Crittenden County, KY Historical Society Album 1


Crittenden County, KY Historical Society - Album No. 1


The Album

     This album is the first of two that reside in the Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society collection.  I was kindly allowed to use a laptop and a scanner to copy the photos. 

     The original owner of the album is not known.  It almost goes without saying that the original album owner was female.  Males generally did not and generally still do not collect mementos of their youth or even keep up previous or youthful friendships, as these photographs represent.

      The album is found to contain the photographs of Florence (Pierce) Yandell, her husband (or husband-to-be) William B. Yandell, her father James Perry Pierce, her mother Emeline (Rolston) Pierce, and her brother Ira Tilden Pierce.  But the album does not appear to have been kept by Florence herself, since her photos are marked with her name and the name of her husband, as if she was an acquaintance of the album owner, but not in the immediate family of the album owner.  Florence kept a large number of photographs loose rather than in an album.

     The presence of such a large number of Pierce and Yandell photos does indicate that the album owner was someone close to the family, as mentioned, not in the Florence (Yandell) Pierce's immediate family, but perhaps a cousin or other distant relative.  The large number of photographs from the Douglass studio, Evansville, Indiana suggests that the album owner lived in or near Evansville, Indiana or its near neighbor across the Ohio River, Marion, Kentucky, where, apparently, either Douglass had a branch or people traveled to Evansville for their photos.

     The large number of photos of teenagers from the W.S. Lively studio in McMinnville, Tennessee implies that the album owner probably attended the girls' school in McMinnville.



     These photographs comprise part of five collections of photographs from Crittenden Co., displayed on five separate web pages as follows:
       1) FPY Loose Photos - a collection of loose photographs originally belonging to Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), which were found in the attic of the house she formerly occupied.  These are numbered FPY 001 through FPY 192.
     2) Crittenden County Historical Society (CCHS) Album No. 1, an album in the collection of the Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society.  These are numbered CCHS 197 through CCHS 248. 
     3) Crittenden County Historical Society (CCHS) Album No. 2, another album at the Crittenden Co., KY Historical Society.  These are numbered CCHS 249 through CCHS 279.
     4) Cochran family photos.  These are numbered C001 through C062.
     5) Crittenden County Historical Society loose tintypes.  These are numbered CT0005 through CT0025.


Order of the Photographs

     The order of numbering of the CCHS photographs in the two albums was as they appeared front to back in the album.  In this case, some photos might have been mounted  adjacent to each other, e.g., a husband and wife facing each other in sequential pages. or children next to parents.  Therefore, the order of CCHS photographs may have significance, and should be kept in mind during identification.  Photographs in the other three collections are assumed to have no specific order, and are presented in more or less arbitary order.



     Most of the photos are not identified, but a few were either marked on the back or by inscriptions on the album page. 

     The filename of each photograph is given to the right in order to keep the notes associated with the correct photo.  These filenames may have names and appear to identify the subject, but they were tentative guesses made at the time of scanning and may be completely wrong.  Please pay attention to the notes below the filenames, which represent the most recent identification and reason/logic for the identification.

     Where such a back or album inscriptions was present, it is described in the notes to the right of the thumbnail.  Since a photograph is not generally removed from its place in the album (which tends to rip the album), such back inscriptions are assumed to have been written by the original album owner and written contemporaneously with the photography.  Therefore, back inscriptions are assumed to be correct unless overwhelming evidence shows them not to be.

     Where there is an inscription on the album page, it was usually added by a member of the historical society.  Such an inscription would have been added much later than the year when the photograph was taken.  The inscribing person might be basing the identification on knowing the person during their lifetime and recognizing them at a younger age, or basing the identification on having seen a copy of the same photograph or other photographs of the subject that had been already identified.  Album inscription are therefore dependent on the memory of a local person, and tend to be correct, but not necessarily so.

     When a photographer's logo or name is present on the photo mount, it is also quoted in the notes; the location in which a photo was taken often provides an important clue as to the identity of the subject, as well as a probable important location in the life of the subject, such as a school location.

     The firmest identifications of unmarked photographs are those involving the James Perry Pierce extended family, for which there exist a large number of other photographs that were identified and mounted by a member of the family shortly after the photographs were taken.

