Century Camera Co. (Rochester, NY)


Century Grand Long Focus - c. 1901 - c. 1905


Special Catalogue of Photographic Apparatus, Montgomery Ward & Co. (Chicago, IL), c. 1905, pp. 14-15


Label on front standard

Label on both sides of the rear standard

Century lens and shutter.  Note that the screw heads are aligned, as in most top-end cameras of the era.




Illustrated Catalogue No. IIII of Professional and Amateur Photographer's Supplies, Wm. F. Uhlman (St. Joseph, MO), c.1901, p. 58
Century Cameras 1905, Century Camera Co. (Rochester, NY), dated 1905, pp. 30-31
Special Catalogue of Photographic Apparatus, Montgomery Ward & Co. (Chicago, IL), c. 1905, pp. 14-15




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