possibly Emeline
F. Rolston, c.1860
This photo is a carte de visite that has a photographer's imprint from Asheville, NC and seems to be rather early. The facial feathers match perfectly with known photos from later dates, but the bangs are a troubling detail, since bangs were not popular in 1860, but were popular in the 1880's.
Florence E. Pierce (left) and probably Emeline F. Rolston, c.1888
This is a cabinet card from a Marion, KY photographer. It may have been taken as a set mourning photo just after the death of Ambie Pierce in 1888. On the other hand, the woman on the right may not be Emeline.
004 Emeline
F. Rolston, c.1895
This is a cabinet card from the Evansville photographer generally used for the James Perry Pierce photos of this era. The same image on printing out paper was identified in one of Margaret (Bond) Pierce's album.