Carl Phillipp Dölle (1860 - 1923) and Elisabeth Vaupel (1859 - 1923)
Carl Phillipp Dölle was born 23 May 1860 in Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany. He was the son of Carl Dölle (Abt. 1830, Hesse, Germany - ?) and Dorothea Catharina Vaupel (Abt. 1830, Hesse, Germany - ?) [obviously Carl's mother Vaupel is related to his wife Vaupel, but it is not known how at the present]. He died after Oct 1923.
Elisabeth Vaupel was born 24 Nov 1859 in Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany and christened 03 Dec 1859 there. She was the daughter of Wilhelm Vaupel (09 Dec 1827, Reichensachsen - 08 Mar 1873, Reichensachsen) and Helene Christine "Lena" Külmar (25 Apr 1830, Reichensachsen - 17 Feb 1867, Reichensachsen). She died 10 Oct 1923 in Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany and was buried 13 Oct 1923 there.
They were married 08 Apr 1883 in Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany. They had at least three children (see photos below):
Anna Dorothea Dölle (25 Apr 1884, Reichensachsen,
Hesse, Germany - ?)
Anna Catharina Margaretha Dölle (10 May 1886, Reichensachsen, Hesse,
Germany - 22 Jan 1890, Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany)
Georg Ludwig Dölle (20 Jul 1889, Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany - 17 Sep
1907, Reichensachsen, Hesse, Germany)
Notes for Carl Phillipp Dölle:
Also called Carl Phillip Dolle. Sieve maker in Reichensachsen; later a road surveyor in Reichensachsen.
Residence: Reichensachsen, Steinweg #108 1/2.
Notes for Elisabeth Vaupel:
GODPARENTS/SPONSORS: Elisabeth Borschel, daughter of the sister of the child's father
RESIDENCE: Reichensachsen, Steinweg # 108 1/2
'Lyle's father's cousin', inscription on the back of
this CDV by Mary Vaupel. This is Phillip Dolle, who is in his Prussian uniform.
The photographer is L.W. Kurtz, Wiesbaden. From a large group of photographs
from Mary and Lyle Vaubel.
Mary Vaubel's inscription on the back: 'Germany Philipp Dolle
family 1906. Philipp's wife is a sister of Charles Vaubel. The 2 boys in front
died in Poland during WWI'. The photographer's imprint: Oscar Telleman,
Eschwege 1906. The parents are Elisabeth Vaupel and Phillip Dolle. The
eldest daughter is Anna Dorothea and the eldest son is Georg Ludwig. They did
not have children the age of the two youngest lads. The youngest two may
very well be the two youngest children of Elisabeth's sister, Anna Dorothea
Vaupel. They are: Heinrich (b. 1893) and Johannes (b. 1898). Heinrich is known
to have died in 1916 in Pron'ki, Belarus, which may have been Poland then.
Seven letters from Anna Dorothea Dölle to her uncle
Charles Fredrich Vaupel
(translations by Uwe Porten, genealogist, Bingen, Germany)
[Milne 294 German Letter No 1]
Letter by Anna Dorothea Bauer neé Dölle, Rommerode.
Dear uncle and aunt,
I want to send a sign of life of us, how things are with us, we have sad times here in Germany, before the war we had golden times. Dear uncle, you cannot, dear uncle, you cannot cannot [twice] imagine what prices are here, a bread of four pounds costs 28 Marks, corn and wheat, everything costs 1,800 to 2,000 Marks per hundredweight, The farmers are in the best situation. Dear uncle, 16 years have passed now, since you were in Germany, in this time many things have happened, my brother Georg died, which caused my mother deep grief, and suffered a great loss, as at that time most people sold their land, while what they would get now was hundredfold, my mother is not doing well, since the previous year she is having thick legs and 8 weeks ago she lost an eye when chopping wood, she looks terribly miserable, she weighs 80 pounds, so you can imagine what she has been through. Dear uncle, aunt, and children, hopefully all of you are still safe and sound, which I cannot say for ourselves, as I had to suffer a lot from childbed, I was hospitalized four times, one boy is alive, the youngest one, he is 9 years of age, and I have already underwent an operation twice, Heinrich is not doing well either, he has a lot of trouble with his stomach, my parents-in-law are dead, Anna got married to Kassel. Dear uncle, mother is still there, so you should visit us. Godfather is also dead, Karl Schlarbaum is dead, too. Dear uncle, already 3 men from America have been here in Rommerode and visited their relatives. So, we are living in hope that you too visit us one time.
