Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.
4, February 25, 1888, back cover
Nickel-plated brass label on front standard
Stamps on base support: 1) "Pat.
Feb. 20, '83" (plate holder); 2) "Pat. Mar. 28, '82 (revolving bellows)
& Feb. 20, '82 (substantially the Fairy camera)"
Date Introduced: 1884 ;
Years Manufactured: 1884 - c.1890,
continuing from c.1890-c.1898 as Variation 2.0
and Variation 2.1
Construction: rear
focus via rack and pinion (single gear track between
base rails); single or double swing; reversing by rotating
bellows & back; three-piece lens board
Materials: mahogany; cherry base; black
fabric bellows; nickeled hardware
Sizes Offered: 4¼x6½; 5x8 w/o stereo; 5x8
stereo; 6½x8½; 8x10
The E.&H.T. Anthony & Co. Fairy Novel View Camera is essentially an Anthony Novelette with rack and pinion focusing instead of the normal push-pull. Four variations are described below, based on the shape of the focus knob (and whether the camera has a wide lens board for stereo capability. The model was introduced in July 1884. The round-type focus knob was the earlier type, being advertised from c.1885 through c.1888. The spiked ship's wheel type knob was advertised from c.1889-c.1898. The variations 2.0 and 2.1 came in either mahogany or fancy and expensive Circassian walnut. The outfit came with two leather cases: one for the camera, and another to hold as many as five plate-holders.
Fairy Novel View Camera
Variation 1.0:
Thin and Round type focus knob-----non-stereo (square front)
Fairy Novel View Camera
Variation 1.1:
Thick (like a double thin type)and Round type focus
knob-----stereo (rounded front)
Fairy Novel View Camera
Variation 2.0:
Spiked (ship's
wheel) type focus knob-----non-stereo (square front)-----either mahogany
or Circassian walnut
Fairy Novel View Camera
Variation 2.1:
Spiked (ship's
wheel) type focus knob-----stereo (rounded front)-----either mahogany or
Circassian walnut.
E.&H.T. Anthony Photographic Bulletin #15, July 1884, pp. 338-9
introduction & sizes
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Photographic
Equipments & Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
May 1885,
back cover (camera is pictured on the back cover, but
is not mentioned inside, so no description, prices, etc.)
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Photographic
Equipments & Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
September 1885,
back cover (camera is pictured on the back cover, but
is not mentioned inside, so no description, prices, etc.)
Catalog P, Photographic Material, J. W.
Queen & Co. (Philadelphia, PA), 1886, p. 55
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Equipments and Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), September 1886, pp. 16-18
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Photographic
Equipments & Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
August 1887, pp. 16-18
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Photographic
Equipments & Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
January 1888, pp. 16-18
International Annual of Anthony's Photographic Bulletin,
Vol. I, 1888, W. J. Harrison and A. H.
Elliot, eds., E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), July 1888, ads p.
Illustrated Catalogue of Amateur Photographic
Equipments & Materials, E. &
H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
January 1889, pp. 16-18
Photographic Materials 1889, James
W. Queen & Co. (Philadelphia, PA), 1889, p. 57
Illustrated Catalogue of Photographic Equipments
and Materials for Amateurs, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY),
January 1890, pp.15-16
Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus,
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), November 1893, pp.45-46