Richard Morrison/Scovill Mfg. Co. (New York, NY)


Morrison's New Rapid Copying Lens,  c. 1886


Walzl's Photographic Journal and The Photographer's Friend, c.1886, p.26

Morrison's New Rapid Copying Lens, Size G, Serial No. 2500, c.1890's, black paint finish, with iris diaphragm Morrison's.New.Rapid.Copying.Lens.No.G-FL.24.75in-c.1886-1500.jpg



Even though this rapid rectilinear-type of copy lens was designed mainly to produce a very flat plane of sharp focus from an object a few feet away, it would perform decently well at any object distance.  It has been included here because it was readily available along with other lenses in the 1880's.  It would have been somewhat less expensive, less heavy and have a higher maximum f-stop than a rapid rectilinear-type landscape lens of similar focal length.  It would perform best, however, for actually copying and as an enlarging lens.

Walzl's Photographic Journal and The Photographer's Friend, c.1886, p.26



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