Many regards from Heinrich, little Georg to you.
Dear uncle, aunt, and children, your faithful niece Anna Bauer neé Dölle.
[Different handwriting:] Dear uncle, how are the aunt and children, hopefully everybody is safe and sound.
Best regards from all of us, yours Henrich.
[Different handwriting:] Dear uncle, at the moment the dollar is standing so high, that you can send me some.
[Note in the margin:] Do not forget to come.
[Milne 294 German Letter No 2]
Letter to Chas Vaupel by Karl Volkmar, Reichsensachsen.
Reichensachsen, July 8, 1923
Dear Mr. Vaupel!
By help of my neighbours, your brother-in-law Mr. Philipp Dölle, I gained knowledge of your esteemed address. As for some time I am having the intention to emigrate to America, I beg to politely inquire, if you were so friendly to provide me with some information about the conditions over there. As your brother-in-law explained me, you own two farms, so perhaps I could work for you as a start, as one does not know anybody. Your relatives are acquainted with us, we are good friends and do things together. Mr. Vaupel, in your last letter you mentioned to come here again, hopefully this will materialize. In Germany the situation is bad, terrible dearth and unemployment infest our country. I would be very happy if I could make it over and ask, if possible, to provide me with some help. I would recompense everything. I own a small piece of real estate of 10 Acker of land. Next fall I will be 40 years old and have 4 children in the ages of 15, 14, 10, and 4 years. I was having the intention to make it over there in fall and call for my family in spring. More information about myself is provided by your sister and brother-in-law in this letter.
Waiting for your esteemed lines, signed with greatest respect,
Karl Volkmar, Reichensachsen, Steinweg # 15.
Please write at your earliest convenience.
Dear brother Carl, I take this opportunity to write you again, although I have already written you 3 letters and you have not sent any reply to me, if you do not send me a reply to these lines either, I will not write you ever again. Dear brother Carl, this man, Carl Volkmar, a neighbor, likes to go to America, but he needs a place to go, if he wants to go there, so I ask you to provide Mr. Volkmar with thorough information, or you, dear brother Carl, or your sons, preliminarily provide him with shelter and work, if it is possible for you, or do you want to visit us again here in Germany, then do so immediately, otherwise I ask you to send a reply immediately.
Many regards from your sister Eliese, hope to see you again soon.
[Milne 294 German Letter No 3]
Letter to Chas Vaupel by Heinrich Bauer, Rommerode.
Rommerode, July 28, 1920.
Dear uncle and aunt!
I need to give a sign of life of us, how we are. My wife is sick and suffers from kidney bleeding for childbed, we had three boys, but two of which died, and the youngest one is still alive and is seven years of age and I suffer from chronic gastric complaint, but we also had a sad life during the war and often now it is not any better, food is so expensive and bad, fabrics for a suit can be obtained in an expensive but poor quality only, my parents-in-law received the package, I also received the five [one word not legible] and give you my many thanks. How are you, dear uncle and aunt, and also your children? Hopefully you are still safe and sound. The good times were when we got married, that was nice, life was nice then. Dear uncle, visit us soon again here in Germany, we again would be looking forward to it. My parents-in-law are still healthy and send you best regards. On Sunday I was in Reichensachsen at my parents-in-law's place. Send us a sign soon, from you, dear uncle, [3 words not legible] and I send best regards to all of you.
Best regards, yours Heinrich.
[Milne 294 German Letter No 4]
Letter to Chas Vaupel by Elisabeth Dölle neé Vaupel, Reichensachsen.
Reichensachsen, May 10, 1923.