     When the identity of the subject of a photograph is uncertain based on other photographs that are already identified, a primitive facial recognition method is used, in which the photo to be identified is 1) cropped so that the eyes are exactly horizontal, 2) sized so that the head top to chin distance is the same as an identified photograph to which it is to be compared, 3) copied and pasted to a photoshop file containing the identified photograph, and finally, 4) comparing the width of the eyes, the width of the cheekbones, the position of the nose, the position of the mouth, and the presence of any other facial features, such as a cleft chin, freckles, moles, etc. 

     Leaps of logic, tenuous connections, and similar guess have been liberally used.  All identifications are to used with a grain of salt.


If I have made errors, and you have correct or additional identification/information, please contact me ( and allow me to correct the errors.


Cast of Characters:

     This album contains photographs mainly from the children and extended family, and perhaps friends and acquaintances of Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) and her husband, William Bennett Yandell (1857-abt. 1930) :







CCHS 197:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Fieroe  28 Arcade, Cincinnati, O.".

Subject:  Possibly, but anything but certainly, Wirt Ahart Pierce (1878-1968), son of Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929), in approximate order of increasing age from left to right.  He married Rosa Lucille Lee Farris (1876-1970).

Date:  c.1905; he appears to be in his 20's.

Lower Image:

     Comparison of images known or suspected to be of Wirt Ahart Pierce, in approximate order of increasing age.  For discussion of Wirt Ahart Pierce identifications, see MISC 037.




CCHS 198:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Unmarked.

Subject:  Probably John Stanton Pierce (1869-1944), son of Jacob Ayhart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929).

     At one time, I thought this might have been Thomas Ramey, until I remembered that he is on the other side of my family and was from Carroll Co., KY (the other large batch of photos I have copies of), not Crittenden Co., KY.  I mention this because there may be photos out in the web so attributed, but this cannot be Tom Ramey.


     The identification of this photo as John Stanton Pierce was made by comparison to two images (MISC 003 and MISC 004 in black & white) from captioned and identified half-tone reproductions in an article or book about the Jacob Pierce family written by Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Chlore (1897-1991), the daughter of Willis Champion Pierce, one of the eight sons of Jacob Ahart Pierce.


     His downward slanting eyes, chin and mouth shape, hairline and, most of all, the pointed left ear shape matched the facial characteristics in the two known photos of John Stanton Pierce .

Date:  c. 1895


Lower Image:

     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of John Stanton Pierce, in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of John Stanton Pierce identifications, see MISC 010.



CCHS 199:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  The front of the card is printed: "Douglas,  Enamel  Evansville, Ind."  The word "enamel" in the 21st century refers to a shiny or semi-gloss paint texture.  In the context of this cabinet card, it doesn't refer to paint, but rather the shiny or semi-gloss finish on the card, which required a special, and, therefore, more expensive top layer.


     Though there are many cards from the photographer Douglas in this collection of Crittenden Co., Ky photographs, this exact printing with the word "enamel" in the middle, occurs for only two cards: FPY 036 and CCHS 199.

Subject: Probably should be considered unknown - a young woman about 25-30 years old (but see guess below based on photographer's imprint). 


     This woman looks somewhat similar to Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938), the woman who had, it is thought, collected all these Crittenden Co., Ky photographs.  However, this image shows a definite turned-up nose that is inconsistent with known images of Florence (images of Florence can be seen at MISC 008).


Imprint Analysis:

     The only other card to have this card design is FPY 036.  The cards appear to have different color, but they were scanned at more than a year apart, and were not standardized to color; therefore, color is not significant for comparison.  What is significant for comparison is that both portraits have very low contrast, which adds corroboration to the theory that they were taken at the same time.


     FPY 036 is known to be a portrait of John Thomas Franks (1858-1926), a well-known person and one-time sheriff of Crittenden Co.  John was married in 1895 to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Loving) Williams , her second marriage.  It is possible or even likely that these two commissioned portraits at the time of their wedding, and that these portraits would have the same card printing.


     If so, then this photo is Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Loving (1865-1951), daughter of Joseph Loving and Fethrah W. (Davis) Loving, and wife of John Thomas Franks.

Date:  c.1895 - the wedding year.




CCHS 200:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

 Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  Unknown.

Date:  c.1895.



CCHS 201:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Douglas, ENAMEL, Evansville, Ind."
     Evansville is just across the Ohio River from Crittenden County. 
     "Enamel" refers to the smooth, shiny finish that the front of the card possesses, and also to the process of burnishing the image after it is affixed to the card (using pressure applied by a heated roller), which produces a finish to the photo just as smooth and shiny as the surface of the card.

  Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), wife of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916), identified by being the same images as the known ALBUM 4 PT1 0055.  Emeline is the mother of Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), the owner/collector of the the collection of photographs.

Date:  c.1890; she appears to be about 50 years old; she died in 1895.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce identifications, see MISC 013.


     This is one of the known images to which the others are compared.





CCHS 202:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Poole Art Co., Nashville, Tenn.".

Subject:  Probably Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950), son of Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929).
     The identification was made using the usual characteristics, e.g., distance between eyes, distance from nose to lips, distance between lips to chin, fullness of lips, etc.  He also has a very long chin in this one, just like MISC 003, hair with the part in the same place, and a slight bump in the top of his nose.

Date:  c.1900; he looks about the same age as in MISC 003.


Lower Image:
     Comparison of all known or suspected images of Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.  For discussion of Joseph Oscar Pierce identifications, see MISC 009.





CCHS 203:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), marked on the back: "J.W. Blue Jr. 1894".

Photographer:  "Hunt, Paducah, Ky.".

Subject:  This is one of the few photos that are fully identified by Florence (Pierce) Yandell or whoever made the album:  John W. Blue Jr. (b.1861 in Marion, Crittenden Co., KY) was a lawyer in Marion as was his father, John W. Blue Sr., who has a biography in Perrin's "Kentucky: A History of the State".

Date:  1894




CCHS 204:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  W.G. & A.J. Thuss, Nashville, Tenn.

Subject:  This photograph is clearly the same man is Image FPY 088

He is one of the eight sons of Jacob Ayhart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira (Oliver) Pierce (1845-1929).

The sons can be distinguished using two images that unambiguously identify the eight brothers: Miscellaneous Image 003 and Miscellaneous Image 004.

These show that this photo is of Richard Miles Pierce (1874-1959).  He was a farmer in Livingston Co., KY until his 50's, when he and his family moved to Detroit, MI.  In 1930, He and wife Jessie are listed as  performing janitorial duties in the Union Trust Bldg.

Date:  c.1895

Lower Image:

     Comparison of all known and suspected images of Richard Miles Pierce, in approximate order of age.  For discussion of Richard Miles Pierce identifications, see MISC 025.




CCHS 205:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date, but same man as CCHS 261.

Photographer:  W.V. Haggard Photographer Lebanon Tenn.

Subject:  William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938).  Since the albums and photographs in this collection are associated with Florence Yandell, there are a relatively large number of photographs of her husband.  For identification, see lower image.

Date:  c.1885.

Lower Image:
      Comparison of images of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) from various sources in this collection of images.  For discussion of William Bennett Yandell identifications, see MISC 006.



FPY 064


CCHS 206:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Unmarked.


     This image appears to be the complete photograph from which FPY 064 has been enlarged and printed as a bust.  It is a poor print, as details are washed out of the face, and a pen has been used to darken the facial hair.

     FPY 064 has already been identified:  probably Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950), son of Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929).

Date:  c.1910.

Top Images:  CCHS 206: all (left) and detail (right).

Middle Images:  FPY 064: all (left) and detail (right) - looks like the exact same exposure as CCHS 206, but enlarged and vignetted.

Lower Image:

     Comparison of all known or suspected images of Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.  For discussion of Joseph Oscar Pierce identifications, see MISC 009.




CCHS 207:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  on back: J.M. Livelys Photographer.  Some cartes de visite below are marked: "W.S. Lively, Photographer, McMinnville, Tenn."  Since this cabinet card was taken some years later than the cartes de visite, it is reasonable to assume that this J.M. Lively is the successor to W.S. Lively and is still in McMinnville, Tenn.

Subject:  Unknown.

Date:  c. 1890




CCHS 208:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  on front: "George H. Newton, Fairfield, Ills."  The only other Newton photograph is CCHS 240, Corinne English, the daughter of Charles English and Nellie H. Cook, the sister of Levi Edmond Cook, Jr.  He is the uncle of Corinne.

Subject:  Appears to be the same man as in CCHS 228, Levi Edmond Cook Jr (1863-1947).  He was the son of Levi Edmond Cook (1835-1913) and Pernicia Ann Walker (1836-1893).  Pernicia Ann Walker is a very distant relation to the husband of Florence (Pierce) Yandell); Florence probably collected and kept these photographs.

Date:  c.1890; he is estimated to be in his late 20's.




CCHS 209:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Douglas, Evansville, Ind.  This is the same exact photo as FYP 059, although it was printed with much more contrast.

