Loose Photographs of Florence (Pierce) Yandell
A Photographic Legacy of a Well-to-Do Family of Western Kentucky
The practice of photography was relatively new when Florence Pierce (1861-1938) was growing up. The technique (invented in 1839) had only arrived in the United States during the lifetime of her parents, James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. Rolston (1840-1895).
During the Daguerreotype era (1839-c.1855), photographs were one-of a kind art works, rendered in silver on brass sheets - definitely items of luxury unattainable for families without significant discretionary cash.
During the wet-plate era (c.1850-1885), photographs were printed from a hard won glass plate negative which had to be coated with the light-sensitive emulsion and quickly exposed before became insensitive by drying. The process of being photographed, usually by the photographer's at his studio, but also by itinerant photographers outside the subject's house in front of makeshift backgrounds, was still a luxury not affordable by the vast majority of subsistence farmers in the years during and after Civil War reconstruction. Once the negatives existed, many prints could be made and distributed to relatives, thus accounting for the many photographs in this collection.
In the dry-plate era (after c.1885), negatives were easy enough to take that, in addition to making studio photographs much cheaper, people were able to own a camera and take their own photographs.
Three factors contributed to the amassing of this collection:
1) Florence was born to a family enamored with photography. Her father had multiple photographs taken of him as a child and young man, and his wife had a photograph taken about age 18, and they continued the habit of having family photographs taken throughout their lifetimes;
2) The James Perry Pierce family was one of the most successful in the county. He was a teacher, a farmer, a sheriff, and lastly a judge, and built two two-story brick houses (one for each wife) on a street named for him that were described as mansions at the time they were built. All of his children attended college. His brother, Jacob Ahart Pierce, was a successful farmer who was known to be sending all his eight sons to college:
3 Sep 1891, Crittenden Press (Marion, KY) page 3: Messers. J.O (Joseph Oscar), W.O (probably Wirt Ahart, since they are going at the same time). and J.S. (John Stanton) Pierce, sons of Mr. J.A. Pierce, of Livingston county, passed through Marion Wednesday, going to Russellville to attend college. Mr. Pierce has four more sons at home ripening for Bethel College and one graduated last year. [Bethel College was a Baptist-affiliated school 1854-1964].
As the James Perry Pierce and Jacob Ahart Pierce families could afford to
send their children to college, they could also afford to photograph their
children and themselves; Other kin were present in Crittenden Co., KY, for
example, the descendants of Jacob W. Bettis. Jacob Bettis was an uncle of
James Perry Pierce. Jacob had actually led the family to the area,
appearing in the census as early as 1850, leading to many Bettis families in the
area by the heyday of photography starting about 1885.
3) Lastly, Florence, as the unmarried female of the family, was the unofficial keeper of the kin and repository for family photos when her parents died. And she kept them, albeit loose, generally unmarked and in a cardboard box in her attic. She also kept all the photos mailed or given to her by her eight cousins of the Jacob Ahart Pierce family, and any other photos gathered during her social life as one of the upper class of the town of Marion, Crittenden Co., KY.
The Photographs
Rather than being mounted in an album, as were many photos that survive today from the 1800's, these had been stored loose in a cardboard box, and subsequently found in an attic in Marion, Crittenden Co., KY. The house formerly belonged to Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938) and her husband, William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940).
In addition to photographs that Florence had gathered during her lifetime, it appears that she, as the surviving female (the keepers of the kin) in her immediate family, also inherited photographs from both marriages of her father, including photographs taken throughout his life and photographs of his father and mother. There are a few photos from the Yandell side of the family, but not very many. There are also a few from prominent civic or business leaders of Marion, KY.
These photographs comprise part of
five collections
of photographs from Crittenden Co., displayed on five separate web pages as
1) FPY
Loose Photos - a collection of loose
photographs originally belonging to Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), which
were found in the attic of the house she formerly occupied. These are
numbered FPY 001 through FPY 192.
2) Crittenden County
Historical Society (CCHS) Album No. 1, an album in the collection of the Crittenden Co., KY Historical
Society. These are numbered CCHS 197 through CCHS 248.
3) Crittenden County Historical Society
(CCHS) Album No. 2, another album at the Crittenden
Co., KY Historical Society. These are numbered CCHS 249 through CCHS 279.
4) Cochran family photos. These are
numbered C001 through C062.
Crittenden County Historical Society
loose tintypes. These are numbered CT0005 through CT0025.
Order of the Photographs
The order of numbering of the CCHS photographs in the two albums was as they appeared front to back in the album. In this case, some photos might have been mounted adjacent to each other, e.g., a husband and wife facing each other in sequential pages. or children next to parents. Therefore, the order of CCHS photographs may have significance, and should be kept in mind during identification. Photographs in the other three collections are assumed to have no specific order, and are presented in more or less arbitary order.
Most of the photos are not identified, but a few were either marked on the back or by inscriptions on the album page.
The filename of each photograph is given to the right in order to keep the notes associated with the correct photo. These filenames may have names and appear to identify the subject, but they were tentative guesses made at the time of scanning and may be completely wrong. Please pay attention to the notes below the filenames, which represent the most recent identification and reason/logic for the identification.
Where such a back or album inscriptions was present, it is described in the notes to the right of the thumbnail. Since a photograph is not generally removed from its place in the album (which tends to rip the album), such back inscriptions are assumed to have been written by the original album owner and written contemporaneously with the photography. Therefore, back inscriptions are assumed to be correct unless overwhelming evidence shows them not to be.
Where there is an inscription on the album page, it was usually added by a member of the historical society. Such an inscription would have been added much later than the year when the photograph was taken. The inscribing person might be basing the identification on knowing the person during their lifetime and recognizing them at a younger age, or basing the identification on having seen a copy of the same photograph or other photographs of the subject that had been already identified. Album inscription are therefore dependent on the memory of a local person, and tend to be correct, but not necessarily so.
When a photographer's logo or name is present on the photo mount, it is also quoted in the notes; the location in which a photo was taken often provides an important clue as to the identity of the subject, as well as a probable important location in the life of the subject, such as a school location.
The firmest identifications of unmarked photographs are those involving the James Perry Pierce extended family, for which there exist a large number of other photographs that were identified and mounted by a member of the family shortly after the photographs were taken.
When the identity of the subject of a photograph is uncertain based on other photographs that are already identified, a primitive facial recognition method is used, in which the photo to be identified is 1) cropped so that the eyes are exactly horizontal, 2) sized so that the head top to chin distance is the same as an identified photograph to which it is to be compared, 3) copied and pasted to a photoshop file containing the identified photograph, and finally, 4) comparing the width of the eyes, the width of the cheekbones, the position of the nose, the position of the mouth, and the presence of any other facial features, such as a cleft chin, freckles, moles, etc.
It seems that familiarity helps with the identifications. Almost every time I review these photographs, one or more new probable identification results, or a previous identification is changed. Therefore, if certain of these photos are identified as your kin or otherwise important to you, it is important to check back to this website in case more or different information is presented. I am constantly finding on other websites my former missteps, but you shouldn't have to.
Leaps of logic, tenuous connections, and similar guess have been liberally used. All identifications are to used with a grain of salt.
I have and will continue to make errors. If you have the correct or additional identification or information, please, please contact me (mathew_brady@msn.com) and help me to be as accurate as possible.