Dear brother Carl and sister-in-law, I do not have the heart to not let write you once again, although we have written you two letters and you did not sent us any reply, therefore my husband does not want to write you again, he says, if at least you had sent us a sign of life, he would have been satisfied, or if you had not been in the situation to write. Dear brother Carl and sister-in-law, even if you prefered to have "rechte" siblings, you could have written, since you wrote in your last letter, that you had been sick but impoved since, so I assume, that your sickness became worse or perhaps you are dead, if that was the case, your wife perhaps could inform us how things are with you, I only have one brother left, or did you take amiss, that we asked you to send us again something. Dear brother, if the situation was not so bad in Germany, we would not have asked you to send us something again, this letter I let write without my husband, he should have written a quarter year ago, but I was unable to induce him doing so, because you do not write us, so a good friend wrote me this letter. Dear brother and sister-in-law, I do not need to tell you how it looks like in Germany, as you certainly obtain information about the situation here, every small thing costs thousands, if I want to bake a cake on Saturday, then I need barm for 200 Marks, which used to cost 5 Heller, and one pound of coffee now costs 18,000 Marks, it used to be 75 Pfennige. Dear brother and sister-in-law, even although I am writing about this, you cannot believe it, and it is getting worse every day, just as the dollar rises everything else rises, too, so I ask you, dear and only brother, if you are still alive, or sister-in-law, to write us one time and tell us how you are. Dear brother Carl, in my previous letter I wrote you about coffee beans, however, if you again send me something, then it might be better to send money instead, because it costs too much custom duties, the people that are getting something from America advised me to tell you that, because, dear brother Carl, for long years I have not had any pure coffee, because here it is made of corn, it is possible to get coffee, but it is too expensive, 19,000 Marks for 1 pound, hopefully you will send me some dollars, so that I, as aged and nearly 64-year-old sister can enjoy a pure coffee again. Dear brother, I also tell you that my husband is not angry with you, but does not want to write you before you send a sign of life, if not everything was so expensive, we would have a good household, my husband goes away for work every day, but does not get a high pay at all, but you would not believe, how poor work is over here, there are so many unemployed people, who cannot get any work at all, it is sad to see the people in the streets, standing about, thankfully we have our bread, but we have to pay a lot of cartage that for, Georg Dilling takes care for our farming, one hour of cartage is at 4,000 Marks, one hundredweight of corn costs 60,000 Marks, wheat 70 to 80,000 Marks, but is hardly available, only God knows what shall become.
Dear brother Carl and sister-in-law, other than that we are sound and safe, I think at a good opportunity I will tell my husband that I let write to you.
Your faithful sister, best regards,
Elisabeth Dölle
[Milne 294 German Letter No 5]
Letter to Karl Vaupel by Philipp Dölle, Rommerode.
Rommerode, December 10, 1926.
Dear brother-in-law Karl Vaupel and wife, by this letter I request you once again, to let me know, if you are still alive, as I wrote you but have not got a reply, you would not have resent me that I wrote you, for your sister Elise, that you should sent me some dollars one time, for her headstone, if I had the means I would not have written, but I thought, if you, dear brother-in-law, have brotherly love, you certainly would sent something, I have been without a job since June, otherwise I would have let her made one, a headstone, she immediately got the enclosure of her grave for 60 Marks, but if you still feel something for your sister, then send something, then I will contribute the balance, I am now 67 years of age, but what I could contribute, I would be happy to do for my dear wife, now hopefully in heaven. Dear brother-in-law and wife, as my school-fellow Heinrich Küllmer was here in the previous year, he said to me, that you were so wealthy, and on his way back home also wanted to visit you, and also visited me here in Rommerode, but have not heard anything from you. Dear brother-in-law and wife, we sold 8 Acker of land before the war and lost all our money at the bank, as you already know, I am staying with my daughter Anna in Rommerode, her husband has been dead for 2 ź years, and her son will graduate from school on Easter, so I am worried about what trade we should let him learn, here in Germany there are no more opportunities at all, we ourselves yet do not know, what we would like to let him learn. How are you, dear brother-in-law and wife, over there in America it is supposed to be so much better, by all accounts, hopefully your heart softens, Georg Dilling is dead, Carl Schlarbaum's wife also despaired of the bad times, the old Schlarbaums took him some land away.
