Example 1: 8 x 10";
Asssembly No. 10.
Given the short period over which this variation was made, apparently
just 1885, these two identical examples of the same size and having
assembly numbers 10 and 18, may have actually been made in the same
The camera finish has lightened as it aged. The upper sides of the
rear standard show a shadow in the finish shaped like the brass clip
attached there for >130 years.
Label, silver metal, top of
front standard: "American Optical Comp'y - New York -
Scovill Mfg. Co., Propt'rs"
Stamp, top of lens board: "Scovill Manufacturing Co. / New
York". This stamp having rather large lettering and the
"Manufacturing" spelled out is found on early dry plate Scovill cameras
and accessories, such as a
5x8 example of
The 76 Camera
and a
stained 4x5 Ne Plus Ultra).
The same Scovill stamp
found on the lens board was also used on the top of the ground glass
A third instance of the Scovill stamp is
on top of the folding platform.
Example 2: 8 x 10";
Assembly No. 18
Note the shadow of
the brass clip in the wood finish at the upper side of the rear standard
(Below Left Image). Example 1 shows similar shadows in its ligh
Label, silver metal, top of
front standard: "American Optical Comp'y - New York -
Scovill Mfg. Co., Propt'rs"
Stamp, top of lens board: "Scovill Manufacturing Co. / New
York". This stamp having rather large lettering and the
"Manufacturing" spelled out is found on early dry plate Scovill cameras
and accessories, such as a
5x8 example of
The 76 Camera
and a
stained 4x5 Ne Plus Ultra).
The same Scovill stamp
found on the lens board was also used on the top of the ground glass
frame. In addition, the serial or assembly number "18" was stamped
over the Scovill stamp, and also right next to it on the top of the
removable back.
The serial or assembly
number "18" was also stamped on the top surface at the rear of the
platform/base. A third instance of the Scovill stamp is also there
on the right side.
All holders for this camera must
fit into the cavity left when the ground glass frame is removed.
This holder (shown from both sides), the only one of its design found
with the camera, re-loads via a pull-out system. It is 1 inch
Two holders came with this
camera that re-load via a design known as "book-type": the two halves of
the holder open like a book. These are 1⅝ inches thick.
Three brown-stained plate
holders, part of the six that came with this camera. These load
right through the front and back sides by pushing a plate edge into a
spring-loaded slot at the end of a holder, dropping the other end in,
and letting the spring hold the plate in place. These holders are
only slightly over ¾ inch thick. Manufacturer: American Optical Co. New York, NY
factory Scovill / American Optical made a number of
of cone or tapered bellows cameras. The following is an excerpt
American Optical/Scovill Back Focus Tapering Bellows Field View Cameras - Chronology and Design
detailing the history of Scovill/American Optical camera models of this basic
Acme Reversible Back View Box / Back Focus Cone View Camera Model
During the
Scovill Mfg. Co.
era (<1889), sometimes, this model's labels read: "American Optical
Co., - Scovill Mfg. Co., N.Y. Prop't'rs" but sometimes they read
simply "Scovill Mfg. Co., N.Y.". During the
Scovill & Adams Co.
era (1889-1901), the labels merely read: "The Scovill & Adams Co. -
New York". Since the high quality construction and appearance
of the camera is constant, regardless of era, it is likely that the
camera was always manufactured in the New York City factory of
American Optical.
There are three
variations and one variation that has a different name (all are
variations in the way plate holders are inserted into the back):
Acme Reversible Back View Camera Variation 1.0:
This is the camera as shown in the advertising, including a ~2" thick
removable, reversible back. To take a photograph, the back's ground
glass frame is slid out and replaced by the plate holder. All
examples are marked Scovill or Scovill & Adams, and therefore thought to
have been made in Scovill's New Haven, CT factory, formerly the Samuel
Peck & Co. factory.
Reversible Back View Camera Variation 2.0:
This variation also has a removable, reversible back, but it also has an
interior ground glass frame that is released via a lever. The plate
holder would then be inserted into the hole vacated by the ground glass
frame. This variation is assumed to be c.1885, since this same back is
pictured in 1885 advertising for the
Optical Co. Ripley Camera. It may,
therefore, be the first variation of the
Acme chronologically. But why
then would the advertising engraving show the
Variation 1? It
could be that
Variation 2 was a very short lived, expensive to produce
version of the
Acme, the
Variation 1 being the original version made
Variation 2, but also made after
Variation 2
well into the
Scovill & Adams Co.
Reversible Back View Camera Variation 3.0:
This variation has yet a third variation of removable, reversible back,
which, in this case, has spring back that, unlike
Variation 1 and
Variation 2,
does not have to be removed to insert a plate holder - a very handy
improvement. It has a complex set of four springs that can be set
open, allowing the plate holder to be easily slid under it, then
released to tightly hold the plate holder in place. This type of
back is also seen in other end
American Optical cameras of the
Scovill & Adams Co.
There is a fourth camera,
which could be considered a variation in the Acme spring back,
except that it was advertised after a gap in production, and was given
the name:
Landscape View Camera: This
model has a simple, two spring, spring back
arrangement - a design based on Thomas Blair's Sep. 2, 1884 patent, used on cameras
of almost all plate or film view cameras made after 1901 (around the
time the patent expired), and still used today.
Acme and the
Landscape were never advertised at the same time.