Cast of Characters:
1. Stanton Pierce (1821-1911) married Mary Anna Bettis (1825-1902)
1. James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) married 1st, Emeline F. Rolston (1840-1895)
1. Florence Emeline Pierce (1861-1938) married William Bennett Yandell (1857-1940)
2. Cortis Jackson Pierce (1864-1924) married Laura Miles (1875-1963)
3. Ambie B. Pierce (1867-1888)
4. Cora A. Pierce (1869-1915) married George M. Crider (1861-1917)
5. Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951) married Margaret Ramey Bond (1874-1970)
6. Ira Tilden Pierce (1876-1924) married Jane Thompson (1889-1966)
7. George Collin Pierce (1877-1965) married 1st Lucy Ruth Boaz (1880-1963), married 2nd Lucy Sarah Ruth Farris (1885-1975), married 3rd Louise Unknown (abt.1899-?)
married 2nd, Ella J. Cox (1861-1928)
1. Miriam Elizabeth Pierce (1898-1987) married William Harold Dobyns (1902-1933)
1. James Harold Dobyns (1924-2011) married <private>
2. Jacob Ahart Pierce (1841-1916) married Elvira Oliver (1845-1929)
1. Willis Champion Pierce (1864-1941) married Jennie Davis Peay (1869-1946)
2. Henry Walter Pierce (1866-1943) married Georgia Ann Farris (1868-1934)
3. John Stanton Pierce (1869-1944)
4. Wirt Ahart Pierce (1871-1966) married Rosa Lucille Lee Farris (1876-1970)
5. Joseph Oscar Pierce (1872-1950)
6. Richard Miles Pierce (1874-1959) married Jessamine Davis (1876-1975)
7. Laura A. Pierce (1875-1878)
8. Jacob Marion Pierce (1878-1968) Sallie B. Summers (1881-1939)
9. James Boyce Pierce (1881-1954) married Hattie Belle Craddock (1879-1957)
3. Mary Jane D. Pierce (1846-c,1940's) married 1st, James K.P. Greenlee (1843-1890's)
children: six between 1871-1882; lived in Los Angeles, apparently did not send photos
4. Elizabeth Frances Pierce (1846-1850's)
5. George Washington Pierce (1854-1943) married Sarah J. Tabor (1857-1911)
1. Ora Mae Pierce (1878-1955) married John Stovall Bettis (1872-1953), her first cousin once removed
2. Ruby Alice Pierce (1882-1940) married Othur Pike Stevens (1899-1952)
3. Georgia Elendon Pierce (1885-1976) married James Ernest Hopwood (abt.1883-abt.1963)
4. Robert Anna Pierce (1888-1980) married Byron Brown (1895-1972)
5. James Stanton Pierce (1890-1961) married Tommie J. Birchett (1895-1982)
6. Sarah Ellen Pierce (1892-1968) married Clay Jones (abt.1891-?)
001: ~8x10" albumen print. Unmarked as to identities or date. |
![]() Images of James W. Flynn for comparison; see MISC 032 ![]() |
001 Detail:
Lower Image: Comparison of all known or suspected images of James Wilson Flynn, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower image. See MISC 032 for discussion of identifications. |
![]() Images of Bertha (Langley) Flynn for comparison; see MISC 031 ![]() |
001 Detail:
Lower Image: Comparison of known or suspected images of Berna, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower image. See MISC 031 for discussion of identifications.
![]() Images of Mary Anna (Bettis) Pierce for comparison; see MISC 023 ![]() |
001 Detail:
Lower Image:
Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Mary (Bettis) Pierce, in approximate
order of age, which is shown in the lower image. See
MISC 023 for discussion of identifications. |
![]() Images of Cora A. (Pierce) Crider for comparison; see MISC 011 ![]() Images of George McClelland Crider for comparison; see MISC 047 ![]() |
001 Detail:
Lower Image 1: Lower Image 2: Comparison of all known or suspected images of George M. Crider, in approximate order of age, which is shown in the lower image. See MISC 047 for discussion of identifications.
![]() Images of James Perry Pierce for comparison; see MISC 012 ![]() |
001 Detail:
Lower Image: |
![]() Images of James Perry Pierce for comparison; see MISC 012 ![]() |
FPY 002: Cabinet card (4¼x6½");
unmarked as to subject or date.
![]() Images of James Perry Pierce for comparison; see MISC 012 ![]() |
003: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to
subject or date. |
![]() Images of Emeline (Rolston) Pierce for comparison; see MISC 013 ![]() |
FPY 004: Cabinet
card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. |
![]() Images of Mary Anna (Bettis) Pierce for comparison; see MISC 023 ![]() |
FPY 005: Carte de Visite (2½x4"),
marked "Anna" on back; undated.
Mary Anna Bettis is the maternal grandmother of
Florence (Pierce) Yandell (1861-1938), the
owner-collector of the collection of photographs.
Lower Image:
Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Mary (Bettis) Pierce, in approximate
order of age, which is shown in the lower image. See
MISC 023 for discussion of identifications. |
![]() |
006: Carte de Visite (2½x4"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
The probability is that he is not Eli Bettis, but,
nevertheless, Eli seems to be the best guess.
007: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to
subject or date.
008: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
009: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
010: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. This
is an identical card to CCHS 241.
011: gelatine-silver print mounted on a buff, textured
card (~3x4¼").
012: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
013: Gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on an
olive, textured card (~4x7"); unmarked as to subject or date.
015: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Written on the back in script: "Royal Art Co., Marion, Ky".
Walker is recognizable as an earlier version of
the woman identified as her in ALBUM4-PT1 061.
Cora A. Pierce
was identified by comparison to her many
identified or captioned photos in this collection (see Lower Image and
017: Gelatine-silver photographic print
(~2½x4") mounted on a white, textured mat board (~3½x5½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
018: Probably a
gelatine-silver, sepia-toned photographic print, cut from a 3½x2½"
print, which was then mounted on
a buff colored mat board; unmarked as to subject or date.
Nell Walker was identified from other photos,
such as ALBUM4-PT1 061 and
FPY 016.
Cora Pierce was
identified, as usual, by comparison with previouslu identified images (see
Lower Image and
My first theory was that the three photos, FPY 014-Ambie
Pierce, FPY 015-Cora Pierce and FPY 020,
all having the exact same card design from the same photographer, were taken
at the same time of members of the same family.
The Ambie and Cora photos appear to have been taken c.1883, and this boy looks like he is
about 6 years old, which means that he would have been born
c.1877. This fits George Collin Pierce (1877) very well, and possibly
Ira Tilden Pierce (1876).
However, the face appears to be clearly that of Norval Lee Pierce (b.1871) - almost a
match to a photo known to be of Norval: Album 4 Pt1
0057. Therefore, the photo is Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), son
of James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce
(1840-1895), and husband of Margaret Ramey (Bond) Pierce (1874-1970).
Lower Image:
025: Gelatine-silver photographic
print mounted on card.
026: Gelatine-silver photographic
print mounted on card.
FPY 030:
Mounted photograph; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 031:
Mounted photograph; unmarked as to subject or date.
"Columbian Art Co., Anniston, Ala."
The name Anniston, shortened from
"Annie's Town) was chosen for the planned company town for the Woodstock Iron Co.
c.1872. A school for girls, The Noble Institute, was established in
Lower Image:
Photographer: "R.E. Clark,
Owensboro, Ky." Owensboro is the county seat of Davies Co., KY, and lies
on the Ohio River, about 77 miles from Marion and Crittenden Co. It is
roughly the halfway point to Louisville if you are travelling by boat.
Lower Image: Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 009
for discussion of identifications.
036: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
"Stewart & Garrity, Photographers, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image
Lower Image
038: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Unmarked with a normal printed logo or name, but the lower right corned has
what looks like a rubber stamp mark that reads: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
Embossed: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
Embossed: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
042: Printing out paper (1½x2")
mounted on textured card (3x3¼"), unmarked as to subject
or date.