     This cabinet card is thought to be an image of  James Boyce Pierce (1881-1954), the son of Jacob Ayhart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929).
Date:  c.1903, about the same time that the two book images were taken.

Lower Image:
     The lower image strip is a comparison of all known or suspected images of James Boyce Pierce.  For discussion of James Boyce Pierce identifications, see MISC 007.




CCHS 210:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "On the front: "Thomson, Kansas City, MO."  CCHS 210 and CCHS 242 have the same exact card design.

Subject:  UnknownCCHS 210 and CCHS 242 not only have the same card design, but they appear to be of the same man.

Date:  c.1895.



CCHS 211:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  On back: "Wybrant, Photographer, Louisville Ky."  There are only three Wybrant cards in the image collection:  CCHS 211, which looks like Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950), but probably is not, CCHS 251, Richard Miles Pierce (1874-1959), and CCHS 272, probably John Stanton Pierce (1869-1944).


     Probably Unknown.  However, he looks very much like Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950), the son of Jacob Ayhart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929), but not enough to actually be Joseph.  Note that he parts his hair on the other side of his head than all the Joseph Oscar Pierce images (lower image).  There are other differences as well.

     It was compared to known and identified images of Joseph Oscar Pierce (and the other seven sons of Jacob Ayhart Pierce.  The photo was thought not to be one of the eight sons because of facial characteristics.  It would have been a believable story that this was Joseph, because the only other two Wybrant photos in this large collection are also of sons of Jacob Ayhart Pierce.  One can easily imagine them dropping into a photography studio together.

Date:  c.1900.

Lower Image:

     The lower image strip is a comparison of all known or suspected images of Joseph Oscar Pierce, in approximate order of age left to right.  See MISC 009 for more discussion.

     The comparison of facial characteristics of the images in the image strip suggests that this image (CCHS 211) is not Joseph Oscar Pierce, whereas the others are.




CCHS 212:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4").

Photographer:  Back is marked: "Harrison, Photographer, Galesburg IL."

     On the back is handwritten in pencil: "Strawberry blonde hair of somewhat scarlet hue.  Eyes of Heaven’s own blue.  5 ft. 10 in.  Weight 160 lbs. Age 22 years.  McMinnville, Tenn., S.F.E., 1885."

     William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938).  Since the albums and photographs in this collection are associated with Florence Yandell, there are a relatively large number of photographs of her husband.  For identification, see lower image.

     Apparently given to Florence upon meeting him.  She took notes.

Date:  1885.

Lower Image:
      Comparison of images of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) from various sources in this collection of images.  For discussion of William Bennett Yandell identifications, see MISC 006.




CCHS 213:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date. My note from first run through: "same man as in CCHS 253".

Photographer:  "A.G. Roberts, Henderson, Ky."

Subject:  Unknown.

Date:  c.1870-1880.



CCHS 214:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Klauber, Photo. Louisville", printed on the front bottom of the card.  There are three Klauber cards in this collection: CCHS 214 Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), CCHS 227 Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), and CCHS 250 Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938).  CCHS 214 and CHS 227 are both CDVs, having an identical light green card; CCHS 250 is a cabinet card having a pink card.

Subject:  Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), identified by comparison to known photos of Norval.
     This is the same exact image as in ALBUM 4 PT1 0058, which is identified in its album as Norval.

Date:  He looks about 13, so

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Norval Lee Pierce identifications, see MISC 015.

W.S. Lively, photographer

McMinnville, Tenn.

Cartes de Visite:

     A large number (11) of the photos in this album are cartes de visite photographed by W.S. Lively, McMinnville, TN.  What do these cards have to do with Crittenden Co., KY?
     All of the photos so marked are of teenaged girls or young women.  It is known that Norval Lee Pierce, of the same family as Florence Emeline Pierce and Cora A. Pierce, was sent to Bethel College (Baptist) in Russellville, Logan Co., KY.  Florence and Cora could not go to Bethel, since that was a men's college, but it is possible they were sent to a women's college.

     In fact, there was a women's college in McMinnville, TN at the time, the  Cumberland Female College, which was under the Middle Tennessee Presbyterian Synod.  The school was at its zenith in the mid-1880's, with as many as 150 students and 11 teachers.
     These cartes de visite were probably posed for during the school year and passed around to friends before summer break, as do high school seniors give away wallet photos today.

