Willis Champion Pierce (3 Oct 1864 - 21 May1941) c.1890
This is a miniature photo where the image is faded and damaged.
109 Willis Champion Pierce with wife Jennie Davis Peay (21 Oct 1869 - 14 Jul 1946).
110 Jennie Davis Peay, c.
1905, wife of Willis Champion Pierce.
Willis Champion Pierce Aug. 7, 1896 with Willis Conway Pierce, his first child.
047 Four Generations of Pierces, c. 1900; Left to Right: Jacob Ahart Pierce (16 Dec 1842 - 14 Aug 1930), Willis Champion Pierce (3 Oct 1864 - 21 May 1941) holding one of his children (born 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901 and 1905), and Stanton Pierce (3 Jan 1821 - 8 Jan 1911).
107 This cabinet photo,
c.1904, appears to be Jennie Dorothy Pierce (8 Jan 1897 - 6 Sep 1991), daughter
Willis Champion Pierce and Jennie (Peay). The daughter is almost the
spitting image of her mother. Confirming identification comes from a
photograph of the
extended Jacob Ahart/Elvira Oliver family in a book written by this girl
herself: Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Chlore.
108 Cabinet photo,
c.1904, appears to be Jennie Dorothy Pierce (8 Jan 1897 - 6 Sep 1991), daughter
Willis Champion Pierce and Jennie (Peay) and her brother, Warren Vinson Pierce
(26 Nov 1901 - 23 Nov 1995). Confirming identification comes from a
photograph of the
extended Jacob Ahart/Elvira Oliver family in a book written by this girl
herself: Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Chlore.
Kate (Shewmaker) Pierce, wife of Willis Conway Pierce, c.1920
This looks like the lady below, who is identified in the album.
2, Part 1, Image 0056 Kate (Shewmaker) Pierce with Willis Conway Pierce, Jr.,
Prob. Kate (Shewmaker) Pierce, c.1920