Lower Image:
043: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date
045: Miniature Carte de Visite (~2x3"
card); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
The comparison of images
known or suspected to be of
Willis Champion Pierce (1864-1941), in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 020 for discussion of identifications.
046: Carte de Visite (~2¼x4"
card); marked on the back: "Willis Champion Pierce and Willis Conway Pierce
Aug 7, 1896".
Lower Image:
The comparison of images
known or suspected to be of
Willis Champion Pierce (1864-1941), in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 020 for discussion of identifications.
047: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Images:
048: Gelatine-silver photograph
mounted on board (3½x5" oval
photo); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
049: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Images:
050: Gelatine-silver print (~5x7")
mounted on a gray card (~8x10"). The name "Florence" (apparently to
remind someone to whom to send the photograph) is written in black ink in
the upper left hand corner. The bottom of the image itself has the
inscription: "Residence G.C. Pierce & wife / St. Louis, Mo".
From the 1910 census, they lived at 3421 Hartford St., St. Louis, MO.
051: Gelatine-silver print (~2x3")
mounted on charcoal-grey card (~3x4¼"); unmarked as to subject or
Lower Image:
Comparison of known or suspected images of Lucy Ruth
Sarah (Farris) Pierce, in approximate order of increasing age. See
MISC 026 for discussion of identifications.
052: Gelatine-silver print (~5x7"),
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date.
While this copy of this photo is unmarked, another copy of this image,
Album 1 Image 0001, is captioned: "Norval
Stanton Pierce, Springfield, Ill.".
Norval Stanton
(1906-1975), son of George Collin Pierce
(1877-1965) and his second wife Lucy Sarah (sometimes called Ruth in the
census) Farris (1885-1975), and nephew of Florence (Pierce) Yandell, the
owner of this collection of photographs.
At one time, I had thought that Willis Champion Pierce (1st
cousin of George Collin Pierce) had a son Norval Stanton Pierce who was born
in 1898. However, going back through the data, I only find him
referred to as John Stanton Pierce, or John S. Pierce, or Stanton Pierce.
This John Stanton Pierce got a masters degree from the University of
Illinois, and the confusion may have arisen because the actual Norval
Stanton Pierce never went to Illinois. He did live in Springfield, Mo
in 1941, though, and grandma just put the wrong state in the Album 1 Image
054: Carte de Visite
(2¼x4"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Another consideration in the identification is that this collection of
photographs was owned by Florence. It is likely that she had a CDV of
herself as a child passed down to her.
059: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
060: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
061: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
062: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
063: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be John Stanton Pierce. He
is slightly younger in the two black and white images (c.1904) than he is
where he is mustached. See
MISC 10 for
discussion of identifications.
064: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Photographer: Unmarked.
Lower Image: Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 009
for discussion of identifications.
Photographer: Unmarked.
Lower Image: Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Joseph, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 009
for discussion of identifications.
066: Gelatine-silver Silver Print
(~1.3x1.67") mounted on decorated card (~2x3"); .
Location: The
wrinkles on the floor and inconsistencies in the background indicate that it
is an impromptu set thrown up elsewhere than a photography studio, perhaps
strung between trees outside.
Originally, I thought that these people resembled Jacob Marion Pierce
(1878-1968), his wife, Sallie (Summers) Pierce and three other Pierce wives,
his sisters-in-law. However, a group of loose tintypes from the
Crittenden County Historical Society Museum (see
Crittenden Tintypes) containing
a number of photographs featuring the daughters of John Thomas Cochran
showed that this photograph shows all Cochrans, not Pierces.
Present are all four daughters and one son of John
Thomas Cochran (1834-1904) and his wives, 1) Sarah Jane Ross (1831-1860),
and 2) Nancy Rebecca Moxley (1843-1923).
Standing: 1st L-R:
Dora Ann Cochran (1867-1951),
2nd L-R: Mary Cochran (1858-1940),
3rd L-R: Anna Cochran (1870-1960),
4th L-R: Sarah Elizabeth Cochran (1859-1926).
Watts Cochran (1877-1927).
Lower Images:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Dora Ann (see
74 ), Mary
MISC 69), Anna
MISC 066), Sarah Elizabeth
MISC 73), and John Watts Cochran (see
067: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
George Collin Pierce (1877-1965), son of
James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895),
and husband of 1) Lucy Ruth Boaz (1880-1963), 2) Lucy Ruth Farris (1885-?),
and 3) Louise Unknown (abt. 1899-?), in approximate order
of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 017
for discussion of identifications
068: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
She was identified by comparing this image to all the other images known or
previously confirmed to be Florence (see Lower Image). Right Image: Enlarged
detail of just the head. Since the original had rather low contrast,
the contrast has been increased. Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Florence Emeline (Pierce) Yandell, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 008 for
discussion of identifications.
069: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
He shares some facial characteristics with Florence's image FPY 068, for
example, general face proportion (i.e., not narrow), ears flat to
the head, relatively wide nose, and a down-turned mouth. These support
the theory that he is her brother. Both of them take after their
Right Image: Enlarged
detail of just the head. Since the original had rather low contrast,
the contrast has been increased.
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Cortis Jackson Pierce (1864-1924), son of
James Perry Pierce (1841-1916) and Emeline F. (Rolston) Pierce (1840-1895),
and husband of Laura Miles (1875-1963), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 014
for discussion of identifications
FPY 070:
Carte de Visite (2¼x4"), unmarked as to subject or date.
071: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
072: Gelatine-silver Silver Print (6½x8½")
mounted on cream-colored card (7½x9½"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
073: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
It is difficult to compare photos thought to be James Wilson Flynn because:
1) there are only three, 2) he has a moustache in two of them but not the
third, 3) the photos were apparently taken in his 20's and 30's while his
hairline was rapidly receding, and 4) FPY 001 was quite distorted due to him
being almost at the edge of the image formed by a rapid rectilinear lens.
The correction of the lens to produce straight lines necessarily results in
stretching at the corners of its images. The left hand image was
corrected for this distortion.
Despite the difficulties, he has some rather distinctive facial features,
such as the fact that his hairline is receding, his straight hair, his long
nose and flared nostrils, the usual relative measurements of eye width, nose
to mouth distance and mouth to chin distance, and, most of all, his long
ears that have lobes that extend well below where the ear attaches. Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of James Wilson Flynn (1879-1952),
son of Mahlan Flynn (1835-?) and Ann Newton Shirley (1839-1911), and husband
of Berna (Langley) Flynn (1884-1967), in approximate order of increasing age
from left to right. See
MISC 032 for
discussion of identifications.
075: Albumen print
(~6x8¼") mounted on a cream-colored mat board (~8x10"); unmarked as
to subject or date.
He was identified by comparing this detail image to all known or suspected
images of Jacob Marion Pierce, where the shape of his jaw, contour and
prominence of his ears, the thickness of his ear-tops and slightly slanted
eyes pegged him as Jacob rather than another of his seven brothers or many
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Jacob Marion Pierce (1878-1968), in approximate order of increasing age from
left to right. See
MISC 024 for
discussion of identifications.
076: Unmounted photographic
portrait, unmarked as to subject or date.
077: Mounted photographic
print, unmarked as to subject or date.
078: Gelatine-silver photographic print printed to look like it
is mounted on mat board, but it is actually a loose print (the part that
looks like an image is 3x4½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Printed: "Mecca, Indpls."
Lower Image:
079: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
Printed: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
080: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
Printed: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
081: Albumen print
mounted to and completely covering a stiff card (~1½x2 1/3");
unmarked as to subject, but the date 1896 is part of the border. Lower Image:
Comparison of known or suspected images of George, in approximate order of
age. See MISC 017
for discussion of identifications.