     A few of the school-type cartes de visite may be Florence or Cora, but the majority of them are impossible to identify, owing to the school attracting students from at least two states.    





CCHS 215:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville Tenn."

Subject:  Unknown.

c. 1885.




CCHS 216:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Printed on back: "W.S. Lively, Photographer, McMinnville Tenn."

Subject:  Probably Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938), daughter of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. Rolston (1840-1895), and wife of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940).

Date:  She appears to be about 16-18 years old, so c.1877-1879.

Lower Image:

     The tentative identification comes from a comparison of all known or suspected images of Florence, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower image.  For discussion of Florence E Pierce and Florence (Pierce) Yandell identifications, see MISC 008.



Images known or suspected to be of Anna Cochran
comparison Anna (Cochran) Rochester (1870-1960)-800h.jpg

Images known or suspected to be of Dora Ann Cochran
comparison Dora Ann (Cochran) Rodgers (1867-1951)-800h.jpg

CCHS 217:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Printed on back: "W.S. Lively, Photographer, McMinnville Tenn."

     The two daughters John Thomas Cochran (1834-1904) and his 2nd wife, Nancy Rebecca Moxley (1843-1923).


Left:  Anna Cochran (1870-1960),

Right:  Dora Ann Cochran (1867-1951).

Date:  Anna appears to be about 16-18 years old, so c.1876-1878.

Lower Images:

     The identification comes from a comparison of all known or suspected images, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower images.  For discussion of Anna Cochran, see MISC 066; for Dora Ann Cochran, see MISC 074.





Images known or suspected to be of Sarah Elizabeth Cochran
comparison Sarah Elizabeth Cochran (1859-1926)-800h.jpg

Images known or suspected to be of Mary Cochran


CCHS 218:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."


      The two daughters John Thomas Cochran (1834-1904) and his 1st wife, Sarah Jane Ross (1831-1860).


Left:  Sarah Elizabeth Cochran (1859-1940),

Right:  Mary Ann Cochran (1858-1926).

c. 1885.


Lower Images:
     The identification comes from a comparison of all known or suspected images, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower images.  For discussion of Sarah Elizabeth Cochran, see MISC 073; for Mary Ann Cochran, see MISC 069.





CCHS 219:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."

Subject:  Unknown.

c. 1885.




CCHS 220:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."

Subject:  Unknown.

c. 1885.





CCHS 221:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."

Subject:  Unknown.

c. 1885.




CCHS 222:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."

Subject:  Unknown.

c. 1885.



CCHS 223:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Unmarked.

Subject:  Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950), son of Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira Oliver (1845-1929).
     The identification was made using the usual characteristics, e.g., distance between eyes, distance from nose to lips, distance between lips to chin, fullness of lips, etc.  He also has a very peculiarly shape ear, the same wavy hair in the same style with the part in the same place, and a  bump in the top of his nose.

Date:  c.1895.

Lower Image:

     Comparison of all known or suspected images of Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.  For discussion of Joseph Oscar Pierce identifications, see MISC 009.




CCHS 224:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), marked in cursive on the back: "Florence Yandell Marion Kentucky Wife of Mr. Will Barton Yandell".  Not dated.

Photographer:  Unmarked.

Subject:  Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938), daughter of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. Rolston (1840-1895), and wife of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940).  The person who wrote the identification on the back had his middle name wrong.

Date:  She appears to be about 20 years old, so c.1881.

Lower Image:

     Since this CDV was identified by the inscription on the back, which was probably done at about the same time the photo was taken, it was used in the image strip shown here to identify suspected images of Florence.  For discussion of Florence E. Pierce and Florence (Pierce) Yandell identifications, see MISC 008.



CCHS 225:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), inscribed on the back: "Florence Pierce Yandell".  Not dated.

Photographer:  Unmarked.  But she is leaning on the same photographic prop as the woman in the next photo, CCHS 226; even though this photo is not marked as such, it must be W.S. Lively, McMinnville, TN.

Subject:  Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938), daughter of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. Rolston (1840-1895), and wife of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940).

Date:  She appears to be about 20 years old, so c.1881.

Lower Image:
     Since this CDV was identified by the inscription on the back, which was probably done at about the same time the photo was taken, it was used in the image strip shown here to identify suspected images of Florence.  For discussion of Florence E. Pierce and Florence (Pierce) Yandell identifications, see MISC 008.



Images known or suspected to be of Mary Cochran


CCHS 226:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "W.S. Lively Photographer McMinnville."

