John Henry Dallmeyer (London, England)


Dallmeyer's Rectilinear Landscape Lens,  c.1900



Catalogue of Photographic Lenses and Apparatus, J.H. Dallmeyer. c.1899-1900, p.18




The label reads: "Dallmeyer's Rect. Land. / Size 2 / 1356 [8 is missing] / Equiv. Focus: 11 1/2 Incl [part of label missing here] / E. & H.T. Anthon / No. 591 Broadw / New York / 190-250-662".


In the U.S., Dallmeyer lenses were a fixture in E. & H.T. Anthony catalogs, although always more expensive than Anthony's house brand, E.A lenses.

Kingslake, Rudolf: A History of the Photographic Lens, Academic Press, 1989, p. 29



Illustrated Catalogue of Photographic Equipments and Materials for Amateurs, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), January 1890, p.47
Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), November 1893, p.14
Catalogue of Photographic Lenses and Apparatus, J.H. Dallmeyerc.1899-1900, p.18
Illustrated Catalogue of Photographic Equipments and Materials for Amateurs, E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), November, 1898, p. 51
Photographic Goods 1842-1904, The Anthony and Scovill Co., (New York, NY), 1904, Catalog A, pp.14-15

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