082: Gelatine-silver Print
mounted to an elaborate card that is printed: "Holborn's Dainties, 2820
Washington Avenue"; the back is inscribed: "Sister Florence"
(indicated who it was sent to); unmarked as to subject or date. Lower Image:
Comparison of known or suspected images of George, in approximate order of
age. See MISC 017
for discussion of identifications.
Lower Image:
084: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Line One Image: Original
cabinet card, full image.
Line Two Images: Close-ups of
each woman.
Line Three Image: Comparison of
known and suspected images of Florence (Pierce) Yandell (to compare to the
close-up on the left). See
MISC 008
for discussion of identifications.
Line Four Image: Comparison of
known and suspected images of Emeline (Rolston) Pierce (to compare to the
close-up on the right). See
MISC 013 for discussion of identifications.
085: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
086: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. Lower Image:
Comparison of all known and suspected images of Richard Miles Pierce, in approximate order of
age. See
MISC 025
for discussion of identifications.
087: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
Printed: "J.L. Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
088: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Date: c.1895.
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Richard Miles Pierce (1874-1959), , in approximate order of increasing age
from left to right. See
MISC 025 for discussion of identifications.
089: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 090:
Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
RW 009 and
CCHS 254 are also
cabinet cards from the Elrod studios, but not the same design as this
091: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
092: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Additional strength is added to the identification in that the only other
Klauber studio photos in the Crittenden Co. images are: FPY 092 probably Florence
Emeline Pierce, CSHS 214 Norval Lee Pierce (1871-1951), CCHS 227 probably
Cora A. Pierce, and CCHS
250 Florence Emeline Pierce.
093: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject
or date.
Printed: "Cook & Garrity, Marion, Ky."
Lower Image:
FPY 094: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of Ruth Sarah (Farris) Pierce (1885-1975),
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 026 for discussion of identifications.
FPY 095:
Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); a caption
printed on the card when manufactured reads: "W.P. Fife, 'The Drummer
Evangelist', Charlotte, N.C.".
This is one of two slightly different, but taken at the same sitting, images
(FPY 095 and FPY 096) of Fife in this collection. They were probably
purchased at one of his revivals as souvenirs.
FPY 096:
Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); a caption
printed on the card when manufactured reads: "W.P. Fife, 'The Drummer
Evangelist', Charlotte, N.C.".
This is one of two slightly different, but taken at the same sitting, images
(FPY 095 and FPY 096) of Fife in this collection. They were probably
purchased at one of his revivals as souvenirs.
FPY 097: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); inscribed on the reverse: "G.C. English, Fairfield IL
July 15, 1887". Nellie Hickman Cook was
the daughter of Levi Edmond Cook, Sr. (1835-1913) and Pernicia Ann Walker
(1836-1893), and the sister of Levi Edmond Cook, Jr., whose photos are
present here as CCHS 208 and
CCHS 233. Pernicia Ann Walker,
and therefore also Nellie Cook and, by marriage, Charles English, is a very
distant relation to the husband of Florence (Pierce) Yandell); Florence
collected and kept these photographs.
Lower Image:
FPY 099: Snapshot
gelatine-silver print (~2½x3½"); inscribed on the reverse:
"Sep. 2, 1934, age 90 years".
Elvira's birth date was 28 Dec 1845, according to her death certificate.
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of Elvira (Oliver) Pierce, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 033
for discussion of identifications.
FPY 100: Snapshot
gelatine-silver print (~2½x3½"); unmarked as to subject or
Back Row (L-R):
Pierce (1864-1924),
Ira Tilden Pierce (1876-1924),
Martha J. Walker
George M. Crider (1861-1917),
(Pierce) Crider (1869-1915),
William B. Yandell (1857-1940),
Florence (Pierce)
Yandell (1861-1938),
Ella (Cox, Langley) Pierce (1861-1928).
Front row: (L-R): probably
Perdie Walker(~1891-?), the partially
hidden face of Miriam Elizabeth Pierce
(1898-1987), probably Harriet Ann (Walker)
Chapman (1887-1971), Myrtle Nancy Walker (1896-1975),
Maggie Walker (1894-1954). See Album 4 Part 1 Image
0063 for discussion of Walker sister identification.
Middle kneeling person: She is not in the Album 4 version of this
group. She could be yet another Walker sister - Martha (1879-1919).
Another difference to the Album 4 version of this group is that Miriam
Pierce (dau. Ella) is not present, perhaps only present as the shadow of the
person taking the photo.
c.1915. James P. Pierce, the patriarch, is missing, and a date after his death
(1916) makes sense, were it not Cora's presence (d.1915). Miriam seems to
be older than 17, but cannot be. .
Lower Images: For each person in
the photo, a strip comparing known or suspected images other photographs in
this collection is shown. Within each strip, images are approximately in
order of increasing age from left to right. Discussions of which images are
known and how the unknown images were identified are to found at the links,
MISC 014 for Cortis Jackson Pierce.
FPY 101: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
102, fortunately, identifies the children as Fayellina 3yrs old and Milton
Wilson Dorr 18 mo. We can therefore assume that FPY 101 is their
parents: Richard Nicholas Dorr (1874-1948)
and Jessie Faye (Degroffenreid) Dorr (1873-1952).
FPY 102: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
102, fortunately, identifies the children as
Fayellina Dorr 3yrs old (b. Aug 1896) and
Milton Wilson Dorr 18 mo (b. Apr 1898).
FPY 103: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
The only twins in the close family of Florence (Pierce) Yandell are
Electra Florine
(1898-1965) and
Ethel "Letha" Maurine Pierce (1898-?), twin daughters of George Collin Pierce
(1877-1965) and his first wife, Lucy Ruth
Boaz (1880-1963). Their maternal grandmother was named Electra M.
(Carnahan) Boaz, and it is likely that her middle name was Maurine, in which
case both the daughters were named after her.
The location of the photography study: Marion, Crittenden Co., KY, is where
George Collin Pierce and Lucy lived (as shown by their enumeration in the
1900 census) for a short time after the babies were born and George and Lucy
were still married.
They soon moved to St. Louis, MO, though, where George would
spend the remainder of his life. When divorced, Lucy moved back to
Marion with Electra and Letha.
FPY 185 and FPY 186 are also
photographs of twins that could also be Electra and Letha, but those twins
appear to be identical and the photographer was located in Princeton,
Caldwell Co., KY. Lower Images: FPY
105 appears to be the same baby as FPY 103 Left, and FPY 104 appears to be
the same baby as FPY 103 Right. The images of each are juxtaposed for
FPY 104: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. Lower Images: FPY
105 appears to be the same baby as FPY 103 Left, and FPY 104 appears to be
the same baby as FPY 103 Right. The images of each are juxtaposed for
FPY 105: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date. Lower Images: FPY
105 appears to be the same baby as FPY 103 Left, and FPY 104 appears to be
the same baby as FPY 103 Right. The images of each are juxtaposed for
FPY 106: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 107: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); the back has written in pencil: "Mrs. W.B. Yandell"
and "Han d Bro" or "Harr d Bro".
"Mrs. W.B. Yandell" on the back indicates the recipient of the card (i.e.,
Florence, the wife of William Bennett Yandell). The meaning of "Han d
Bro" or "Harr d Bro" is not known.
Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Clore is the author of the article about the
descendants of Jacob Ahart Pierce (her grandfather) that allowed the
identification of probably half the photos in this collection. Thank
you Jennie! Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Clore,
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 027 for discussion of identifications.
FPY 108: Cabinet card
(4¼x6½"); the back is unmarked as to subject or date.
