Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, NY)
Kodak Improved (Satchel Kodak) 1892 No. 5 (5x7)
Catalogue 1892, Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, NY), dated 1892,
1892 No 5 (5 x 7) with Barker shutter
The "Satchel" Kodak set the form for many a hand and stand camera to
follow: a leather-covered box, the front from which popped out the lens
and bellows, a ground glass back, protected by a hinged door, and space
behind to store three two-sided plate holders. The Kodak had the
additional feature of fitting an Eastman-Walker Roll Film Holder
(see photo a), which allowed up to 100 photographs to be taken before
reloading. This example has the Asbury Barker Frictionless
Shutter, advertised in Kodak catalogs in 1892, and which, because of intermittent problems, was sold on
relatively few cameras; most Satchels have a Bausch & Lomb Iris
Diaphragm Shutter.
The Kodak Manual for the No. 5 Folding Kodak has been scanned and
Catalogue 1892, Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, NY), dated 1892,
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