C. P. Goerz American Optical Co. (New York, NY)


Double Anastigmat Series III, c.1890's-1930's


Photographic Apparatus and Supplies, Burke & James (Chicago, IL), 1904, p.51


Notes:  Carl Paul Goerz founded C. P. Goerz in 1886 (Berlin, Germany), and its subsidiary, the C. P. Goerz American Optical Co. (New York, NY) in 1899.  The double anastigmat, of which there were a number of series, was its staple.

American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1898, The Scovill & Adams Co. (New York, NY), ads p. 14
Catalogue No. IIII of Professional and Amateur Photographer's Supplies, Wm. F. Uhlman (St. Joseph, MO), c.1901, p. 11
Photographic Apparatus and Supplies, Burke & James (Chicago, IL), 1904, p.51

Photographic Equipment Apparatus and Supplies, Catalogue No. 18, Norman-Willets Photo Supply, Inc. (Chicago, IL); c.1925, p. 19


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