How to Make Photographs and Descriptive Catalogue of Requisites for the Amateur Photographer, The Scovill & Adams Co. (New York, NY) dated April 1891; distributed by Sargent & Co. (Cleveland, OH), ~5⅞"x9⅛", 122pp & 15pp. of "How to..." & 5pp. index
One would imagine that this catalog - April 1891- would be identical to one printed just two months later - June 1891. One would be wrong. In a June 1891 Scovill & Adams Co. catalog, distributed by Horgan, Robey & Co. (Boston, MA) (.pdf version), about half the cameras are on different pages from the April 1891 Scovill & Adams catalog, distributed by Sargent & Co. (Cleveland, OH) (.pdf version).
Most significantly, the April 1891 has a product called: The Economy Outfits that is not present in the June 1891 catalog. The Economy Outfits would seem to be anything but economic, being priced at $40.00 for a 6 ½x8 ½" format and $44.00 for the 8x10". It is probable that April 1891 marks the last time that The Economy Outfits are in the Scovill & Adams line. The only later appearances are in 1896-1897 Bargain Pages, which probably represent remaining stock sold at a discount.