cabinet card
advertising the Eclipse Eclipse No.
3: 4¼ x 6½. Serial (or Assembly) No. 22 Stamp inside
top of case Eclipse No.
3: 4¼ x 6½. Serial (or Assembly) No. 54
Eclipse No.
3: 4¼ x 6½. Serial (or Assembly) No. 62
Eclipse No.
3: 4¼ x 6½. Serial (or Assembly) No. 98 Date Introduced: - ;
Years Manufactured: c. 1888-1900 The
Eclipse No. 2
and Eclipse
No. 3 cameras shown above are the usual model encountered,
identical in all but plate size. This model's lens is installed
directly into the camera front: they have no removable lens board.
Horsman Eclipse No. 33, however, has a lens board; otherwise it
has the same construction as the No. 2/No. 3.
There is an Eclipse box camera, which is assumed to be the
Eclipse No. 1. References:
This example, like some No. 3's, appears to have red-colored finish,
rather than a natural-colored shellac finish.
It has a replacement ground glass.
This example, like some No. 3's, appears to have red-colored finish,
rather than a natural-colored shellac finish.
The case was purchased separately from the camera,
and is not the same type of construction (having butt joint edges and a
metal handle) as cases found with Eclipse cameras (i.e., box
joint edges and a simple leather carrying strap).
Construction: rear focus
via push-pull; no swing; non-reversing; no lens board; ground glass frame hinges down
Materials: cherry body
and base; black leatherette bellows; brass hardware, varnish
Sizes Offered: Eclipse No. 2:
3¼ x 4¼; Eclipse No. 3: 4¼ x 6½
Notes: The E.I.
Horsman Co. also sold lawn tennis equipment and bicycles,
as prizes to children for selling magazine subscriptions.
The "outfit" included a wooden box, trays, chemicals, etc. similar to
the "Scholar's" outfit of Scovill and the "Eureka School" outfit of
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1890, The Scovill &
Adams Co. (New York, NY), 1889, ads p. 12
Horsman's Lawn Tennis, E. I. Horsman (New
York, NY), c. 1890, unpaginated, approximately p. 29
to Give a Progressive "Halma" Party, E. I. Horsman (New York, NY),
unpaginated, 8 pp & covers, back cover
The Internation Annual of Anthony's
Photographic Bulletin", Vo. IV, June, 1891, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
(New York, NY), ads p.16
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for
1892, The Scovill &
Adams Co. (New York, NY), 1891, ads p. 31
also see Dan Colucci's Horsman article:
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