Subject:  probably Mary Ann Cochran (1858-1940), daughter of John Thomas Cochran (1834-1904) and his 1st wife, Sarah Jane Ross (1831-1860).

c. 1885.


Lower Image:
     The identification comes from a comparison of all known or suspected images, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower images.  For discussion of Mary Ann Cochran, see MISC 069.



CCHS 227:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Klauber, Photo. Louisville", printed on the front bottom of the card.  There are three Klauber cards in this collection: CCHS 214 Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), CCHS 227 Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), and CCHS 250 Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938).  CCHS 214 and CHS 227 are both CDVs, having an identical light green card; CCHS 250 is a cabinet card having a pink card.

     Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), daughter of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), and eventual wife of George M. Crider (1861-1917), identified by comparison with known photographs of Cora (see MISC 011 for discussion).

     This photo was not recognized as Cora at first, because her lips appear thicker and her hair is not usually so straight.

     It was only after noticing that this was one of only three photos in the collection to have been taken by the photographer Klauber in Louisville.  The other three are photos of the James Perry Pierce family - Norval Pierce (CCHS 214) and probably Florence Pierce (CCHS 250 and FPY 092) - both siblings of Cora.  This, in fact, was the reason that Cora was considered as the identity of CCHS 227.  It is likely that all three (or others if more Klauber photos have been lost) had photos taken on the same trip to Louisville.  If this is indeed Cora, it makes the more sense, since the ages of the three that are apparent in the photos are exactly their relative ages, i.e., Florence the oldest, then Cora, then Norval.

     Once CCHS 227 is compared to the other younger photos (the ones without glasses), the likeness is apparent.

     Note that Cora has straight hair as a child or young teenager, then curly hair, back to straight in FPY 218, then a very slight wave.  Her natural hair was undoubtedly straight, as are pretty much all the Pierces (see discussion for her sister, Florence E. Pierce, MISC 008).

Date:  She looks about 16, so c.1884.

Lower Image Strip:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Cora A. Pierce and Cora (Pierce) Crider identifications, see MISC 011.





CCHS 228:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), "2-25-85 Louis" written on back.

Photographer:  R.W. Young Photographer Mattoon, Illinois" on the back.

Subject:  Appears to be the same man as in CCHS 208, Levi Edmond Cook Jr (1863-1947).  The "Louis" on the back could really be "Levi" or some variation or nickname thereof.  He was the son of Levi Edmond Cook (1835-1913) and Pernicia Ann Walker (1836-1893).  Pernicia Ann Walker is a very distant relation to the husband of Florence (Pierce) Yandell); Florence probably collected and kept these photographs.

Date:  1885 from inscription
; and he looks to be in his early 20's.




CCHS 229:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  unmarked.

    Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), daughter of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), and eventual wife of George M. Crider (1861-1917), identified by comparison with known photographs of Cora (see the image strip below and  MISC 011 for discussion).

     This photo was immediately noted to be very much like the girl in CCHS 227.  Once CCHS 227 was identified as probably Cora A. Pierce, this one was also added to the image strip and compared.

Date:  If anything, she looks slightly younger than in CCHS 227, so c.1883.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Cora A. Pierce and Cora (Pierce) Crider identifications, see MISC 011.

 230 not assigned 




CCHS 231:  Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  On the back: "Lane's Art Gallery Photographer Chattanooga, Tennessee".

Subject:  Unknown.

Date:  c.1885.




CCHS 232:  Small Carte de Visite (1¾x3¼"), marked on the back: "Msh Nammis tst (bst) -mstun" (original guess - it really meant to read: "Miss Fannie Bell Nunn").

Photographer:  Thuss, Nashville, Tenn.

Subject:  Fannie Belle Nunn (1868-1960), future wife of Levi Edmond Cook (CCHS 233).

     This carte de visite is opposite a page which contains a cabinet card of Levi Edward Cook.

     The inscription on its back is anything but clear, looking kind of like "Msh Nammis tst (or bst) -mstun".

     Taking its possible connection to Levi Cook into account, the inscription could very well have read "Miss Fannie Bell Nunn", and, sure enough, she looks like she could be the same woman in a photograph of a much older Fannie and Levi on Find-a-Grave.

Date:  c. 1888; she looks about 20 years old.





CCHS 233:  Cabinet Card (4x8¼"), marked in album or on back: "Levi Edward Cook".

Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  Levi Edward Cook Jr. (1863-1947) , son of Levi Edmond/Edward Cook (1835-1913) and Pernicia Ann Walker (1836-1893), was a farmer in Crittenden Co., KY, and was a distant relation (through at least two marriages) to Florence (Pierce) Yandell.  He married Fannie Belle Nunn (1868-1960), a woman thought to be pictured in Image CCHS 232.

Date:  c.1885; he looks to be in his early 20's.





CCHS 234:  Cabinet Card (4x8¼"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  On the back: "Kunnecke and Redding Photographer Henderson, Ky.  Henderson is now in the metropolitan area of Evansville, Ind., and is directly across the Ohio River from Evansville.

Subject:  Unknown.
     Images CCHS 234 and FPY 089 appear to be of the same man, having a large chin, a certain set to his mouth, and an unusual ear shape.
     Card CCHS 234 is from a photographer based in Henderson, KY.  Card FPY 089 is from a photographer in Clarksville, TN.  Clarksville is 103 miles about due south of Henderson, just over the TN border.  Henderson is just across the river from Evansville, Indiana, when many Crittenden Co. dwellers went for photos.

Date:  c. 1890.




CCHS 235:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Douglas, Evansville, Ind., Enamel.

Subject:  Unmarked, but this is an original portrait, from which the copy ALBUM 4 PT1 0056 could have been made. From the album caption (written by his daughter-in-law Margaret (Bond) Pierce), we know that he is  James Perry Pierce (1841-1916).  He is the father of Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), the owner-collector of the the collection of photographs.

Date:  c.1895. 
He appears to be in his 50's.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of James Perry Pierce identifications, see MISC 012.

     This is one of the known images to which the others are compared.





CCHS 236:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  Unknown - probably some prosperous businessman of Marion, Ky. 


     For a wild guess, he could be John Augustus Yandell (1822-1909).  This photo resembles photos of his son, William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940) (see MISC 006 for some William Bennett Yandell images), who is too young to look like this in 1885, but is the husband of Florence (Pierce) Yandell, who was the collector of these photos and albums.  So she very well could have had a photo of her father-in-law.

Date:  c.1885, if the same as most of the photos in this album


(In 1885, Augustus Yandell would be about 63, consistent with the apparent age of the person in the photo).




CCHS 237:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Douglas, Evansville, Ind.

Subject:  Probably Jacob Marion Pierce (1878-1968), son of Jacob Ahart Pierce (1842-1930) and Elvira (Oliver) Pierce (1845-1929).  He is the nephew of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell, the person who may have made this album.  The identification is based on the age of this person in c.1885, when most of these photos are from, his mouth, jawline, and mainly the shape of ears.

Date:  c.1885

Lower Image:

     Comparison of all known or suspected images of Jacob Marion Pierce, in approximate order of age left to right.  For discussion of Jacob Marion Pierce identifications, see MISC 024.




CCHS 238: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Unknown

Subject:  Emeline (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), wife of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916), identified by comparison to known images of her.  Emeline is the mother of Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), the owner/collector of the the collection of photographs.
     I had made a note during the first time through the photos: "same woman as in CCHS 267".   CCHS 267 is identified as Emeline (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), wife of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916).

It appears to have been taken at about the same time as CCHS 267, i.e., c.1880, when she was about 40 years old.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected of being of Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), in order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Emeline F. Rolston and Emeline (Rolston) Pierce identifications, see MISC 013.




CCHS 239:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  Unknown.

Date:  probably c.1885, as most of the images in this album.





CCHS 240:
  Cabinet card (4¼x6½").

Photographer:  Geo. H. Newton, Fairfield, Ills.

Subject:  Mary Corinne English (1885-?),  daughter of Charles C. English (1862-1936) and Nellie Hickman Cook (1862-1910).  FPY 097 is a cabinet card of her father.

Date:  c.1888; she appears to be ~3 years old.




CCHS 241:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½").  For identification and date, see below.

Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), the son of John Augustus Yandell (1822-1908) and Margaret E. Crouch (1830-1863). identification from comparison to identified photographs.

     This photograph was identified by an unknown person who viewed the album (and wrote in it) as "Thomas J. Yandell Oct 1886".  But this is a copy of the same photo as in FPY 010., which has been identified as William Bennett Yandell by comparison to known photos.  T.J. Yandell does not even share a father with W.B. Yandell, so it is likely that this is William Bennett.

