Non-View Cameras
As odd as it may seem, there are interesting
cameras other than American wooden view cameras.
Studio Cameras
Early Box Cameras, Blair Hawkeyes, Miscellaneous Blair
Hawkeye Detective Camera, Boston-type with hinged back -
Unmarked - c.1888 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera, typical Boston-type with pop-in
back - marked Boston Camera Co. - c.1889 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera, 1st Model, but no side window -
marked Blair Camera Co. - c.1890 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera, typical 1st Model, with side window
- Blair Camera Co. - c.1891 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera, typical 2nd Model - Blair
Camera Co. - c.1893 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera Leather-Covered, Early - Blair
Camera Co. - c.1891 |
Hawkeye Detective Camera Leather-Covered, - Blair
Camera Co. - c.1891-c.1898 |
Folding Hawkeye No. 2 - Blair Camera Co. - c.1892-5 |
Kodak, No. 2 - Eastman Kodak Co. - c.1889 |
Kodak, Ordinary No. A - Eastman Kodak Co. - c.1890 |
Kodak, Ordinary No. B - Eastman Kodak Co. - c.1890 |
Kodak, Ordinary No. C - Eastman Kodak Co. - c.1890 |
Nighthawk - Manhattan Optical Co. - c.1895 |
Premier Variation 1 - Rochester Optical Co. - c.1891-1892 |
Premier Variation 2 - Rochester Optical Co. - c.1893-1903 |
Folding Premier, Original Model - Rochester Optical Co. -
c.1892 |
Camera Co. Factory Woodworking Clamp |
Blair Camera Co. Shipping Crate for 14x17 plate holders |
Blair Camera Co. Roller-Blind Shutter, c. 1888 |
Mfg. Co. Scovill Detective Camera 1st Model, c.1885 |
The Scovill & Adams Co. Knack Detective Camera / Antique Oak
Detective Camera, c. 1890 |
The Scovill & Adams Co. Triad Detective Camera, c. 1892 |
The Scovill & Adams Co.
Waterbury Detective Camera, Original Model, c. 1888-c.1889 |
Leather-covered Long Focus or Front- and Back-Focusing View Cameras
These are
wooden view cameras except that the wooden parts are hidden away behind
leather. Too complex for amateurs, and not enough movement (rise,
shift, tilt, or swing) for professionals, these cameras never became
very popular. Their heyday was about 1900, when every manufacturer
had a version - by about 1910, they had pretty much disappeared from catalogs.
The Anthony & Scovill Co. Leather-Covered Compact /
Ansco Compact Dry Plate Camera
- c.1903 - c.1906 |
The Anthony & Scovill Co. Long Focus Reversible Back
Solograph - c.1901 |
Century Camera Co. Century Grand, Long Focus -
c.1901-c.1905 |
The Folmer & Schwing Long Focus Graphic
- c.1901 |
The Folmer & Schwing Reversible Back Graphic - , c.1901 |
The Folmer & Schwing Reversible Back Graphic Special -
c.1901 |
Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Co. Korona Royal (also sold by G. Gennert as the Montauk Royal in 1908))
- Korona Series VI Royal - Korona Series VI Special- Korona Series VI Royal - Korona Series VI Special -
c.1903-1912 |
Gundlach Optical Co..Long Focus Korona Series VI -
c.1899-c.1900 |
Gundlach Optical Co..Long Focus Korona Series VILong Focus Korona Series VI-
c.1901 |
G. Gennertt
Montauk, Long FocusMontauk, Long Focus-
G. GennertG. Gennert Montauk, Long Focus - c.1900s |
G. Gennert Montauk, Long Focus Reversible Back- c.1900 |
G. Gennert Montauk RoyalG. Gennert Montauk Royal- c.1908 |
Manhattan Optical Co. Wizard, Long Focus Wide AngleManhattan Optical Co. Wizard, Long Focus Wide Angle-
c.1900 |
Montgomery Ward & Co. New Era Camera, Style 30Montgomery Ward & Co. New Era Camera, Style 30- c.1905 |
Rochester Camera Co. Poco Telephoto B (Long Focus Version)Rochester Camera Co. Poco Telephoto B (Long Focus Version) -
c.1895 |
Rochester Camera Co. Telephoto Poco- , 1895-1897 |
Rochester Optical Co. Premo, Long Focus, Variation 1-
c.1895-1900 |
Rochester Optical & Camera Co. Premo, Long Focus, Variation 2-
1901 |
Rochester Optical Co. Premo, Long Focus Variation 3-
1901-1904 |
Rochester Optical Co. Premo, Reversible Back - c.1905 -
5x7 |
Rochester Optical & Camera Co. Ray, Long Focus - c.1901 |
Scovill & Adams
Co. Long Focus Reversible Back Solograph - c.1898 |
Hand and Stand Cameras, Press Cameras
Folding Kodak Improvedd- Eastman Kodak Co., c.1890 - 5x7- Eastman Kodak Co., c.1890
- c.1892 - 5x7 |
Folding Kodak Improved- Eastman Kodak Co., c.1891 - 4x5- Eastman Kodak Co., c.1894 - 4x5 |
Cycle (Bicycle) -type camera - American Camera Co. - 4x55 |
Wide Angle Wizard - Manhattan Optical Co., c.1896 |
Reko- Rochester Optical Co., c.1899 - 4x5- Rochester Optical Co. |
Premo Sr. - Rochester Optical Co., 1895-1900 - 4x5 |
Reversible Back Cycle Graphic- Folmer & Schwing Mfg. Co.
- 4x5- Folmer & Schwing Mfg. Co.
- 4x5 |
Folmer & Schwing
Division, Eastman Kodak Co. Circuit Outfit
No. 8 (8" Roll Film Circuit Back on a 6½x8½
RB Cycle Graphic) |
Speed Graphic, Top-Handle - Folmer & Schwing Division,
EKC, c.1925 - 3¼ x 4¼ |
Speed GraphicSpeed Graphic, Top-Handle - Folmer & Schwing Division,
EKC, c.1925 - 3½ x 5 |
Speed GraphicSpeed Graphic, Top-Handle - Folmer & Schwing Division,
EKC, c.1925 - 5x7 |
Speed Graphic, Pre-Anniversary - Folmer-Graflex Corp.,
c.1937 - 4x5 |
No. 0 Graphic - Folmer & Schwing Division, EKC, c.1915 -
1⅝x2½ |
Movie Cameras
Cheap thrills: movie cameras from the
1920's for about $10; a functioning matching projector with case for $30
& shipping. They are very well built and usually work fine as
found. 16mm film that fits the cine-kodaks can still be purchased,
and it is a blast to hand-crank some movies. It is probably best
to be sitting down when obtaining the prices of said film and
Miniature Cameras