son in photo 126
This is the same person as the son on the far left of photo 126. It has a Charleston, MO photographer. It looks like the eldest son in the family photo; if so, he is Alonzo Gwaltney, b. Abt 1877.
132 prob. a son in 126
This is a triple photo pasted to a light card in such a way that it folds up. It is probably the son who is second from the left in photo 126, and, if he is the second eldest, would be John M. Gwaltney.
This appears to be the son at the far right in photo 126, the youngest, and so would be Thomas Wert (or Wirt) Gwaltney.
131 Baby Photo from Charleston, MO
possibly the first born of Naomi and William Brewer.