Date:  Oct 1886 is consistent with his appearance.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) from various sources in this collection of images.  For discussion of William Bennett Yandell identifications, see MISC 006.


CCHS 242:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  The front bottom is printed: "Thomson, Kansas City, MO."  CCHS 210 and CCHS 242 have the same exact card design.

Subject:  UnknownCCHS 210 and CCHS 242 not only have the same card design, but they appear to be of the same man.

Date:  c.1890.





CCHS 243:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); inscribed on the back: "Pontol"; unmarked as to date.

Photographer:  unmarked.

Subject:  "Pontol" doesn't appear to be a word or name.


William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), the son of John Augustus Yandell (1822-1908) and Margaret E. Crouch (1830-1863). identification from comparison to identified photographs.

     This photograph was identified by comparison to the known and suspected images of William Bennett Yandell.  See the lower image.

Date:  c.1890.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images of William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940), husband of Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) from various sources in this collection of images.  For discussion of William Bennett Yandell identifications, see MISC 006.





CCHS 244:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); inscribed on the back: "1885 (ink) 10156 (pencil)", unmarked as to subject.

Photographer:  Printed on the front bottom: "Genelli, 923 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo."  Images FPY 094 (Lucy Ruth Farris (1885-1975), CCHS 244 (unknown officer of The Blackford Bank) and CCHS 266 (Darius B. Carnahan (1845-1917, president of The Bradford Bank) all have the same photographer and card design.

Subject:  Unknown.; a man about 30 years old, i.e., born c.1855.  This is possibly the same man as No. 2 in image C 006 of the officers of The Blackford Bank, Blackford, Webster Co., KY.  The photographer, Genelli of St. Louis, also photographed

Date:  1885, if the inscription is a date.




CCHS 245:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  "Lou R. Walken, photographer, Marlon, Ky."  This is the same image by the same photographer as FPY 027.

Subject:  Ira Tilden Pierce (1874-1924), the son of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916)(this album No. 235) and Eveline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895)(this album No. 201). .

Date:  c.1886; he appears to be about 12 years old.

Lower Image:
     Comparison of images known or suspected to be of  Ira Tilden Pierce (1876-1924), son of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895), and husband of (Jane Thompson) Pierce (1889-abt.1930), in approximate order of increasing age from left to right.  For discussion of Ira Tilden Pierce identifications, see MISC 016.




CCHS 246:  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); inscribed in pencil on the front bottom: "Evelyn Pierce and Mr. Taylor"; unmarked as to date.

Photographer:  Printed on the back: "W.W. Lively Photographer McMinnville, Tenn."

Subject:  Evelyn Pierce and Mr. Taylor; a young woman about 20 years old and a man who appears to be in his late 20's or early 30's. 

     This is a photograph at the CCHS which was thought by staff to be similar to those in the album and so was placed loose in it, but was not originally mounted in the album itself.

     McMinnville was the site of Cumberland Female College, a women's college, in 1885, so it is likely that Evelyn Pierce was a student.  Mr. Taylor may have been on the faculty.

     It is possible that this is the Evelyn Pierce (11 NOV 1861 - 7 MAR 1940) who was the daughter of Rice Bolton Pierce (1836, NC - 1897 MO) and Martha Blunt (1835-1923).  In 1880, this family lived in Paducah, McCracken Co., Ky., and may very well have sent their daughter to Cumberland College in the fiddle 1880's.  Evelyn was born in the same year as Florence Emeline Pierce, the possible compiler of this album, so they could very well have been in the same class, and certainly knew each other, having the same last name, even though they were not related.

Date:  c.1885.






CCHS 247:
  Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Printed on front bottom: "Hinkelmann & Dietz, Paducah, Ky.".

Subject:  John T. Franks (1860-1926)., son of John Marshall Franks (1822-1883) and Nancy Tate Moore (1828-1886), in approximate order of increasing age from left to right.  He married Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Loving (1869-1944).  His identity was confirmed by his photo and name in an ad for his campaign for sheriff in the Crittenden Press.  See MISC 039.

Date:  c.1890; he looks about 30 years old.




CCHS 248:  Carte de Visite (~2½x4¼"), unmarked as to subject or date.

Photographer:  Printed on back: "Tensfeld and Kuhn Photographers St. Louis, Mo."

Subject:  Unknown., a girl about 10-12 years old.

Date:  c.1885, if the same vintage as most of the photos in this album.  She would be born about 1873-1875.




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