A large number of photographs in the
collection have not been able to be identified. Some of the persons that
Florence should have had photos of but haven't been identified would have been:
1) at least one son of Jacob Ayhart Pierce is known by sight (Willis), but the
other five, while probably recognizable by their ears, are too close in age to
distinguish from these photos.
2) Florence's Aunt Mary Jane (Pierce) Greenlea, husband, four sons and two
daughters lived in the Dycusburg area until at least 1900, then relocated to
3. Florence's Uncle David William Rolston, wife Ardenia (Boyd), seven sons and
two daughters lived in Crittenden Co. from before 1880.
4. Florence's Aunt Margaret (Rolston) Oliver, wife of Henry W., four sons and
three daughters lived in Crittenden Co. also.
5. Florence's grandfather Eli Bettis, two of his sons, Duke and Jacob W., also
lived in Crittenden Co, generating a host of second cousins.
If anyone has information on any of these images, please let me know.
The McMinnville Girls c.1880's
A number of photographs have the stamp of W.S. Lively, Photographer, McMinnville, Tenn. McMinnville is in Warren Co., TN, not exactly near Crittenden Co., KY, or even western KY. It is also not particularly near Jefferson Co., TN, where the Stanton Pierce family lived until about 1860. The photos are all girls, apparently on the verge of graduating high school. The bangs they sport were popular in the 1880's. Florence Pierce herself would have graduated in the early 1880's, and it may be that these are high school or college acquaintances of Florence. The school would not necessarily have had to have been in McMinnville or even Tennessee (although she could have traveled away to school), as a photographer from McMinnville could have traveled about photographing school children. The arbitrary photo numbers are 215-222.
246 Outdoor Scene Another photo in the Crittenden Co. Historical Museum that was not in the Florence Pierce albums was a loose cabinet photo also having a W.S. Lively stamp. It is intriguing because written in pencil in the margin is "Evelyn Pierce and Mr. Taylor". It shows another girl with bangs, possibly the same as in photo 215. However, no Evelyn Pierce of that approximate age is known to be in the family.
Unknown Family c.1890
A series of miniature (~1"x1.5") photograph in the collection are the same size and have nearly the same patterned mounts apparently taken of members of one family. Assuming that they were taken approximately at the same time, they are, in order of descending age:
156 mother
2nd Eldest daughter (more)
This is another one of the number of identically sized and mounted miniature photos c.1895.
This is another one of a number of identically sized and mounted miniature photos, but this one has a slightly different texture to the mount, and is of a baby, and may be a boy.
This is the last of the identically sized and mounted miniature
photos c.1895.
Other Unknowns:
035 c.1890
Owensboro photographer markings.
060 c.1890
Paducah photographer markings.
061 c.1885
063 Man 1 Mustached Family c.1885
Unmarked cabinet card, which may be from a family (similar photo mounts and ages) in which all the men have mustaches and rather long faces. The family might be Greenlea, for no other reason than they look related to Pierces and there are four males.
064 Man 2 Mustached Family c.1885
Unmarked cabinet card, which may be from a family (similar photo mounts and ages) in which all the men have mustaches.
065 Man 3 Mustached Family c.1885
Unmarked cabinet card, which may be from a family (similar photo mounts and ages) in which all the men have mustaches.
067 Man 4 Mustached Family c.1890
J.L. Stewart, Marion cabinet card, slightly later than those above, but a man with a similar long face.
Paducah photographer, cabinet sized card.
and 068 Matched Pair of Cabinet Cards c.1885
Unmarked but identical, these are probably a man and wife, because they are past marrying age, but could conceivably be brother and sister. The male has a similar face to that of Emeline (Rolston) Pierce, and so could possibly be David William Rolston, in which case the woman, whose eyes do not resemble Pierces at all, would be Ardenia Boyd, an in-law.
Girl from McMinnville, TN c.1890
Photographer's mark from McMinnville, Warren Co., TN. Warren Co. really isn't near any of the Pierce/Rolston/Bettis areas of origin.
Spokane, Washington Cabinet Photo c.1900
A rather large contingent of people from Crittenden Co., KY moved to the Yakima Valley, Washington, including families named Woodall, Hill, Jacobs, Turley, Stovall, DeBoe, Rushing, Burr and Farmer. One of them, Phillip Woodall, had a son named Cortis b. 1886 (an unusual name the same as Cortis Pierce, son of James Perry Pierce) - from "You All Come, A Migration from Crittenden Co., KY to the Yakima Valley 1888-1923".
Rossland, British Columbia Photo, c.1910
This appears to be the same person as in 106, above, and the location is not too far away for that to be the case.
112 c.1900
J.L. Stewart, Marion.
J.L. Stewart, Marion. Either the same or related to the woman above, 112.
J.L. Stewart, Marion. Either the same or related to the woman above, 112.
Possibly the woman in photo 074.
138 (c.1890)
J.L. Stewart, Marion markings.
J.L. Stewart, Marion markings.
c.1912 (left) and 143 c.1920 (right)
Looks like the same woman.
Carte de visite size, Mitchell (South Dakota), Dakota Territory photographer. Who went to South Dakota that early? 1883 is printed on back, so it can't be earlier, but it might have been later. This could possibly be the same person as photo 061, above.
Unmarked mount; a man and his mother?
This is a cabinet photo bearing the mark of a Louisville, KY photographer.
090 probable wife of 088 above c.1895.
As the only other photograph in the collection besides 088 bearing a Louisville photographer, this is probably his wife.
066 c.1915
This is a small, novelty photo perhaps taken at a fair. It might represent
a group of siblings, or merely friends on holiday.
If you have any information on any of these persons, please contact me, as below.