The boy is her
brother, Warren Vinson Pierce (1901-1989).,
who is identified by his wild hair in
MISC 004.
Lower Images: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Jennie Dorothy (Pierce) Clore,
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 027 for discussion of identifications. Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Warren Vinson Pierce. See
MISC 028 for discussion of identifications.
109: Real photograph post card (RPPC), unmarked as to subject or date. For years,, I
was prepared to believe that this was Willis Champion Pierce and his lovely,
straight-haired wife, Jennie Davis Peay (see FPY 074), especially since they had a daughter
Dorothy (FPY 107 and FPY 108) who looked much like this woman. But that is incorrect
(corrected 16 Feb 2017).
However, it did seem that Jennie in FPY 074 had less chin than this one.
Finally, I noticed that Willis habitually parted his hair on the right,
whereas other brothers having wavy hair (namely Henry, John and Richard)
parted theirs on the left.
I think that the correct
identifications are Richard Miles Pierce
(1874-1959) and wife, Jessie (Davis) Pierce (1876-1975),
identification from comparison to identified images in the lower photographs. Lower Images: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Richard Miles Pierce. See
MISC 025
for discussion of identifications. Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Jessie (Davis) Pierce. See
MISC 029 for discussion of identifications.
110: An oval gelatin-silver print mounted to an embossed
tan card. Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Jessie (Davis) Pierce. See
MISC 029 for discussion of identifications.
111: Albumin photographic print mounted on mat card in a
rhombohedral orientation; unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
112: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Photographs FPY 112,
FPY 113 and FPY 114 all appear to have
been taken at about the same time (early 1900's) and appear to be of members
of the same family.
of the minors were assigned a guardian, Judge James P. Pierce of Marion.
He had a daughter, Miriam, from his second marriage who was about the same
age as the youngest of the Walkers, Maggie and Myrtle. Snapshots of
Miriam Pierce with the four youngest Walkers: Harriet, Perdie, Maggie and
Myrtle can be found in the albums of the daughter-in-law of James P. Pierce,
Margaret (Bond) Pierce.
c.1910. Lower Images:
Detail of FPY 112 and detail of the person thought to be Perdie from ALBUM 4
Part 1 0063, for comparison. The long chin angling from the cheekbone
looks more like this person than any of the other Walkers for which there
are images.
113: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Photographs FPY 112,
FPY 113 and FPY 114 all appear to have
been taken at about the same time (early 1900's) and appear to be of members
of the same family.
of the minors were assigned a guardian, Judge James P. Pierce of Marion.
He had a daughter, Miriam, from his second marriage who was about the same
age as the youngest of the Walkers, Maggie and Myrtle. Snapshots of
Miriam Pierce with the four youngest Walkers: Harriet, Perdie, Maggie and
Myrtle can be found in the albums of the daughter-in-law of James P. Pierce,
Margaret (Bond) Pierce.
c.1910. Lower Images:
Detail of FPY 113 and detail of Myrtle from ALBUM 4 Part 1 0063, for
comparison. It looks like she has taken no small amount of trouble to
get her naturally curly hair straightened and up into the style of the
114: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Photographs FPY 112,
FPY 113 and FPY 114 all appear to have
been taken at about the same time (early 1900's) and appear to be of members
of the same family.
of the minors were assigned a guardian, Judge James P. Pierce of Marion.
He had a daughter, Miriam, from his second marriage who was about the same
age as the youngest of the Walkers, Maggie and Myrtle. Snapshots of
Miriam Pierce with the four youngest Walkers: Harriet, Perdie, Maggie and
Myrtle can be found in the albums of the daughter-in-law of James P. Pierce,
Margaret (Bond) Pierce.
c.1910. Lower Images:
Detail of FPY 114 and detail of the person thought to be Harriet from ALBUM
4 Part 1 0063, for comparison.
FPY 115: Gelatine-silver
print (~4x6"); unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Katherine M. (Shewmaker) Pierce (1898-?), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 030 for
discussion of identifications.
FPY 117 through FPY 124:
Discussion. Photographer: The
images FPY 117 through FPY 124, below, are all from the photographic studio of C.C.
Cook, Fort Smith, Ark. and are so embossed in the lower right corner of
their mounts. In addition, photographs associated with the Cochran
family of Crittenden County, Kentucky have identical photographer's
markings, some of which are copies of the same images here:
C026, C034,
C042, C046, and
C055. The
photographer is Christopher Columbus Cook (1846-1910), who had a studio in Fort Smith in
the early 1900's. He was born in Crittenden County, Kentucky, the son
of Christopher Cook (1797-1876) and Alice Yeakey (1806-1863). He was in Fort Smith by
the 1880 census, occupation photograph artist. He married Ann Ellen
"Ella" Black in Fort Smith in 1884. His occupation in the
1900 Fort Smith census was photographer. 1903 Apr 9 Thursday,
Fort Smith Times, page 8 of 8: Subjects:
The subjects appear to be members of the Thomas Henry Cochran (1862-1952)
family, including him, his wife Elvie Crider, two sisters, Mary and Anna,
and his daughter, Nancy. Date(s): The
photographs are all oval prints pasted (not matted) onto mounts that
have embossed oval lines around the print - maybe were
commissioned at the same time or nearly the same time. The colors of
the mounts, the sizes of the prints and mounts, and exact nature of the
embossed oval lines vary, though, which may indicate that they were not
taken at the exact same time. The photographer, Christopher Cook, may
have visited his kin on multiple occasions, and may have taken photos on any
one or all of those occasions.
This type of oval, wide mount, larger than cabinet size, and having the
photograph pasted on is a type that I
consider to have occurred and mostly replaced cabinet carts starting about 1900 and later.
The clothes are consistent with the 1900's. The dress in FPY 122 also
appears to be later than 1900, perhaps as late as 1915. From the
apparent ages of the subjects, many of the photographs appear to have been
taken during the time period 1905-1910. The
photographer C.C. Cook died in 1910, but did the connection to Crittenden
Co. die also, or continue with another photographer?
This image appears five times in the Crittenden
County photos. Photos FPY 117, FPY 120,
and C 055 are this image on a
cream-colored mat, and photos C 026 and
C 041 are the same image mounted on a
dark green or black mat.
"C.C. Cook, Fort Smith, Ark.", one of a number of photographs so marked (FPY
117 through FPY 124 as well as several copies of these in the
Cochran Photos). See discussion of
Cook at FPY 116.
Lower Image:
118: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on a
buff card; unmarked as to subject or date.
"C.C. Cook, Fort Smith, Ark.", one of a number of
photographs so marked (FPY 117 through FPY 124).
Nancy Moxley 'Nannie' Rochester
(1891- )
Date: She appears to be
about 18-20 years old, which would make this photo possibly taken in
commemoration of her graduation from high school, about 1908. Lower Image: Comparison of known or
suspected images of Nancy, in approximate order of age. See
MISC 050
for discussion of identifications.
119: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on a
light yellow card; unmarked as to subject or date.
If the date is in the 1890's, she is possibly
Nancy "Nannie" Moxley Rochester (1891-?), daughter of Joseph G.
Rochester (1854-1929) and Anna Cochran (1870-?). The
girl in FPY 119 has the same hair style as Nannie in C 007.
Alternatively, if this photo was taken 1900-1910, when
the other oval portraits are suspected of having been made, then this is a
person born about 1900, and not Nannie at all. One suspect would be
Miriam Elizabeth Pierce (b. 16 Dec 1898),
the niece of Florence (Pierce) Yandell. Lower Image:
This image appears five times in the Crittenden
County photos. Photos FPY 117, FPY 120,
and C 055 are this image on a
cream-colored mat, and photos C 026 and
C 041 are the same image mounted on a
dark green or black mat.