Dear brother-in-law and wife, I we definitely hope,
that you one time come to visit us, we are approaching our ends, and what does
one have of this world, I will accompany you, as now I am unemployed, then we
will spent some happy days together, with sister-in-law Vaupel, you can also
bring your sons along, so that we get acquained with eachother, everything is
prepared for, just write if you like to come, you promised me to visit us in
Germany once again. I will close now and send you kind regards. By my little
[Written in English in child's hand writing:] Like oncle and aunt hope you our shall go to see, much regard.
Address: To Philipp Dölle in Rommerode, jurisidiction of Kssel.
Philipp Dölle.
[Milne 294 German Letter No 6]
Letter to Chas Vaupel by Philipp Dölle, Rommerode.
Rommerode, November 28, 1927.
Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, as we wrote you and as of yet have not received a reply from you, I need to write you once again, if you are still alive, I think, if one of you had died, you would have informed us. We wrote you that my wife and my son-in-law are dead, but you did not even express your condolences, Anna's son graduated from school last Easter, but you did not congratulate him, we would have been very happy, if we had received a letter from you.
Dear brother-in-law, I still speak a lot about you, did I not friendly welcome you as you were here to visit us in Germany, I think I did. Last year Heinrich Küllmar was here and visited me, my old school-fellow, then I sent you many regards, as he wanted to visit you on his way back home, but again we have not received any letter from you, can it be that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law have died, then please inform us about it, I will send you a reply at once.
Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, we sold our house in Reichensachen and I live at my daughter Anna's place in Rommerode. Dear brother-in-law, we are approaching the end, because this spring I will be 68 years of age, and you, brother-in-law, are 65 years of age, I believe. It would be a great joy, if you reply to this letter soon. Anna's son Georg still attends school, as he is not strong enough to later easily make a living here, and Anna has impoved now, she has not been quite healthy in those years. God will continue to help, the situation in Germany has improved a bit, but I am unable to work anymore, since last year, we are eking out a living, what is your son doing, is he still at school or learning, I hope that my letter finds you at good health, Georg Dilling is dead, but Martin Schlarbaum does not keep a good household with his daughter-in-law, which is not nice of him. I think you want to visit us again, so you have to visit us in Rommerode, with your wife, we will friendly welcome you in Rommerode. Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, every day we see your gift, that you sent to my little grandchild, the cap with the red ribbon, he wears it daily at school, but still it looks like new.
Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, now write us one time, how are you in America, hopefully still well, and what are your children doing, and how the situation is over there.
I am well settled here in Rommeriode, I have been staying here for 4 years now, if one does not have anyone left in Reichensachsen, even an aged man has to get used [to a change].
Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, your sister's birthday was on November 24, then I also thought of you, and decided to write you once again immediately.
Please reply soon, hope to see you again.
Many regards from your brother-in-law Philipp Dölle and your niece, widow Anna Bauer and her son George English [indicating that the German name Georg was spelled in English, "George"].
Mr. Philipp Dölle in Rommerode, county of Witzenhausen, jurisdiction of Kassel.
[Milne 294 German Letter No 7]
Letter to Chas Vaupel by Georg Bauer, son of Anna Bauer neé Dölle, Rommerode.
Rommerode, [undated].
Dear uncle and aunt. I will be confirmed on April 18 (2nd Easter holiday) and heartly invite you to the confirmation, as well as your children. You can imagine, how the household looks like, as father died, and how carefully one has to spend the money, as we have to live solely from my mother's miners' pension. My grandfather sold his house the other day, to live from it. I am graduating from school now, but have no idea yet what trade to learn, as unemployment is prevailing in Germany. Last week my grandfather was in Reichensachsen, where 153 men are unemployed. As my mother is sick a lot, may God grant her good health. Dear uncle and aunt, how are you, haven't you yet got the courage to send us a few lines. Short time ago Georg Dilling died, too, other than that everything is still doing fine.
Kind regards,
your nephew Georg.
Dear uncle and aunt, why don't you send a sign of life. I believe, we well welcomed you when you were here.
Many regards,
Yours Anna.
Many regards to all of you.
Pass on many regards to Heinrich Küllmar (who visited us).
To widow Anna Bauer, Rommerode near Grossalmerode, jurisdiction of Kassel, county of Witzenhausen.
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