Ira TildenLos Angeles Assembly District 70, Los Angeles, CA Pierce c.
This is a cabinet photo from a Marion, KY photographer. He appears to be about 10 years old, which would be 1886. Ira is relatively easy to spot amongst Pierce photographs - he is the one with the extra large nose.
029 Ira Tilden Pierce, c.1892
This is one of a few photos in the collection that is printed in a diamond-shape. He appears slightly older than the photo above, probably about 16.
028 Ira Tilden Pierce c.1895
In this photo, Ira looks to be slightly older than in 029.
Ira never married, and lived with James Perry Pierce, and with Ella (Cox) Pierce after James died.
030 Ira Tilden Pierce c.1905
Left Photo: Album 3, Part 1, Img0008: L-R, Maggie Walker, Ira Pierce, Miriam Pierce, c.1920
Right Photo: 031 Ira Tilden Pierce, c.1905
Album 3, Part 1, Img0001 "The Standoff"