Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Photographic Apparatus,
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (New York, NY), November 1893, p.76
Department 5, Photographic Supplies, Lenses, etc., Andrew J. Lloyd
& Co. (Boston, MA), undated c.1898, p.41
Photography has Made the Sun an Artist,
Andrew J. Lloyd (Boston, MA) catalog, 1899, p.71
Catalogue No. IIII of Professional and Amateur Photographer's
Supplies, Wm. F. Uhlman (St. Joseph, MO), c.1901, p. 25
The American Annual of Photography (Times-Bulletin) for 1904, The
Anthony & Scovill Co., copyright 1903, ads p.21
Photographic Goods 1842-1904,
The Anthony and Scovill Co., (New York, NY), 1904, Catalog A, p.35
Photographic Catalogue, The Anthony and Scovill Co., (Binghamton,
NY), 1906, p.135