"C.C. Cook, Fort Smith, Ark."
Lower Image:
121: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on a
black card; unmarked as to subject or date. The card is the
same color and design as FPY 122. Lower Image:
122: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on a
black card; unmarked as to subject or date.
The card is the same color and design as FPY 121.
"C.C. Cook, Fort Smith, Ark.", one of a number of
photographs so marked (FPY 117 through FPY 124),
Date: c.1900;
she appears to be about 30. Lower Image: Comparison of known or
suspected images of Nancy, in approximate order of age. See
MISC 066
for discussion of identifications.
123: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on an
grey card; unmarked as to subject or date. This is a slightly
different color than FPY 124.
Nancy "Nannie" Moxley Rochester (1891-?), daughter of
Joseph G. Rochester (1854-1929) and Anna Cochran (1870-?).
Lower Image: Comparison of known or
suspected images of Nancy, in approximate order of age. See
MISC 050
for discussion of identifications.
124: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on
an olive grey card; unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image:
Comparison of the three images thought to be of Thomas Henry Cochran.
MISC 052 for
discussion of identifications.
FPY 125: Oval
gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on an black card having a
fleur-de-lis on the bottom front; unmarked as to subject or date.
c.1885; she looks to be in her 40's.
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of Elvira (Oliver) Pierce, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 033
for discussion of identifications.
Images FPY
126 through 134 and image FPY 138: are all marked "Browning, Charleston, Mo."
They are various photographers of the Solomon Gwaltney family of Charleston,
Mississippi Co., Mo.
FPY 126: Oval gelatine-silver photographic
print mounted on a warm grey card (~7¾x6"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Solomon Gwaltney
(1846-1915), seated in the middle of the front row, was the son of Simmons
Gwaltney (1811-1896) and Sarah B. Durham (1807-1854) from Hamilton Co.,
Fannie Mary Yandell (1856-1930), seated on the right in the front row, was
the daughter of John Augustus Yandell (1822-1908) and Margaret E. Crouch
(1830-1863) from Kentucky.
They were married in 1875 in Crittenden Co., KY, relocating almost
immediately to Missouri, eventually settling in Charleston, Mississippi Co.,
MO., right across the Ohio River from the western end of Kentucky.
Their children were:
1. Alonzo (1877) probably furthest left in rear row
2. Naomi (1878) seated on the left in the front row
3. John M. (1881) probably 2nd from left in the rear row
4. William Simon (1885) probably 3rd from left in the rear row
5. Thomas Wirt (1888) probably far right in rear row Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Fannie (Yandell) Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 034
for discussion of identifications. Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Alonzo "Allie" Yandell Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 035
for discussion of identifications. Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Naomi Grace (Gwaltney) Brewer, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 036
for discussion of identifications.
127: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Fannie (Yandell) Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 034
for discussion of identifications.
128: Oval gelatine-silver photographic print mounted on a
charcoal grey card (~5x8½"); inscribed on back: "Mrs. William C. Brewer"; unmarked as
to date.
This mount is the exact match
to the mount in FPY 129, suggesting that they were
ordered and taken at the same time, and that the people are closely related.
In this case, the man in FPY 129 is not a member of her family, so is very
probably her husband.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Naomi Grace (Gwaltney) Brewer, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 036
for discussion of identifications.
129: Oval gelatine-silver
photographic print mounted on a charcoal grey card (~5x8½"); inscribed on back: "William C. Brewer,
Charleston, Mo. Jan 25, 1905".
This mount is the exact match
to the mount in FPY 128, suggesting that they were
ordered and taken at the same time, and that the people are closely related.
In this case, the man and woman in FPY 128 and FPY 129 appear to be wife and
130: Gelatine-silver
photographic print (~2x3") in a black or charcoal grey mat (~4x6"); unmarked
as to subject or date. Unlike most of the photos that are pasted onto
their cards, this one has a mat over the photograph, as in today's modern
photo mounting.
Photographer: Unmarked.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Alonzo "Allie" Yandell Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 035
for discussion of identifications.
131: Gelatine-silver photographic
print (~3¼x4½") pasted on an art deco-look grey card (~5x7½");
unmarked as to subject or date.
132: Gelatine-Silver photographic print
(5½x3¾"), folded in a tri-fold pattern, and pasted into a paper
folder (not shown).
133: Gelatine-silver
photographic print (~4x6"), whose image has been matted to an oval
during printing, then matted in a charcoal grey mat (~5x7½"); unmarked
as to subject or date.
Photographer: Embossed on
the lower right: "Dagle's Railway Photo Car".
134: Gelatine-silver photographic print (~5x7") mounted on a
cream-colored card (~8x10"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Naomi Grace (Gwaltney) Brewer, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 036
for discussion of identifications.
135: Gelatine-silver unmounted photographic
print (~8x10");
unmarked as to subject or date.
-Evansville Press (Evansville,
Ind.) article, 29 Feb 1916: Evansville is across
the Ohio River from Marion, Ky.
136: Gelatine-silver unmounted photographic
print (~5x6½");
unmarked as to subject, but dated "-11-".
Evansville is across
the Ohio River from Marion, Ky.
Gelatine-silver photographic print (~5x7") mounted on an
off-white, textured card (~2½x4"); unmarked as to subject or
This card design and color is identical
to FPY 042, FPY 151, FPY 152, FPY 162, CCHS 263
and CCHS 265.
FPY 151 and FPY
152 are images of Ora Pickens, servant for
James Perry Pierce c.1900, and her son Teddy. That Florence Yandell
and her father's servant's family have the exact same card design implies
that Florence took the family to the photographer's as an outing and they
all got portraits taken.
138: Gelatine-silver
oval photographic print mounted on a grey mat (~3x4½"); unmarked
as to subject or date.
Photographer: "J.L.
Stewart, Marion, Ky."
Probably Alonzo
"Allie" Yandell Gwaltney (1877-1911),
son of Solomon Gwaltney (1846-1915) and Fannie Mary (Yandell) Gwaltney
(1856-1930), and husband of Etta May Sabin
(1888-1944). Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Alonzo "Allie" Yandell Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 035
for discussion of identifications.
139: Oval gelatine-silver
photographic print mounted on a brown mat (~4½x7"); unmarked
as to subject or date.
Photographer: Unmarked.
Probably Alonzo
"Allie" Yandell Gwaltney (1877-1911),
son of Solomon Gwaltney (1846-1915) and Fannie Mary (Yandell) Gwaltney
(1856-1930), and husband of Etta May Sabin
(1888-1944). Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Alonzo "Allie" Yandell Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 035
for discussion of identifications.
140: Oval gelatine-silver photographic
print mounted on a grey card (4½x9");
unmarked as to subject or date.
Probably Alonzo
"Allie" Yandell Gwaltney (1877-1911),
son of Solomon Gwaltney (1846-1915) and Fannie Mary (Yandell) Gwaltney
(1856-1930), and husband of Etta May Sabin
FPY 141: Gelatine-silver
print (~4x6"); unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Katherine M. (Shewmaker) Pierce (1898-?), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 030 for
discussion of identifications.
140: Snapshot (2¾x4½");
inscribed on back: "Sonny McLaren".
FPY 143: Gelatine-silver
print (~3x4½"); mounted on a art deco patterned card (~4½x6¾");
unmarked as to subject or date
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Katherine M. (Shewmaker) Pierce (1898-?), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 030 for
discussion of identifications.
144: Oval gelatine-silver print
mounted on a black card ( (~4¾x7"); unmarked as to subject or date.
She could very well be the same woman as in image FPY 145,
but that gets us no closer to an identity.
