3, Part 1, Img0004 George Collim Pierce c.1900
Even though this is not the earliest photo of George Collin, this one is put first because it is the only one identified as him from Margaret (Bond) Pierce's albums. He is the youngest of the children of James Perry Pierce and Mary Bettis.
032 George Collin Pierce, c. 1895
This is a cabinet card from Marion, KY, probably a high school graduation type photo.
(left) ; 081 (right) George Collin Pierce c.1896
He may in a ROTC uniform at right, and carrying a rather dated 1873 Springfield rifle.
077 George Collin Pierce c.1900
Possibly an occupational photo, his cap appears to have "Motorman 6500" on its medallion. Perhaps a motorman has to keep rather warm. His occupation in the 1900 census is listed as Watchman. By 1910, he has hung up his bearskin coat and is listed as a life insurance salesman.
185 Probably Electa and Letha M. Pierce 1898
George Collin Pierce married Lucy Ruth Boaz in March, 1897 in Crittenden Co., KY. The twins were born the following January. Since these are the only twins apparent in the extended family, these two photos are probably of Electa and Letha.
186 Probably Electa and Letha M. Pierce
051 The 2nd Lucy Ruth, c.1910
By 1900, George Collin Pierce is shown as the Watchman in St. Louis, MO. He is also listed as being single. Lucy Ruth Pierce and the twins are now living with he mother Electa Boaz, still in Marion, Crittenden Co., KY. The same census tells that Lucy Ruth Boaz was born in Mar 1880.
In a cruel joke on genealogists, George Collin married a second woman named Lucy Ruth, for the 1910 census lists his wife as being born about 1885, and both of them being married for only 6 years (~1904). This is Lucy Ruth Farris, youngest daughter of John R. Farris and Evaline Petty Burgess of Salem, Livingston Co., KY. Right is a photo of the 2nd Lucy Ruth Pierce. Her sister, Georgia Anna Farris married Henry Walter Pierce (son of Jacob Ayhart), and another sister, Rosa Lucille Farris married Wirt Ahart Pierce (also son of Jacob Ayhart). Apparently the Farris family with 11 daughters was a pretty good match for the Jacob Pierce family with 8 sons.
050 House of George Collin Pierce in St. Louis, c.1908
The two standing gents are unknown, but judging by the ears, they are Pierces (possibly the two sons of Jacob Ayhart Pierce that also married into the Farris family). Seated are the 2nd Ruth Pierce and George Collin Pierce. I am guessing that the curly-haired tyke is Norval Stanton Pierce, their first born, that the baby is Ruth, their second born, and the third born is yet to be. The address is 3421 Hartford St.
052 Norval Stanton Pierce, son of George Collin Pierce and the 2nd Ruth, c.1920
This photo is from Florence Pierce's collection and is unmarked, but an identical photo was in Margaret (Bond) Pierce's albums, and identified. He looks to be about 20 here.
George Collin Pierce, c.1925
If you put this photo next to 032, taken 30 years earlier but in the same exact pose, it is really eerie.