Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY
Murphy Catalog, c. 1910, p. 44
6 ½ x 8 ½
Date Introduced: - ;
Years Manufactured: c. 1910
Construction: front and
rear focus via rack and pinion (two gear
tracks on top of base rails); double swing; three-piece lens
board; reversing by removable back
Materials: mahogany body; cherry base;
black leatherette bellows; brass hardware
Sizes Offered: 5x7;
6 ½x8 ½; 8x10; 11x14; 14x17
Notes: One of the half-dozen cameras known
by the name Empire State, it probably bears the same relationship
to the Empire
State No. 2 as does the
Century No.
1 to the
Century No.
2 (all of which were made by EKC at this time) - namely the lack
of an auxiliary tripod base. It would easily be mistaken for
an Empire
State Improved if it did not have a label that states otherwise.
This camera is not listed in Eastman Professional Apparatus Catalogs of
1909, 1910, 1915, 1917, 1920, 1923, 1925, 1929, or 1932.
Descriptive Price List of Photographic Materials,
George Murphy, Inc. (New York, NY), 1910-1911, p.