145: Oval gelatine-silver print
mounted on a black card ( (~4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or
She could very well be the same woman as in image FPY 144,
albeit somewhat younger, but, neither can be traced to a known person, that
gets us no closer to an identity.
146: Gelatine-silver print (3¾x4½")
mounted on a black card (~4¼x5¼"); printed on bottom in
red ink: "Made with the No. 4 Kodet Junior"; unmarked as to subject or date.
The Folding Kodet was a hand-held camera in which the front dropped down to
pull out the bellows. It was made 1894-1897. It could take the
tried and true glass dry plates of the day, but also could accommodate a
roll holder for the relatively new roll film. This photo was probably
made in a roll holder, which was subsequently shipped to Kodak still loaded
with exposed film, where Kodak developed and printed the photos (hence the
Kodak caption at the bottom), and then re-loaded the roll holder.
It is difficult to be
sure about a child, for reasons mentioned above, but, in this case, there is
a known image almost the same age, so FPY 147 seems to definitely be James
Boyce. FPY 146 is taken from a different angle, so it is not as
c.1887, in that James appears to be about 6. That the camera mentioned
on the mount was not made until 1894 means that either 1) an earlier photo
was printed on the already printed card, or 2) the subject is not James
Boyce Pierce, but rather a child born about 1890. It sure looks like
the boy in FPY 074, though. Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of James Boyce Pierce, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 007
for discussion of identifications.
147: Studio posed portrait,
gelatine-silver print (2¾x4") mounted on a black card (4¾x6½");
unmarked as to subject or date.
It is difficult to be
sure about a child, for reasons mentioned above, but, in this case, there is
a known image almost the same age, so FPY 147 seems to definitely be James
Boyce. FPY 146 is taken from a different angle, so it is not as
Lower Image:
Comparison of images known or suspected to be of James Boyce Pierce, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 007
for discussion of identifications.
FPY 148: Gelatine-silver
print (~5x7"); unmounted and left with an uneven border;
unmarked as to subject or date
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Katherine M. (Shewmaker) Pierce (1898-?), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 030 for
discussion of identifications.
FPY 149: Gelatine-silver
print (~6x8½"); unmounted but having a wide border that is
meant to mimic a matted photograph; unmarked as to subject or date
This photograph has been manipulated by the photographer to make her appear
to be thinner. The clue is that the irises in her eyes are not round,
but rather oval, having their longest dimension in the vertical direction.
While this is a trivial adjustment in a digital photograph, it is not so
trivial to do photographically, and is so rare that this is the only
instance of such a manipulation that I have seen. I suspected that
something affected the scan, but found that it was present in the original
photographic print.
Lower Image: Comparison of images known or suspected to be of
Katherine M. (Shewmaker) Pierce (1898-?), in approximate order of increasing
age from left to right. See
MISC 030 for
discussion of identifications. The source of
the images (e.g., CCHS 209) are overlain on the images. They are (left
to right): FPY 115, FPY 149,
FPY 148, FPY 141, FPY
143, and ALBUM 2 0056. Image FPY 149
has been electronically manipulated so as to correct the shape of her irises
(see discussion above under "Subject" to round in order to better compare to
the other images.
150: Rectangular gelatine-silver
print (2¾x3¾") mounted on a warm-grey-colored card (~5x6½");
unmarked as to subject or date.
The image appears to be a studio-posed portrait, and yet it is so out
of focus that no professional photographer would allow it out of the studio,
much less put his name below it. This suggests that this print could
be from a copy negative of an earlier photo.
The standing boy appears to have the protruding
ears that is the hallmark of most of the Pierce men.
In fact, when compared to Jacob Ahart Pierce in FPY 047 (lowest image), the
images are very much alike.
FPY 151: Photographic print (~2x2¾")
mounted on a textured, cream-colored card (~3x4¼"); unmarked as to
subject or date.
FPY 152: Photographic print (~2x2¾")
mounted on a textured, cream-colored card (~1½x2½"); unmarked
as to subject or date.
Carte de Visite (~2½x4"); unmarked as to subject, but
dated 1883 on back.
The image appears to be a boy, about 10 years old.
Gelatine-silver print, unmounted (~2x3½");
unmarked as to subject or date. Front is signed in ink: "With Love".
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
Photographs FPY 156 through FPY
164 are a group of identical mounts, sharing the characteristics of the
exact same: 1) coarsely textured off-white or cream-colored card, ) card size
and 3) rather crude cutting and mounting of the photographic prints.
Being identical, they are thought to have been taken or ordered at the same time.
Visiting the photographer at the same time implies that they are a family.
They are miniature photos, not CDVs or cabinet cards, so
probably post-date the cabinet card heyday, 1895 or later.
The family appears to consist of the mother (FPY
156), five daughters (FPY 158, FPY 159,
FPY 160, FPY 161, and
FPY 163), and a baby (FPY 157 and FPY
162, two copies of the same image).
Also in the series is a photo of Teddy Pickens (FPY
164), a servant in the James Perry Pierce family. He was born in
1894, and appears to be about 3 years old in the photo, so the series of
photos is assumed to have been taken in c.1897.
Also to be included here is FPY 137,
which is a much larger photo than these that nevertheless shares their card
design and color. FPY 137 is an image of Florence (Pierce) Yandell,
the collector of this entire photographic archive.
The deduced date and the presence of Teddy Pickens in
the series are the vital clues to the family's identity. These people
must be very closely connected to the James Perry Pierce family. The
only family close to the James Perry Pierce family to have as many as five
daughters in c.1895 is the Lewis Walker-Mary Belt family. Lewis Walker (1829-1896) and his second wife, Mary L. Belt
(1858-1897), had twelve children (he also had nine children from his first
marriage to Mary Jane Gober (1837-1874). Note that he died in 1896 and
his wife died in 1897.
From the apparent ages of the children, the date of
the photos would appear to be 1896-1897. This would have been after
the death of the father Lewis Walker and before the death of the mother
In 1896 or 1897 (the last numeral in the date is
illegible), James Perry Pierce became the guardian for the "minor children
of Lewis Walker ", number not indicated, but, assuming that the definition
of minor is <21 years old, the number of wards would have included all
twelve children of Lewis Walker and Mary Belt, which included 6 girls.
It is doubtful that the first thing the family did after the
death of the father is to go out and have portraits taken. So the most
likely scenario is that Florence (Pierce) Yandell, the person who assembled
this collection of photos, and the daughter of the guardian of the Walker
children, took her new foster family to the photographers for portraits for
which she paid. Florence was only 3 years younger than Mary (Belt)
Walker, and must have been something of a mother figure for them.
Their actual foster mother, Ella (Cox) Pierce, was about the same age as
Florence, but soon (1898) had a child of her own, Miriam Pierce. The
Walker children did not live with the Pierces; they were enumerated in 1900
with their eldest brother, Andrew (21 years old). The support of the
Pierces apparently was legal, money, and moral support. Miriam Pierce
looks to have been close friends with the Walker daughters. (see
Album 4 Pt1 0063, Miriam with the four youngest
Walker girls, c.1915).
Fortunately, an early photograph of Lewis Walker, Mary
Belt and some of their children (2nd Image at left) is available at
Find-a-Grave. Comparing the woman in this photo to our woman in FPY
156, we find that they appear to be the same woman (Lower Image at left).
This makes it conclusive that the series of images FPY 156 - FPY 164 are of
the Walker-Belt family. The photos were obviously taken before the
death of Mary Belt and probably after the assignment of guardianship in
April, 1897.
Further confirmation of the identities of the persons in
the series are that the apparent ages of the girls in the photos match the
ages that they would have been in 1897.