In fact there is a gap of at least two years between the apparent
abandonment of the Acme and
the start of the Landscape.
Neither the Acme nor the
Landscape view cameras were
advertised in the Scovill & Adams catalogs for
January 1889,
March 1889,
March 1890,
June 1890,
April 1891,
June 1891, and
January 1892 (but no examples of catalogs from late 1892 through
early 1895 have been observed as yet) or in the almanacs for 1892, 1893,
1894 and 1895. However, it is also entirely possible that
cameras were still being manufactured 1892-1894, despite the lack of
advertising seen so far. During this
gap, the only rear focus, cone bellows view camera advertised was the
Flammang's Patent
Revolving Back Camera Back Focus (a camera that is,
other than its revolving back, identical to the
Acme). To second-guess the
Scovill & Adams executives, the Flammang's
would appear to be a very expensive camera to be the only offering of
this type. Remember that a rear-focus camera is the only viable
option for very large (usually professional) cameras, while the cone
bellows reduces the weight of the very same large cameras. It is
as if Scovill & Adams was abandoning or at least reducing the options
for the professional photographer. Whatever the reason for
discontinuing the Acme, it
would seem that the executives soon recognized that a camera of lower
cost than that of the Flammang's
was needed - by the 1896 catalog, the
Flammang's has disappeared and the
has appeared.
Oddly, the
Acme and the
Landscape cameras
were never advertised in the same type of publication.
Acme View Camera
ads appear c.1878 - c.1888 in Scovill and Scovill & Adams catalogs.
They universally use the engraving showing the thick profile (~2" thick)
replaceable back that is the Acme Variation 1.
Landscape Camera ads appear c.1896 - c.1899 in the
Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac. They
always show the thinner and modern style (~ ½" thick) replaceable back.
The American Optical/Scovill & Adams
Co. Four Spring Back
This type back found on a number of cameras in this
collection, including: A similar back is found on the 1)
Scovill & Adams labeled
Acme Reversible Back View Camera Variation 3, 2)
Albion Variation 3, 3)
American Optical, Scovill & Adams Co., Prop'rs
labeled Compact View Variation 2 or Irving View Variation 2,
4) American Optical,
Scovill & Adams Co., Prop'rs labeled Irving View Variation 1.(known
to have been introduced in March, 1892), 5)
Scovill & Adams labeled
St. Louis View Camera Variation 3, and 6)
Star View Camera
(introduced 1890) - one example labeled
The Scovill & Adams Co., the other example labeled
American Optical Co., Scovill & Adams Co.,
Prop'rs). References:
Back to American Optical
Co. / Scovill Mfg. Co. (alphabetical)
Date Introduced: ; Years Manufactured:
Construction: rear
focus via push-pull; single or double swing;
reversing by removable back; three-piece lens board
Materials: mahogany body; cherry base;
black fabric bellows; brass hardware
Sizes Offered: at least
American Optical/Scovill Back Focus Tapering Bellows Field View Cameras - Chronology and Design)
Acme View Camera
can be found in catalogs and advertising
approximately from 1884 through 1888, although there was a similar
tapered bellows view camera during the wet plate era (see
Optical New Camera Box). It was referred to as one of a number of
Back Focus Cone View Camera,
Acme View Camera,
Reversible Back
View Camera. Despite its
workmanlike design, it was highly finished in the
American Optical
way, showing French polish on the wood, draw file finish on the
hardware, and screw slots that were laboriously aligned along the length
of each brass part then filed down perfectly even with the part.
This back,
unique to American Optical and Scovill & Adams Co. cameras, consists of a ground
glass frame connected to the back of the rear standard using four
springs, one in each corner, and each about 2-3 inches long. As
One end of each spring is tightly screwed to the rear standard, while
the other end applies pressure onto the middle of a hinge made of sheet
brass about 2 inches long, which is attached, one end to the ground
glass and the other to the rear standard, via round-head wood screws
long enough to act as axles. Three of the corners appear as in the
left hand photo below. The fourth corner contains the spring, but
also an extra bit of hardware attached to the sheet brass that catches
in an open position on a post. This is shown in the right hand
photo below.
From the example cameras from six models that have four
spring backs, we find that all but one camera (and that one is unlabeled
and so indeterminate) are labeled and thus can be dated from when
The Scovill & Adams Co. were
proprietors of the
American Optical Co.,
that is, 1889-c.1899. It would therefore appear that the four
spring back was introduced approximately when
Scovill Mfg. Co. changed to
The Scovill & Adams Co. in
1889. The four spring design was patented in
1889 (granted to Scovill Mfg. Co. (W.H. Fuller, assignor), #407587, 23
Jul 1889), but, unlike most of their patents, the patent information is
not stamped into the wood or otherwise appear on cameras using the
1895: not in 1895 literature until late 1895, below
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1896, The Scovill & Adams Co., 1895, ads
p. 69 ("a new camera)
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1897, The Scovill & Adams Co. (New York, NY),
1896, ads p. 67 (still "a new camera")
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1898, The Scovill &
Adams Co. (New York, NY), 1897, ads p. 70
(still "a new camera")
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1899, The Scovill &
Adams Co. (New York, NY), 1898, ads p. 60
(still "a new camera")
George Murphy (New York, NY) Catalog, April 1898, p. 20 (as the
Eagle Reversible Back View Camera)
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1900,
The Scovill & Adams Co. (New York, NY), 1899, ads
p. 89