Blair Camera Co., (Boston, MA)


Folding Hawkeye - c.1892 - c.1895


5 x 7


Some Hand and View Cameras, Tucker & Butts (Buffalo, NY), undated c.1892, p.07
Illustrated Catalogue of Blair's Hand Cameras and Films, The Blair Camera Co. (Boston, MA), dated July 1893, pp 26-28
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus and Supplies, Section A, Blair Camera Co. (Boston, MA), 1893, p. 14
Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), November 1893, p.57
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus and Supplies, Blair Camera Co. (Boston, MA), 1895, p. 44
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of the Hawkeye and All Styles of Tripod Cameras and Accessories, Blair Camera Co. (Boston, MA), 1896, p. 17



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