Lower Images:
1) Comparison of the face of Mary Belt from her known
image (from the family photo 2) below) to the face in FPY 156. They
appear to match quite well, even to the same hair style.
2) Image of Lewis Walker (1829-1896), Mary Belt
(1858-1897) and their four oldest children, who are, from right to left:
George Willis (1883-1839), Martha J. (1879-between 1920-1930), Andrew J.
(1878-1905), and Henry (1881-1969).
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
FPY 163:
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Photographic print pasted on a textured off-white
card (~2½x2¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 156 though FPY 164 are a series of identically
mounted photographs thought to be taken at one time and to be of one family.
See FPY 156 for
discussion of date and identity.
Lower Images: Comparison of all known or suspected images of
James Boyce Pierce, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 007
for more discussion.
Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Jacob Marion Pierce, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 024
for more discussion.
Comparison of all known or suspected images of
Joseph Oscar Pierce, in approximate order of age left to right.
MISC 009
for more discussion.
166: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"), unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 168: Gelatine-silver print (~4x6");
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date
FPY 169: Gelatine-silver print (~4x6½");
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date
FPY 170: Gelatine-silver print (~4¼x6"); mounted
on a warm grey board (~5½x7"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 171: Gelatine-silver print (~4¼x6"); mounted
on a warm grey board (~5½x7"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 172: Gelatine-silver print (~4x6");
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 173: Gelatine-silver print (~3¾x5½");
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 174: Gelatine-silver
print (~3¾x5½"); unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 175: Gelatine-silver print (~4x6");
unmounted; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 176: Gelatine-silver print (~5x7");
unmounted but printed with a wide margin to appear like it is matted; unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 177: Gelatine-silver print (~3¾x2¼");
mounted on a charcoal-colored board (~5x3¾"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 178: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~2½x3½"); loose photo; unmarked as to subject or date.
The baby would be one of her grandchildren, perhaps
Eunice Brewer (daughter of Naomi (Gwaltney) Brewer), who was born in 1917.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Fannie (Yandell) Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 034
for discussion of identifications.
FPY 179: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~2¾x4½"); loose photo; unmarked as to subject or date.
Lower Image: Comparison
of images known or suspected to be of Fannie (Yandell) Gwaltney, in
approximate order of increasing age from left to right. See
MISC 034
for discussion of identifications.
FPY 180: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~2¾x4½"); loose photo; unmarked as to subject or date.
If the guess about FPY 179 is correct, this might be
Solomon Gwaltney, with a grandchild. There is no way to compare him to
the bearded Solomon in FPY 126, though.
FPY 181: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~3½x5½"); loose photo; the back is inscribed:
"Gaylord, Mich. August 1917".
Since it is dated, we can say that the older woman
would have been born c.1847, and the younger woman c.1877.
FPY 182: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~3¼x5"); loose photo having a fancy printed border.
This photo is the same size and has the same border as FPY
183 - probably taken on the same roll of film.
Whenever we need a family for which Florence
(Pierce) Yandell would have kept photographs, that also contained a lot of
daughters, we go to the Lewis Walker-Mary Belt family. When Lewis died
in 1896 leaving a passel of minor children, Florence's father, Judge James
Perry Pierce, was appointed their guardian. Florence apparently was so
thrilled by her new foster siblings that she took them out for miniature
portraits (FPY 156-FPY
163). Florence's blood step-sister, Miriam, was only slightly younger
than the Walker children, and a snapshot (ALBUM 4
PT1 0063) shows her with four of her foster-sisters.
The series of portraits and the snapshot mentioned above
allow us to identify which Walker sister is which:
No. 1: The oldest woman (closest to the camera and next to the child) is
Martha J. Walker (1879-1920's). She
married William J. Powell (1880-aft.1940). She is featured in lower
image no. 1.
No. 2: The woman on the top step is Myrtle Nancy
Walker (1896-1975). She married Willis Ozias Andrews
(1891-1978). She is featured in lower image no. 2.
No. 3: The woman whose face is partially hidden behind Martha is
Perdie Walker (1891-?), if the assumptions made in Album 4 Pt1 0063 are
No. 4: The woman in the hat is Maggie Walker (1894-1954).
No. 5: This is a girl about 11 years old. Since Myrtle is the
youngest of the family, the girl can't be one of the sisters, and is
undoubtedly a daughter of one of the sisters. Finding the mother is
rather easy since only Martha had any daughters early enough to be that old.
Martha's daughters are Mary (~1900), Lurean (~1904), Mattie (~1905), Emeline
(~1906), and Myrtle (1909). The girl must be
Myrtle Powell (1909-?),daughter of Martha
J. Walker and William J. Powell.
With the identification of the girl, the date of
the photo may be more precisely estimated - c.1920.
Lower Images: No.
1: A comparison of all known or suspected photos of Martha J. Walker Powell,
in approximate order of age. See
MISC 043 for discussion of identifications. No.
2: A comparison of all known or suspected photos of Myrtle Nancy Walker, in
approximate order of age. See
MISC 044 for discussion of identifications. No.
3: A comparison of all known or suspected photos of Myrtle Nancy Walker, in
approximate order of age. See
MISC 045 for discussion of identifications. No.
4: A comparison of all known or suspected photos of Myrtle Nancy Walker, in
approximate order of age. See
MISC 046 for discussion of identifications.
FPY 183: Gelatine-silver
snapshot (~3¼x5"); loose photo having a fancy printed border.
This photo is the same size and has the same border as FPY
182 - probably taken on the same roll of film.
The woman on the far left is
Martha J. Walker (1879-1920's), daughter of
Lewis Walker (1829-1896) and Mary Belt (1858-1897). She is featured in
the lower image, that demonstrates how she was identified.
The man immediately to the right of Martha is
assumed to be her husband, William J. Powell
The other woman and man, presumed to be man and
wife, are Unknown.
Lower Image: A comparison of all known or suspected photos of Martha J. Walker Powell,
in approximate order of age. See
MISC 043 for discussion of identifications.
FPY 184: Gelatine-silver print (~2¼x3¼");
unmounted; inscribed on the back: "Norval L. Pierce, Jr. 2 yrs. old".
FPY 185: Gelatine-silver print (~3¾x5½");
mounted on a grey board (~5½x7½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 186: Oval gelatine-silver print;
mounted on a grey board (~8x6"); unmarked as to subject or date.
FPY 187: Gelatine-silver
print (~10x8"); loose photo; inscribed on the bottom front in ball point
pen: "The Musketeers"
FPY 188: Gelatine-silver
print, probably taken in a studio (~7x9½").
FPY 189: Print of studio
portrait now damaged; the digital file is from a photograph of the print.
Because the digital photograph was apparently taken at
an angle, producing distortion, the perspective was corrected using
Photoshop until their appearance was normal.
Even though not part of the collection of Florence (Pierce) Yandell, this
photo is included here because they are Florence's aunt and uncle.
FPY 190: Gelatine-silver
snapshot; the digital file is from a photograph of the print.
FPY 191: Printing-out paper
print, part of a strip of photographs generated in an automatic photographic
booth; original is ~2½x10".
192: Scan of a figure in the book: A Pictorial History
of Crittenden County, Kentucky, p. 81.
037: Cabinet card (4¼x6½"); unmarked as to subject or date.
"Douglas, Evansville, Ind."
Comparison of the mother to image
strips shows that the mother is
Ella J. Cox
(1861-1928), daughter of Alfred E. Cox
(1831-1920) and Martha Jane Ramsey (1839-1928), and second wife of James
Perry Pierce
(1841-1916). Likewise, the baby matches baby photos of her daughter
Miriam Elizabeth Pierce (1898-1987).
Lower Image
Lower Image
2: |